Session 7

From Arispemage

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Current revision as of 04:23, 9 October 2007

Storyteller: So, last we met, the group was outside Warehouse 18, debating whether or not to go in.
Brian: Brian was standing outside, still feeling pretty good considering a good chunk of his thigh had been taken out and healed up.
Peter Pan: "Well...if we are gonna go in, let's just do it now."
Brian: "Ve meet the doctor, then ve go back to Abuelo. Hopefully, we get paid nicely."
Peter Pan: "Paid?"
Peter Pan: "I thought you guys were just nice people..."
Brian: "I get paid in anti-tracking spells. Certain not vant to meet."
Peter Pan: He sighed. "So...was anyone ever planning on telling me that this was a job and not just us helping against a dire foe?"
Brian: "You nevah asked." Brian headed for the front door of the warehouse, opening the door with his staff in case of enchantment.
Storyteller: The door creaks open with a loud noise.
Storyteller: This hasn't been opened any time soon.
Peter Pan: "Maybe I can get a new Rapier...maybe a shiny magic one..."
Brian: Brian stopped for a moment, allowing the Aether to take over his eyes yet again, the flowers blooming in his pupils.
Adler: "I'm sure they can find something for you if you want them too." Adler nods and smiles at him.
Storyteller: There's lots of enchantments and spells inside. Most are fraying or fading in some way.
Peter Pan: Tenuously, Peter walked in, shivering a bit as he did, he reached up to his shoulder, more for the assurance that Tink was there than anything else
Storyteller: As you enter, you can see long tubes pressed against the wall.
Storyteller: There's writing below each one, in Atlantean.
Brian: Brian walked along, careful to not step on anything aggressive.
Storyteller: Most of the tubes have fading enchantments on them.
Adler: Adler scans them, her eyes darting from sign to sign, with the strange inner glow to Brian's eyes that is all that shows of her Hidden Meaning attainment
Storyteller: Most of them seem to be labels, all indicating some level of progress in development.
Storyteller: Scattered around are some odd runes on the floor.
Storyteller: Also, you're having problems seeing the far back, one of the lights is broken.
Brian: Brian went in deeper, his stick poking around through objects. "Hello? Doctor?"
Storyteller: No answer.
Storyteller: Only an echo.
Adler: Adler mutters something to herself and presses the coin in her hand against her forhead
Adler: roll 6#1d10
Adler rolled --> 1, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3
Adler: "EMP, Give us some light here."
Brian: Brian muttered something, the diamond and rubies on his staff beginning to glow.
Brian: The warehouse became filled with red and white lights.
Storyteller: At the back of the warehouse is a large work area and a broken tube.
Storyteller: Whatever liquid is in the tube is on the floor around it, dried up.
Brian: Brian walked around the dried liquid, his Supernal vision focused on it.
Storyteller: It's got some really faded spells on it.
Brian: roll 5#1d10
Brian rolled --> 3, 9, 6, 5, 1
Peter Pan: roll 6#1d10
Peter Pan rolled --> 6, 7, 7, 1, 4, 10
Peter Pan: roll 1#1d10
Peter Pan rolled --> 2
Adler: roll 6#1d10
Adler rolled --> 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 2
Peter Pan: Peter slowly walked towards the back
Storyteller: A rat squeaks and runs.
Peter Pan: roll 4#1d10
Peter Pan rolled --> 4, 2, 3, 5
Peter Pan: roll 7#1d10
Peter Pan rolled --> 2, 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, 9
Peter Pan: He quirked a brow. "Hey guys...come check this out."
Adler: Adler trots over to where Peter is, but not before scanning the entire room, casting out a net with her mind to detect all other minds in the area
Brian: Brian walked slower, looking at what Peter had found.
Storyteller: Some rats are about twelve or so feet straight down.
Adler: "What is it?
Adler: "
Storyteller: Peter shows you a point where the stuff just stopped.
Peter Pan: "Look, it jsut stops here..."
Adler: "Any spells right there EMP?"
Brian: "No. None that I can see."
Adler: "huh...wonder why it just stops..." Adler ponders this while looking over the rest of the mess.
Adler: "Any bets on this being where the thing was made?"
Peter Pan: Peter took out his knife and stuck it into the liquid, attempting to drag it over the point
Brian: "Sounds like a sane bet."
Storyteller: The knife slips into an unseen crack.
Peter Pan: O.o
Peter Pan: Peter poked at it a bit more. "Crack in the floor."
Storyteller: As you poke and prod, a little square of the floor starts to lift up.
Peter Pan: He moved to carefully pry it up without getting his hand int he liquid
Storyteller: It's not that hard to do.
Storyteller: There's a ladder leading down about twelve feet and there's a light at the bottom, but it's down a hall or something.
Peter Pan: Peter gently lowered himself in, using his Flight to ease himself down.
Adler: "Peter...shouldn't you let EMP or Genji go first?"
Brian: Brian took hold of the ladder, starting to go down himself.
Peter Pan: He looked up at Adler. "Why?"
Adler: "Because you don't have a sword anymore?"
Peter Pan: "...point." He said in a dejected tone and waited for Brian to move ahead of him, tightly clutchign his wooden knife.
Brian: Brian's feet touched the floor below, releasing the ladder and turning for the light.
Storyteller: There's a long hallway, about ten feet, and you can see an electric lamp shining on a table.
Adler: Adler waits until the others are down, and gives Peter's arm a squeeze, "Sorry..."
Storyteller: It's in a room, but that's all you can see from here.
Peter Pan: He twisted a foot nervously. "It's fine..."
Brian: Brian headed for the room, praying that his ambient electricity didn't short out the lamp.
Brian: roll 1#1d10
Brian rolled --> 2
Storyteller: The flickering of the light makes the spartan room seem a bit creepy.
Brian: Brian made sure to keep his distance from the lamp.
Storyteller: There's books, another tube, this with obvious wards on it, and a note on the table next to the lamp.
Brian: "...somevun van to get that?"
Brian: *vant
Adler: "I'll take a look at it." Adler walks over to read the note.
Storyteller: It's in a cramped script.
Storyteller: It reads, "To whomever finds this, this is my last will and testament. The thing whose creation has consumed me for years is now complete. I fear to wake it again, as the thing seems to be truely immortal, without the weakness of the previous creations. I hope that you don't use the knowledge contained in the books here."
Storyteller: "Much, but not all of my research notes are here, encoded. I regret the things I have done so far, and am off to try and redeem myself. Though I probably will die in the attempting, I still must try."
Storyteller: And it's signed M.C.A.
Brian: "...'e made anotha' one."
Peter Pan: "So that's why there were 2..."
Brian: Brian's eyes turned to the tube covered in wards.
Brian: " vun go near there."
Adler: "I have to find a way to destroy the second."
Storyteller: Well, it's right behind you guys, in that tube, apparently.
Brian: "If it were possible, vould not the Doctor 'ave done so?"
Adler: "Maybe."
Adler: "Its also possible that he was arrogant, even in his sorrow, and that it has an exploitable flaw that he did not realize"
Peter Pan: He shrugged. "Maybe we can jsut make sure it stays locked up forever?"
Adler: "That's a possible alternate solution, though it is in its very nature one that is...rather impractical, unfortunatly. Preventing someone from doing something is very, very hard."
Brian: "Vell, his books are here. I suppose there might be a clue or somthink."
Storyteller: Lots of books.
Storyteller: One in particluar looks to be bound in leather.
Brian: "If it ist possible to defeat, the books vould show a veakness, yes?"
Peter Pan: "I don't think we should read the books."
Adler: "Yes. However...I greatly fear that these books have dangers hidden in their pages"
Adler: "Ones that only someone with the specific knowledge could avoid...or someone that doesn't need to read to Understand. Fortunatly...we have ME." Adler smiles
Peter Pan: "...Adler...I really don't think you should read those."
Adler: "Alan...what do you think?"
Storyteller: Chibi-Alan says, Keep away from the one that looks like it's bound in leather, feels really bad to me.
Storyteller: Others, some minor traps, but nothing that seems as bad as the leather one.
Peter Pan: "I know you Adler, you're gonna start reading, and then you'll want to know hwo everything works..."
Adler: Adler sinks to her knees, "But...but without what's in the books, we don't stand a chance of destroying it. The first one was hard enough..."
Peter Pan: "Actually...the first one was a little bit of a cake-walk, it was just tiring."
Adler: "Except for the fact that it could very well have ripped EMP in half had that one moment gone only a little differently."
Peter Pan: "But it didn't."
Peter Pan: "Even if Ken hadn't gone and healed him, we would've been fine, it never struck again."
Adler: "Ok, fine. What if we seal it up, and next time there's no one to stop it?"
Peter Pan: "We find someone else to watch it. Sort of a Highlander affair"
Adler: Adler curls up on the floor, "That seems dangerous."
Adler: "Alan?"
Storyteller: Chibi Alan says, Personally, I say to look throught the books if you really think you can find something to destroy it. However, I'd be careful, I think I set the traps above this place. Ironic, really

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