Session 5?

From Arispemage

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Current revision as of 01:36, 30 September 2007

Storyteller: Ok, last we met, Petar and Adler were getting back from a Starbucks, Genji was bringing back the capitve, and Brain was getting his uniform and knife. [19:12]
Storyteller: That sound about right? [19:13]
Adler: yes, that's it exactly [19:13]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((Yep)) [19:13]
PeterPan: Yup [19:13]
Genji: ((Yupyup.)) [19:13]
PeterPan: Oh, someone sned me a PM with the post to roll dice please! [19:14]
PeterPan: ((Rawk.)) [19:14]
Adler: ((Adler just made peter drink something with 3 shots of expresso and over 400some calories of pure sugar. >-D)) [19:14]
Storyteller: Genji, your captive has started humming "Another One Bites the Dust." [19:15]
Genji: "Oh yeah, THAT isn't pessimistic." [19:15]
Storyteller: "I'm just a Queen Fan." [19:16]
Storyteller: "Although, I was considering humming Ogre Battle or March of the Black Queen." [19:16]
Genji: "You know, now we HAVE to win, right? Just to spite you." [19:16]
Storyteller: "Win what?" [19:17]
Genji: "The fight, naturally." [19:17]
Storyteller: "I'm fairly certain that my presence here counts a loss on my part, so this is going to be a rather farcical fight." [19:18]
Genji: Ken rolls his eyes and pops in his Kittie CD, cranking up the volume. "And I told YOU, we got it COVERED." [19:19]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: Brian arrived back at the meeting point, his normal fur robe and thick woolen clothing now gone. He wore a green hooded cloak with a golden clasp in front of the neck, the cloak covering his body beneath the folds of emerald. [19:19]
Storyteller: As you do that, your captive stops moving around. [19:19]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: Beneath the cloak was a black Special Ops outfit, the black leather and stretchy material held tightly to his body with darkened belts and buckles. [19:20]
Genji: Ken blinks, pulls over, and looks back at the Replica. "...?" [19:20]
Storyteller: He's just sitting there, corpse still. [19:21]
Genji: Genjis cranks the car back into drive and speeds on. Apparently some folks couldn't take their punk rock and like it. [19:21]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: Across his chest, a thick serrated blade hung inside its holster. The blade was a strange rainbow-like color, the steel sharpened with diamond dust and blood. [19:24]
Storyteller: (I guess you guys all reconviene?) [19:24]
Genji: ((Yupyup)) [19:25]
PeterPan: ((I'm up for that. Tink will lead Brian to the clocktower)) [19:25]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((If she throws fairy dust, Equan's gonna eat her)) [19:26]
Storyteller: (So, back at clocktower...) [19:28]
Genji: (Is the Replica still off when I get to the Clocktower?) [19:28]
Storyteller: (Still sitting dead still.) [19:28]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: Brian had followed the fairy to the Clocktower. He was realizing just how cold it was in this town now that he wasn't wearing all his furs and wool. [19:28]
Storyteller: (He's humming something, though.) [19:28]
Adler: (Peter and Adler just got there a few minutes ago, right?) [19:29]
Storyteller: (Just a bit.) [19:29]
Genji: Ken leans closer to Replizarus and tries to make out what he's humming... [19:29]
Storyteller: Stairway to Heaven. [19:31]
Genji: ...Of COURSE. Ken slings him over his shoulder, grunting with the effort, and picks up the shotgun in his other hand, carrying both objects with him into the tower. [19:31]
Storyteller: He doesn't seem to have noticed that you've stopped. [19:31]
Storyteller: Or that you're carrying him. [19:31]
Adler: "So, in any case, the whole matter of the problem centers on one's ability to intuit the proper combi...I'm sorry Peter, this has to be boring you..." Adler trails off her jaunt into the n-th strech of the unknown as she hears the sound of the door downstairs openig [19:33]
Storyteller: roll 1#1d10 [19:33] Plentimon:
Storyteller rolled --> 9 [19:35]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((He was getting all 10s!)) [19:35]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((HE'S A WITCH!)) [19:35]
Genji: ((XD)) [19:35]
PeterPan: Peter wasn't bored at all, he was lazily spinning in the air, floating about a foot below the ceiling off in his own little caffinated world [19:36]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: Brian went walking up the stairs to the top of the clocktower. There were a lot of stairs. [19:37]
Storyteller: You think that there may be an additional stair. [19:37]
Genji: Ken sighed. Yes. There WERE a lot of stairs. "A little help down here!? I brought a prisoner who's not cooperating!!!" [19:37]
Genji: He could probably do it on his own, but that was a waste of precious mana at this point. [19:38]
Storyteller: "... This is not the highlight of my life." [19:38]
Genji: "You're not ALIVE, technically. Existence is the better word." [19:38]
Storyteller: "... Point." [19:38]
Genji: "Glad we can agree on something." [19:39]
Storyteller: "Yes." [19:39]
Adler: "Uhh..." [19:39]
Genji: ((I just love the little interactions between Replizarus and Ken. XD)) [19:40]
PeterPan: Down the stairwell Peter drifted ever so dreamily. "You rang?" He asked in a tone that was half-sleepy half-joking as he held out his arms towards Ken's prisoner [19:40]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "If I have to go down for him, I'm just taking his upper body. If he's fine with that, then alright." [19:40]
Storyteller: "I'd rather walk, and be in one piece." [19:40]
Genji: Ken blinked at his Cabal-mate warily. "...Peter? Are you all in there?" [19:41]
Storyteller: "I think he's drugged, if I may add my opinion." [19:41]
Genji: Then set Lazarus down. Where was he going to go at this point. [19:41]
Storyteller: "So, up the stairs I take it." [19:41]
Genji: "Yup." [19:42]
Storyteller: He steps up the stairs, trying to keep a rythym as he does so. [19:42]
Genji: Ken took hold of Peter's pants leg, pulling him along like a balloon up the stairs. "Let's go sparkly." [19:42]
PeterPan: He nodded. "I'm just thinking a lot right now...." He grinned a little sappily as he floated backwards up the stairs, staying about a foot in front of Ken's prisoner [19:42]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((hold on, brb)) [19:43]
Adler: ((rriiight. Note to self: Giving Peter caffine+sugar is wierd.)) [19:43]
Genji: ((Yeah, really. o__O)) [19:43]
PeterPan: ((Peter's one of those kids that gets sort of hyper in his head instead of his body)) [19:43]
PeterPan: ((XP Much like a Nacht)) [19:44]
Genji: ((Heehee.)) [19:46]
Storyteller: Replizarus is now humming Dogs of War. [19:48]
PeterPan: "So, what's up?" [19:50]
Genji: "Well. I found Replizarus here searching the old Sanctum feverishly for The Book with a bunch of zombies. Rather than deal with things then and there, I decided to bring him here so we can have a nice talk." [19:51]
PeterPan: He stopped mid-air and shook his head. "Wait, what? You left a bunch of /Zombies/ runnign loose int eh field?" [19:51]
Storyteller: "Don't worry, they're Bio-degradable." [19:51]
Genji: "Nah, Lazarus-2 here was nice enough to send 'em off." [19:52]
Genji: "He's not such a bad construct when you get to know 'im. Just kind of annoying." [19:52]
PeterPan: He blinked confusedly before he turned around and zipped back up the staircase. "Adler! You never told me abotu zombies!" [19:52]
Storyteller: "..." [19:52]
Adler: "What? Zombies? Where?" Adler looks suprised and confused [19:53]
PeterPan: He flew into the main room and looked at her as he bobbed up and down in the air. "Yeah, there were zombies out at the ranch!" [19:54]
Storyteller: "Your friend is rather energetic. Is he like this normally?" [19:55]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((back)) [19:55]
Storyteller: (WB.) [19:55]
Genji: "Huh... not like THIS." [19:56]
Adler: "Oh. That's...unusual. I wonder who made them..." [19:56]
Storyteller: "The zombies?" [19:57]
Adler: "I hope they don't leave them to rot on the property. That smell would linger for years.." [19:57]
Storyteller: "I made certain they won't stink up the place." [19:57]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "We can clean them up later." Brian's short beard was clean of any loose hair, which seemed strange on him. [19:58]
Genji: Ken and his... guest finally arrive in the main room. [19:58]
Storyteller: "Nice place," he says a bit blandly. [19:59]
Genji: "...Looking good EMP." Genji compliments the older mage. He cleaned up good. [20:00]
PeterPan: Peter nodded vigorously in agreement wiht the Thrysus. "So, what're we gonna do with him?" [20:00]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "One doesn't wear the uniform of the Mutherlind while dirty." [20:00]
Storyteller: "This is just my suggestion, but I'd like continuing to live." [20:00]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "As for the replication...I say we separate the parts and see what makes him tick." [20:00]
Genji: "He hasn't really done anything KILL worthy." [20:01]
Genji: "I mean he's not really alive, per se, but I think he deserves to exist. Not his fault he was put together." [20:01]
PeterPan: "You want me to knock him out?" [20:01]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "It's not killing. It's silencing a loud object. Like turning off a radio." [20:01]
Storyteller: "I assume that I tick like a normal human, if I'm not altering myself." [20:02]
Adler: "He seems to have a mind of his own, at least to some extent." [20:03]
Genji: "Yeah. And while he's annoying I don't think we should just take him apart." [20:04]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "And what do you suggest we do with something sent by a man attempting to kill us?" [20:04]
PeterPan: "Hope that he doesn't kill us?" [20:04]
Genji: "Hey... Petey? You're good with Fate magic, right? Is there something we can do with that?" [20:05]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Guerilla warfare. Send a meaningless minion into the group of targets, then let him attack from the inside. I'm surprised he hasn't already blown up to take us out unguarded." [20:05]
PeterPan: "Ummm...nothing that I can do..." [20:05]
Storyteller: "I wasn't made for that." [20:05]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "You don't get to talk unless spoken to." Brian gave him a Russian glare. [20:06]
Genji: Ken sighed. There was no arguing with Brian while he was like THIS. [20:06]
Storyteller: The Replizarus shuts his mouth and starts humming quietly. [20:06]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((Hell yeah for Intimidation Specialty "The Glare")) [20:07]
Genji: "Well, he's not really alive, so destroying him isn't ending anything. We could always learn to put him back together?" [20:07]
Adler: "Well, it is possible that he wan't meant to fall into our hands [20:07]
Adler: " [20:08]
PeterPan: "Why don't we just let him go? I mean, what has this guy really done to hurt us?" [20:08]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "From what I can tell, ransacking our headquarters and seeking to steal from our group?" [20:08]
PeterPan: He went and crouched in front of Replizarius. "Do you intend to kill us?" [20:08]
Storyteller: "No." [20:09]
PeterPan: "Do you intend to reveal our wherabouts?" [20:09]
Storyteller: "Don't see why I should." [20:09]
PeterPan: "If we let you go, would you be willing to leave this town and not come back?" [20:10]
Storyteller: "Err. I might." [20:10]
PeterPan: "He seems like a reasonable guy" Peter shrugged. "It jsut doesn't seem right to do somthign like hurt him..." [20:10]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "He's a puppet. He doesn't INTEND to do anything but what he's told." [20:10]
Storyteller: "..." [20:13]
Genji: "I'm putting in my vote that destroying him doesn't sit right with me. Maybe we should have Adler try to learn more about him before we decide to do something?" [20:14]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Fine. You can try to find information from him. On the condition that if he can't or won't, I'm allowed to remove the threat." [20:15]
Genji: "All right, that sounds fair." [20:15]
Genji: ((Poor Replica, just has to sit there and hear us decide it's fate. XD)) [20:16]
PeterPan: "I'm sorry..." He sighed and looked down. [20:18]
Adler: "EMP, does this thing have an aura to your Prime senses?" [20:19]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: Brian sighed. "Let me check." He closed his eyes, letting the Aether settle into the forefront of his mind. After a few moments he opened them, the look of flowers budding in his pupils. [20:20]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: ((Activating Supernal Vision. Seeing what I can see.)) [20:20]
Storyteller: It's muddled, but there are traces of an aura. Death and Prime are most prominant of what you can see. [20:20]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Death and Prime. He's got an aura, but it's...messed up." [20:22]
Adler: ((Activating Aura Perception from Mind, which tells me 2 things: Does it have an actual Mind, and what is its emotional state.)) [20:22]
Adler: ((same with everyone else, actually)) [20:22]
Storyteller: (He has a mind, and he's worried.) [20:22]
PeterPan: ((Peter lacks a mind and is very angry)) [20:23]
PeterPan: ((XP j/k, Peter has a mind and is a bit diappointed)) [20:23]
Adler: "Well, whatever he is, he has a mind and the ability to be worried, something impossible for a simple construct to have." [20:24]
Genji: "I already know that he doesn't actually have any form of Life Aura I can sense. He's as dead as those zombies were, but way better put together." [20:24]
Adler: "He can still be imbued with Sentience through the dicipline of Mind, which makes him a thinking being." [20:25]
Genji: "Yeah? Makes sense, then." [20:25]
PeterPan: "What was that phrase...somthing like 'Freedom is the right of all sentient beings...'" [20:25]
Adler: "...I would mention something from a...yes, that's what I was thinking Peter." [20:25]
Adler: ((leave it to the teenagers to think of a cartoon XDD)) [20:26]
PeterPan: ((Lol)) [20:26]
Genji: ((XDDDD <3)) [20:26]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "So, he's a well-built zombie. What else can you find out?" [20:26]
Genji: "...Yeah, like the church of Optimus Prime says." [20:28]
Genji: ((I'm going to turn on Spirit Sight, just to round out our assessment.)) [20:28]
Storyteller: (There's some sort of Spiritual presence there.) [20:29]
Genji: "...Hold it... He's got some sort of Spirit on him..." [20:29]
Genji: ((I shall roll to Scrutinize him.)) [20:29]
Genji: ((Wits + Occult, yes?)) [20:29]
Adler: "Him and hundreds of others, Genji. He's worried." Adler frowns, and pulls out a silver key engraved with runes and her standard iron coin, with her personal seal of a Sphinx reading a book on one side and the Atlantian pentigram on the other, and gestures with them, murmuring in Atlantean before attempting to read its surface thoughts. ((okie, this is the hard thing. He probably resists this with his resolve. Spending the free mana to reduce the chances of Paradox.)) [20:30]
Adler: ((What's his resolve? + Gnosis, if any)) [20:30]
Storyteller: (He's not resisting.) [20:30]
Adler: roll 5#1d10 [20:30] Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1, 1, 5, 7, 9 [20:31]
Adler: ((whoops, I had one more die. Oh well, a success! what is he thinking?)) [20:31]
Storyteller: ("I wonder if I'll be around tomorrow?") [20:31]
Adler: ((that lasts about 6 seconds total)) [20:32]
Storyteller: (Please don't let me die. I wonder where the book is? Where am I?) [20:32]
Genji: ((D=)) [20:32]
Storyteller: (I wonder what's going to happen next.) [20:33]
Adler: "I vote we let him go. He's not really a threat regardless." [20:34]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "He broke onto our property, had knowledge of something we owned, in company of zombies meant to attack us." [20:34]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "You have a poor idea of what possible threats can be." [20:34]
Genji: "The zombies didn't touch me, EMP. They had every opportunity." [20:34]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Then the reason they were there was...?" [20:35]
PeterPan: "Maybe to help search?" [20:35]
Storyteller: He nods when you say that. [20:35]
PeterPan: "Extra eyes looking around is always helpful." [20:35]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Search for a book to give a man that has killed two people for their faces alone?" [20:35]
Genji: "They were searching the place. On our way out they were putting the place back together." [20:35]
Genji: "He hasn't told us why he wanted the book, yet." [20:39]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "He hasn't told us anything, yet. Which hasn't given me any reason to not simply get rid of a threat before he pulls something." [20:39]
Adler: "That would be a good question to ask. Why do you want the book?" [20:39]
Storyteller: "Wanted to ask it where another book was." [20:39]
Genji: Genji couldn't fault Brian for his thinking... Not an inch. [20:40]
Adler: "What's the second book you were looking for?" [20:42]
Storyteller: "The work of a Tremere that went crazy and killed off a bunch of Tremere." [20:43]
Adler: "Why do you need the second book?" [20:43]
Adler: ((Casting the same spell again)) [20:43]
Adler: roll 6#1d10 [20:43] Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 1, 7, 4, 6, 10, 8 [20:43]
Adler: roll 1#1d10 [20:43] Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 10 [20:44]
Adler: roll 1#1d10 [20:44] Plentimon: Adler rolled --> 7 [20:44]
Adler: ((lasts quite a bit longer this time)) [20:44]
Storyteller: You get to hear his "I want to know how I was made and why" a little before everyone else. [20:44]
Storyteller: And then he starts wondering if you guys know where it is. [20:44]
Storyteller: Or if you know just how valuable the Work of Alan Tax is. [20:45]
Adler: "What do you know about the Last Work?" [20:45]
Storyteller: "It was made by an archmaster, and has lots of info in it." [20:45]
Adler: "Well, obviously...." [20:46]
Storyteller: "Well, I'm assuming that you guys have it." [20:46]
Adler: "We might and we might not." [20:46]
Storyteller: "I can't think of any other reason that you'd go after that damned thing." [20:48]
Storyteller: "Well, unless the Archmage is helping you, and has faked his death counts." [20:49]
Genji: "...Wait, what?" [20:49]
Storyteller: "Huh?" [20:50]
Genji: "Why would you say he'd faked his death?" [20:50]
Storyteller: "I can't think of any other reason you guys would actually go after the monster if you didn't have some really big help." [20:51]
Storyteller: "So, either the Last Work, or the man himself." [20:51]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "We're going after the monster because he has killed people. Many of them." [20:51]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "There's little reason more than that." [20:52]
Genji: "Yeah. We were pretty much tossed together by the Concilium." [20:52]
Storyteller: "But you seem confidant that you will win. Or at least kill the thing." [20:52]
Genji: "Pfft. If we were pessimisstic about it we'd have already lost." [20:52]
Storyteller: "... Point." [20:53]
Genji: "What's that saying? 'You always lose when you agree to defeat in your mind'??" [20:53]
PeterPan: "Besides, we're all pretty good at what we do." [20:53]
Storyteller: "The guy that made me was pretty good at what he did, but he's still dead. Er. Deader?" [20:54]
Storyteller: "What word do you use to desctibe a dead Tremere?" [20:54]
Adler: "Properly Dammned." [20:54]
Genji: "Re-dead?" [20:55]
PeterPan: "At rest?" [20:55]
Adler: "Not really, if I understand the process correctly." [20:55]
Adler: "Given that a Tremere never truly dies in the first place." [20:59]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "I remember Old Man Abuelo speaking of it. The Tremere had designed an immortal guardian. His works had been stolen." [20:59]
Adler: "Would that make you the guardian?" [20:59]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "I believe his 'immortal guardian' is what we're fighting right now. And why I'm...less than trustworthy of anything undead at this time." [20:59]
Storyteller: "No proper clue. I could be." [20:59]
Adler: "Perhaps a test version..." [21:00]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Old Man Abuelo had once been in possession of the Last Works, and he had no idea where the Tremere's documents had disappeared to. Even if we did have the book, I doubt it would be of much use to you." [21:01]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Unless the Archmage himself had known what happened to them." [21:01]
Storyteller: "Well, I didn't have much use for them, beyond confirming what I was." [21:03]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Do you happen to still have contact with the one that made you?" [21:04]
Storyteller: "He's dead. But I know where to get his favorite skull for Hamlet recitations." [21:04]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "As you've said so yourself, Tremeres never truly die." [21:04]
Adler: "...unless they do: [21:04]
Storyteller: "He's the kind of dead you don't come back from. I think." [21:05]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "If only that kind of dead still existed." [21:05]
Genji: "Can't be sure nowadays." [21:05]
Adler: "Actually, its pretty easy...I mean, magic can't actually raise the dead back to life." [21:05]
Brian_Steffanoskovich: "Regardless. I'm convinced that the...thing isn't ACTIVELY trying to kill us. However, since he was made by the same person that created the monster that IS, he's still a security risk. I won't kill him...but we do need to do SOMETHING with him." [21:06]
Adler: "So once its dead, its dead. A Magister Mundi excepted, of course." [21:06]
Adler: "Well...perhaps he could help us? That would let us keep an eye on him, at least for the time being..." [21:10]
Genji: "Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines."

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