
From Arinthdnd

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|4th||+3||+1||+4||+4|| align="left" | -- || || 3
|4th||+3||+1||+4||+4|| align="left" | -- || || 3
|5th||+3||+1||+4||+4|| align="left" | Shaman Talent|| || 4
|5th||+3||+1||+4||+4|| align="left" | '''Major Shaman Talent''' || || 4
|- class="even"
|- class="even"
|6th||+4||+2||+5||+5|| align="left" | -- || || 5
|6th||+4||+2||+5||+5|| align="left" | -- || || 5
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'''Speak with Spirits:'''The Shaman has the ability to communicate with the anima; the spirits that make up the world. Unless hostile for some reason, the spirits will generally respond, and truthfully, to the Shaman. They may not always understand the affairs of mortals (or care to..) so their information isn't necessarily reliable.
'''Speak with Spirits:'''The Shaman has the ability to communicate with the anima; the spirits that make up the world. Unless hostile for some reason, the spirits will generally respond, and truthfully, to the Shaman. They may not always understand the affairs of mortals (or care to..) so their information isn't necessarily reliable.
'''Major Shaman Talents''': On the 1st, 5th, 10th, and 15th levels, a shaman has a choice of choosing Major Talents, which are special abilities that open up many other abilities and key aspects of the shaman's abilities.  He can only learn these abilities at these levels.  Note two things, however - firstly, you are not obliged to take a major shaman talent on these levels - you may opt to take a normal shaman talent instead.  Secondly, you may only learn three Major Shaman Talents total - so you will be forced to learn a non-major shaman talent during your major-talent slots at least once.
==Shaman Talents==
==Shaman Talents==
*Improved Unarmed Strike (See page 73 of Complete Arcane)
*Point Blank Shot
*Precise Shot
*Weapon Focus (Touch Spells)
*Weapon Focus (Ranged Spells)
*Energy Substitution
*Obtain Familiar
===Spirit Related===
===Spirit Related===
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'''Spirit Charmer'''
'''Spirit Charmer'''
'''Prerequisites''': Major Talent
'''Prerequisites''': Major Talent, must be taken at 1st level
'''Description''': You are able to summon nature spirits to fight for you.  Consult the [[Spirit Charmer]] Guide.
'''Description''': You are able to summon nature spirits to fight for you.  Consult the [[Spirit Charmer]] Guide.
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===Invocation Related===
'''Prerequisites''': Major Talent, must be taken at 1st level
'''Description''': You may learn and utilize invocations.  You also pick an energy type (Cold, Fire, Electric, Sonic, Acid, Negative).  You may shoot rays of this energy type as a standard action. See Eldritch Blast class feature of Warlocks.
'''Extra Invocation'''
'''Prerequisites''': Invoker
'''Description''': You may learn an extra invocation.  May be taken multiple times, each time you choose a different invocation.
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*Eagle - +1 Str, +2 Cha - 1d4 talon attacks, wings (good maneuverability), +4 Spot Checks
*Eagle - +1 Str, +2 Cha - 1d4 talon attacks, wings (good maneuverability), +4 Spot Checks
*Bear - +2 Str, +1 Con - 1d6 claw attacks, Improved Grapple
*Bear - +2 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 claw attacks, Improved Grapple
*Tiger - +3 Str - 1d4 claw attacks, +4 hide, +4 move silently
*Tiger - +3 Str - 1d4 claw attacks, +4 hide, +4 move silently
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*Deer - +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con - 1d6 gore attack, +10 move, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently
*Deer - +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con - 1d6 gore attack, +10 move, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently
*Boar - +2 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 tusk attack, Diehard Feat
*Boar - +1 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 tusk attack, Diehard Feat, Rage
*Dragon - +2 Str, +2 Cha - Natural DR 1/--, Breath Weapon [ECL/2 d6], claws 1d4, tail 1d6, trip attack
*Dragon - +1 Str, +2 Cha - Natural DR 1/--, Breath Weapon [ECL/2 d6], claws 1d4, tail 1d6, trip attack
*Poison Snake - +3 Dex - 1d4 poison bite (d4 dex damage), +1 Reflex Saves, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +4 Escape Artist
*Poison Snake - +3 Dex - 1d4 poison bite (d4 dex damage), +1 Reflex Saves, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +4 Escape Artist
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*Wolf - Trip Attack, +10 move
*Wolf - Trip Attack, +10 move
*Eagle - d6 talon attack
*Eagle - d6 talon attack
*Bear - DR 2/--, Improved Grab
*Bear - Improved Grab
*Tiger - 2d6 rake attack
*Tiger - 2d6 rake attack
*Raven - +4 to all knowledge checks (always active)
*Raven - +4 to all knowledge checks (always active)
*Owl - +8 Spot
*Owl - +8 Spot
*Deer - +20 move
*Deer - +20 move
*Boar - DR 5/--
*Boar - DR 5/--, Greater Rage
*Dragon - DR 5/--, Breath Weapon d8
*Dragon - DR 5/--, Breath Weapon d8
*Poison Snake - +5 Reflex Saves, 1d6 dex damage
*Poison Snake - +5 Reflex Saves, 1d6 dex damage
*Constrictor - 1d6+STR bite, Improved Grab, Improved Constrict (1d6+STR+CON)
*Constrictor - 1d6+STR bite, Improved Grab, Improved Constrict (1d6+STR+CON)
'''Morphic Immunities + Morphic Weapons'''
'''Prerequisites''': Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes
'''Description''': As ability for Warshaper
'''Nature's Armament'''
'''Prerequisites''': Wild Shapes
'''Description''': As ability for Nature's Warrior.  May be taken up to three times, each time selecting a different ability.
'''Morphic Body'''
'''Prerequisites''': Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Immunities + Morphic Weapons
'''Description''': As ability for Warshaper
'''Morphic Reach'''
'''Prerequisites''': Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Body
'''Description''': As ability for Warshaper
'''Morphic Healing'''
'''Prerequisites''': Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Reach
'''Description''': As ability for Warshaper
'''Prerequisites''': Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Healing
'''Description''': As ability for Warshaper
===Soul Binding===
===Soul Binding===
'''Soul Binding'''
'''Many Souls'''
'''Prerequisites''': Major Talent, must be taken at 1st level
'''Description''': Similar to '''Soul Binding''' ability of Binders.  However, instead of a voluntary pact, this talent represents one who has the rare ability to contain many souls within one body. See [[Many Souls]] for further details.
Each soul has separate mental ability scores.
'''Fractured Mind'''
'''Prerequisites''': Many Souls
'''Description''': Because many souls inhabit the same body, you gain a peculiar resistance to mind-affecting spells and abilities of sorts.  You add the wisdom modifiers of ALL your souls to resist mind-affecting effects.
'''Prerequisites''': Fractured Mind
'''Description''': If anyone tries to read your thoughts or emotions through whatever means, they take non-lethal damage equal all of your soul's combined wisdom modifiers x d6
'''Rune Binding'''
'''Prerequisites''': Major Talent
'''Prerequisites''': Major Talent
'''Description''': As ability for Binders
'''Description''': As Kensai Signature Weapon ability.
'''Learn Rune'''
'''Prerequisites''': Rune Binding - may be taken multiple times, each time learning a new rune (up to five runes)
'''Description''': When applying any of the following runes to yourself, you must pay a certain amount of experience based on the number of runes you have already applied on yourself (see Kensai Signature Weapon Ability - exp progression is the same).  In addition to the experience cost, you also take the corresponding taboo.  Now that you know the Rune, you may also apply the runes unto other non-shamans.  They must pay double the experience cost you do to attain a rune.
*Arrowfoot Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot kill
*Bamboo Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot light fires
*Bat Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot own more than you can carry
*Bellflower Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot touch dead bodies
*Butterfly Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must wear bright colors
*Centipede Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 9th Level Required - Cannot wear green
*Crab Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must bathe every day
*Chrysanthemum Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot wear black
*Dragon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot have intimate actions
*Dragonfly Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must bathe every morning
*Lion Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must eat meat every day
*Monkey Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot Bathe
*Crescent Moon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 13th Level Required - Cannot wear white
*Full Moon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot drink alcohol
*Mountain Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot sprint
*Nightingale Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must take an hour during sunset or sunrise to sing
*Phoenix Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 11th Level Required - Must burn incense and meditate 1 hour every day
*Sun Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot smoke
*Tortoise Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot sprint
*Unicorn Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot eat meat
*Wasp Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must make an offering of fresh flowers every day
*White Mask Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot tell others their name

Current revision as of 21:29, 1 December 2007



[edit] Shaman

Alignment: Any Lawful

Hit Die: d6

[edit] Class Skills

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

The shaman’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Table: The Shaman

1st+0+0+2+2 Major Shaman Talent, Speak with Spirits 1
2nd+1+0+3+3 Shaman Talent 2
3rd+2+1+3+3 Shaman Talent 2
4th+3+1+4+4 -- 3
5th+3+1+4+4 Major Shaman Talent 4
6th+4+2+5+5 -- 5
7th+5+2+5+5 Shaman Talent 6
8th+6/+1+2+6+6 --- 6
9th+6/+1+3+6+6 Shaman Talent 7
10th+7/+2+3+7+7 Major Shaman Talent 8
11th+8/+3+3+7+7 Shaman Talent 9
12th+9/+4+4+8+8 -- 10
13th+9/+4+4+8+8 Shaman Talent 10
14th+10/+5+4+9+9 -- 11
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+9 Major Shaman Talent 12
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10 --- 13
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10 Shaman Talent 14
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+11 Shaman Talent 14
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+11 Shaman Talent 15
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+12 Shaman Talent 16

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a wizard’s movements, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.

Speak with Spirits:The Shaman has the ability to communicate with the anima; the spirits that make up the world. Unless hostile for some reason, the spirits will generally respond, and truthfully, to the Shaman. They may not always understand the affairs of mortals (or care to..) so their information isn't necessarily reliable.

Major Shaman Talents: On the 1st, 5th, 10th, and 15th levels, a shaman has a choice of choosing Major Talents, which are special abilities that open up many other abilities and key aspects of the shaman's abilities. He can only learn these abilities at these levels. Note two things, however - firstly, you are not obliged to take a major shaman talent on these levels - you may opt to take a normal shaman talent instead. Secondly, you may only learn three Major Shaman Talents total - so you will be forced to learn a non-major shaman talent during your major-talent slots at least once.

[edit] Shaman Talents

[edit] Feats

  • Improved Unarmed Strike (See page 73 of Complete Arcane)
  • Point Blank Shot
  • Precise Shot
  • Weapon Focus (Touch Spells)
  • Weapon Focus (Ranged Spells)
  • Energy Substitution
  • Obtain Familiar

[edit] Spirit Related

Spirit Charmer

Prerequisites: Major Talent, must be taken at 1st level

Description: You are able to summon nature spirits to fight for you. Consult the Spirit Charmer Guide.

Chastise Spirits

Prerequisites: None

Description: As Spirit Shaman Ability

Ghost Warrior

Prerequisites: Chastise Spirits, 6th Level

Description: As Spirit Shaman Ability


Prerequisites: Chastise Spirits, 16th Level

Description: As Spirit Shaman Ability

[edit] Invocation Related


Prerequisites: Major Talent, must be taken at 1st level

Description: You may learn and utilize invocations. You also pick an energy type (Cold, Fire, Electric, Sonic, Acid, Negative). You may shoot rays of this energy type as a standard action. See Eldritch Blast class feature of Warlocks.

Extra Invocation

Prerequisites: Invoker

Description: You may learn an extra invocation. May be taken multiple times, each time you choose a different invocation.

[edit] Shapeshifting

Wild Shapes

Prerequisites: Major Talent - mutually exclusive with Hybrid Form

Description: As ability for Druids - scales up to 15th level (no elemental forms)

Hybrid Form

Prerequisites: Major Talent - mutually exclusive with Wild Shapes

Description: You may choose an animal from the following list; you transform into a hybrid form of that animal. You always maintain hybrid form.

  • Wolf - +1 Str, +2 Dex - 1d4 claw attacks, Scent Ability, +4 Listen Checks
  • Eagle - +1 Str, +2 Cha - 1d4 talon attacks, wings (good maneuverability), +4 Spot Checks
  • Bear - +2 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 claw attacks, Improved Grapple
  • Tiger - +3 Str - 1d4 claw attacks, +4 hide, +4 move silently
  • Raven - +2 Dex, +2 Wis - wings (average maneuverability), +4 Bluff checks, +4 Diplomacy
  • Owl - +2 Dex, +2 Int - wings (good maneuverability), 1d4 talon attack, +4 Listen checks, Dark Vision
  • Deer - +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con - 1d6 gore attack, +10 move, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently
  • Boar - +1 Str, +2 Con - 1d6 tusk attack, Diehard Feat, Rage
  • Dragon - +1 Str, +2 Cha - Natural DR 1/--, Breath Weapon [ECL/2 d6], claws 1d4, tail 1d6, trip attack
  • Poison Snake - +3 Dex - 1d4 poison bite (d4 dex damage), +1 Reflex Saves, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +4 Escape Artist
  • Constrictor - +2 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con - +4 fortitude saves, +4 Hide, +4 Move Silently, +4 Escape Artist

Full Animal Form

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, Major Shaman Talent

Description: You further gain features of your selected animal, doubling the stat and skill check bonuses, and gaining new features while in this form.

  • Wolf - Trip Attack, +10 move
  • Eagle - d6 talon attack
  • Bear - Improved Grab
  • Tiger - 2d6 rake attack
  • Raven - +4 to all knowledge checks (always active)
  • Owl - +8 Spot
  • Deer - +20 move
  • Boar - DR 5/--, Greater Rage
  • Dragon - DR 5/--, Breath Weapon d8
  • Poison Snake - +5 Reflex Saves, 1d6 dex damage
  • Constrictor - 1d6+STR bite, Improved Grab, Improved Constrict (1d6+STR+CON)

Morphic Immunities + Morphic Weapons

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes

Description: As ability for Warshaper

Nature's Armament

Prerequisites: Wild Shapes

Description: As ability for Nature's Warrior. May be taken up to three times, each time selecting a different ability.

Morphic Body

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Immunities + Morphic Weapons

Description: As ability for Warshaper

Morphic Reach

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Body Description: As ability for Warshaper

Morphic Healing

Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Reach

Description: As ability for Warshaper


Prerequisites: Hybrid Form, or Wild Shapes, Morphic Healing

Description: As ability for Warshaper

[edit] Soul Binding

Many Souls

Prerequisites: Major Talent, must be taken at 1st level

Description: Similar to Soul Binding ability of Binders. However, instead of a voluntary pact, this talent represents one who has the rare ability to contain many souls within one body. See Many Souls for further details.

Each soul has separate mental ability scores.

Fractured Mind

Prerequisites: Many Souls

Description: Because many souls inhabit the same body, you gain a peculiar resistance to mind-affecting spells and abilities of sorts. You add the wisdom modifiers of ALL your souls to resist mind-affecting effects.


Prerequisites: Fractured Mind

Description: If anyone tries to read your thoughts or emotions through whatever means, they take non-lethal damage equal all of your soul's combined wisdom modifiers x d6

Rune Binding

Prerequisites: Major Talent

Description: As Kensai Signature Weapon ability.

Learn Rune

Prerequisites: Rune Binding - may be taken multiple times, each time learning a new rune (up to five runes)

Description: When applying any of the following runes to yourself, you must pay a certain amount of experience based on the number of runes you have already applied on yourself (see Kensai Signature Weapon Ability - exp progression is the same). In addition to the experience cost, you also take the corresponding taboo. Now that you know the Rune, you may also apply the runes unto other non-shamans. They must pay double the experience cost you do to attain a rune.

  • Arrowfoot Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot kill
  • Bamboo Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot light fires
  • Bat Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot own more than you can carry
  • Bellflower Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot touch dead bodies
  • Butterfly Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must wear bright colors
  • Centipede Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 9th Level Required - Cannot wear green
  • Crab Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must bathe every day
  • Chrysanthemum Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot wear black
  • Dragon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot have intimate actions
  • Dragonfly Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must bathe every morning
  • Lion Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must eat meat every day
  • Monkey Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot Bathe
  • Crescent Moon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 13th Level Required - Cannot wear white
  • Full Moon Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot drink alcohol
  • Mountain Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot sprint
  • Nightingale Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must take an hour during sunset or sunrise to sing
  • Phoenix Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability, 11th Level Required - Must burn incense and meditate 1 hour every day
  • Sun Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot smoke
  • Tortoise Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot sprint
  • Unicorn Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot eat meat
  • Wasp Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Must make an offering of fresh flowers every day
  • White Mask Rune - As Tattooed Monk Ability - Cannot tell others their name

[edit] Ascension

Divine Grace

Prerequisites: 2nd Level

Description: As ability for Paladins

Aura of Courage

Prerequisites: 3rd Level, Divine Grace

Description: As ability for Paladins

Purity of Body

Prerequisites: 5th Level, Divine Grace

Description: As ability for Monks

A Thousand Faces

Prerequisites: 13th Level

Description: As ability for Druids

Diamond Soul

Prerequisites: 13th Level, Purity of Body

Description: As ability for Monks

Timeless Body

Prerequisites: 15th Level, Diamond Soul

Description: As ability for Druids

Tongue of Sun and Moon

Prerequisites: 15th Level, A Thousand Faces

Description: As ability for Monks

Perfect Self

Prerequisites: 20th Level, Tongue of Sun and Moon, Timeless Body

Description: As ability for Monks

[edit] Invocations

Least Invocations

Lesser Invocations

Greater Invocations

Dark Invocations

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