Seeker of the Song

From Arinthdnd

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[edit] The Minstrel

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d4

Requirements: Inspire Courage, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Inspire Greatness

[edit] Class Skills

Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Int modifier) x4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Light Armor, All Simple Weapons

Table: The Minstrel

1st+0+0+0+0 Inspire Courage, Rapture of the Song (+2 AC), Bardic Music, Seeker Music
2nd+1+0+0+0 Combine Songs, Seeker Music
3rd+2+1+1+1 Seeker Music
4th+3+1+1+1 Rapture of the Song (+2 Saves), Seeker Music
5th+3+1+1+1 Subvocalize, Seeker Music
6th+4+2+2+2 Seeker Music
7th+5+2+2+2 Rapture of the Song (DR 2/-), Seeker Music
8th+6/+1+2+3+2 Seeker Music
9th+6/+1+3+3+3 Seeker Music
10th+7/+2+3+3+3 Rapture of the Song (Freedom of Movement), Seeker Music

Rapture of the Song - While singing, you gain various bonuses to AC, DR, and even Saves.

Bardic Music: Levels in Seeker of the Song stack with Rogue levels to determine the effectiveness of Rogue Talents related to music, such as Inspire Courage

[edit] Seeker Music

Burning Melody: +15 Fire Resistance

Refrain: 30 foot cone of fire, 10d6 damage. Reflex save (DC 10 + Perform Skill) halves the damage.

Requirement: Perform 13 Ranks

Dirge of Frozen Loss: +15 Cold Resistance

Refrain: 60 foot line of cold, 8d6 damage, and causes fatigue. A successful reflex save halves the damage and negates the fatigue.

Requirement: Perform 13 Ranks

Anthem of Thunder and Pain: +15 Electric Resistance

Refrain: Ray Touch-Attack, range of 20 feet - deals 10d6 damage to a creature it hits. The seeker can then cause the electricity to arch to other foes, all whom most be within 20 feet of the first foe struck. Each secondary ray requires another ranged touch attack to hit, and deals half as much damage as the initial ray. A seeker can create one secondary ray for every three seeker class levels.

Requirement: Perform 13 ranks

Song of Freedom: As Bard Ability Requirement: Perform 15 Ranks

Ballad of Agony Reborn: 15 Acid Resistance

Refrain: Ray - Ranged Touch attack - 60 feet range. Deals 8d6 Acid damage to a creature if it hits, then 6d6 points of acid damage 1 round later.

Requirement: Perform 13 Ranks

Song of Life: Immunity to poison and disease.

Refrain: Roll a perform check; touched ally is healed by the result plus your minstrel level, up to their full HP

Requirement: Perform 15 Ranks

Song of Unmaking: All constructs within 30 feet take 1d4 damage

Refrain: Make a perform check; all constructs within 30 feet take damage equal to the result

Requirement: Perform 15 Ranks

Hymn of Spelldeath: Make a perform check; any creature that can hear the seeker perform must make a concentration check opposing the seeker's perform check to cast a spell. If the concentration check fails, the spell is lost and has no effect.

Refrain: Like spell dispel magic, except effect is centered on seeker. At the seeker's option, they may exclude herself and others from this effect. You must make a level check, as if a spellcaster casting dispel magic, using your rogue and seeker of the song levels as our modifier.

Requirement: Perform 15 ranks

Inspire Heroics: As Bard Ability

Requirement: Perform 18 Ranks

Aria of Everywhere: +10 to move

Refrain: +25 to move, Spring Attack feat to all allies, +4 dodge bonus

Requirement: Perform 18 Ranks

Mass Suggestion: As Bard Ability

Requirement: Perform 21 Ranks

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