Eclipse Dawn Discipline

From Arinthdnd

Revision as of 03:13, 25 November 2007 by (Talk)

Eclipse Dawn Level 1 Enlightened Path [Light Stance] If you’ve moved at least 10 feet this turn, you gain +5 to your attack rolls. Way of Secrets [Dark Stance] If you’ve moved at least 10 feet this turn, you gain +1d6 to your melee damage rolls. [Boost] If you’re in a light stance, whenever you hit a foe with a melee attack this turn you heal 1d8 damage. If you’re in a dark stance, you deal +1d6 damage on all melee attacks this turn [Strike] If you’re in a light stance, this strike deals 1d4 dex damage If you’re in a dark stance, this strike deals 1d4 con damage [Strike] If you’re in a light stance, if this strike hits the foe has -5 to hit on his following turn If you’re in a dark stance, if this strike hits you have concealment until your next turn Level 2 [Strike] If you’re in a light stance, this strike ignores AC and DR derived from armor. If you’re in a dark stance, opponent is flat-footed and you ignore any natural DR. Either also deals +2d6 damage [Counter] Replace AC with Perform (Dance) check. Soul Burst [Strike] If you’re in a light stance, make a melee touch attack – if it hits, it does 1d8+str mod + dex mod + con mod damage. This is a full attack action. If you’re in a dark stance, make a melee touch attack – if it hits, it does 1d8+int mod + wis mod + cha mod damage. This is a full attack action. Level 3 Vindictive Darkness [Dark Strike] This strike has a doubled threat range; critical threats made as part of this maneuver are automatically confirmed. Glory of Light [Light Strike] As part of this strike, make a charge attack with a +5 to hit and no penalty to AC. Dance with Darkness [Dark Stance] While in this stance, you cannot move more than 10 feet and cannot make full attack actions. While in this stance, whenever you’re attacked you may replace your AC with a Perform (Dance) roll. Enthusiasm [Light Stance] While in this stance, if you’ve moved at least 20 feet, you may make a Perform (Dance) check to hit instead of an attack roll. Level 4 [Strike] Make a ranged touch attack (30feet) at a -2 penalty and deal 5d6 negative energy damage to one foe – then heal an ally within 30 feet for the same amount of damage caused. Cannot be used to heal self. Flare [Strike] If in a light stance, make a melee attack; it deals +2d6 damage and target loses their next move action If in a dark stance, make a melee attack; it deals +2d6 damage and you recover 2d6 health. Level 5 [Dark Boost] Teleport 50ft. through shadows as a move action [Light Boost] During this turn, charge attacks you initiate deal +5d6 damage [Strike] If you’re in a light stance, this strike ignores AC and DR derived from armor. If you’re in a dark stance, opponent is flat-footed and you ignore any natural DR. Either also deals +5d6 damage [Dark Stance] Any melee attacks against you provoke attacks of opportunity. You deal +3d6 damage on attacks of opportunity provoked this way. [Light Stance] Opponents that threaten you provoke an attack of opportunity if they do not attack you. You deal +3d6 damage on attacks of opportunity provoked this way. Level 6 [Dark Strike] This strike has a tripled threat range; critical threats made as part of this maneuver are automatically confirmed. Glory of Light [Light Strike] As part of this strike, make a charge attack with a +8 to hit and +2 to AC. [Boost] If you’re in a light stance, treat all your d20 results this turn as an 11. If you’re in a dark stance, treat all your weapon damage results as their maximum this turn. Level 7 [Dark Boost] Teleport 50ft. through shadows as a swift action [Light Boost] Level 8 Corona of the Eclipse [Eclipse Stance] Choose any one Dark Stance, and any one Light Stance. The benefits of both stances apply. If you use any maneuvers which specify an effect depending on your stance, both occur. Sacrifice [Counter] If you activate this counter, you allow your opponent to hit you, maximizing his damage. In return you get the chance to make a maximized critical strike that also deals +5d6 damage. Even if allowing your opponent to hit you kills you, you still manage to inflict the critical hit. Level 9 [Strike] Take a full flurry of blows action; each attack has a bonus to hit equal to your [Con+Str+Dex] Modifiers. Each attack has a bonus to damage equal to your [Int+Wis+Cha] Modifiers.

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