Marisa Brahe Tivrusky II

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Name: Marisa Elizabeth Brahe Tivrusky II

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 26

Class: Beastmaster Ranger, Level 1


Stats: STR16 CON15 DEX14 INT10 WIS14 CHA10

Description: It can almost be said with complete certainty that Marisa Brahe Tivrusky II is not her real name; however, she introduced herself as such the to small adventuring company she recently joined (The Quilting Queens) and has thus stuck to this alias for a surprisingly long amount of time. This does not stop her from introducing herself to new acquaintances by any number of names, each complete with a goal and backstory. Due to her outrageous propensity for lying, no one really knows anything about her past. In the observable present, she is hunter and tracker of modest skill; merely modest due to her habit of constant daydreaming. She seems to have an furious and active imagination that unfortunately gravitates to the cliche and unoriginal, though often twisted with a hint of just plain strange. She's accompanied by her loyal dog, who remains named Moxie regardless of whatever identity 'Marisa' is assuming. Considering how much time she spends daydreaming, it's probably safe to say that if she made it out in the wilderness as a hunter for any amount of time, only Moxie has kept her from starving.

Recent Identities:

  • Marisa Brahe Tivrusky II, displaced heir
  • Lanleu Loha, traveling swordsdancer
  • Denera Tinca, Chef extraordinaire and mushroom hunter.
  • Thoka, barbarian huntress and bear wrestler.
  • Victoria Knudell, Traveling countess; avid teacup collector.
  • Shola Evanisandra, exotic dancer in search of the ultimate massage oil.
  • Pepelu Safire, traveling book salesman and caribou breeder.
  • Aisha Eidolon, servant of the Summer Queen on a pilgrimage to experience summer everywhere.

Interview with Rainwater Puddledrop:

R: So, Miss Lanleu -

M: Excuseth kindest sir, my nameth be Lady Marisa Brahe Tivrusky II.

R: But, you wrote down Lanleu right here ... look.

M: A traveling swordsdancer? How crass! I am a noble lady.

R: Right, well, Miss Marisa - tell us about yourself.

M: I am the tragically lost heir to the Noble Tivrusky House! I fight to one day reclaim my family's mansion and thrown down the impostors who have taken my birthright!

R: Would you care to tell me how-

M: Wait, shoot, I didn't sayeth a single 'eth' in that last sentence, can we re-do that?

R: Uhm, where is the noble Tivrusky House anyway?

M: Oh, you knoweth, the, t-the Vale of .. the .. Gray .. Hunting .. Bears. Yeah.

R: You're not really a noble are you?

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