
From Arcadia

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Classes are of the variety and a minium of six must be taken to achieve full credit. And because there is an offer to high school clases, AP classes are provided.

High School Requirements

Any students enrolled in the high school program will be required to complete 40 full credits to obtain a high school diploma from the program offered at Candor University. The faculty realizes that the students who enter Candor's Secondary School program are interested in attending the university afterwards. Students must complete 4 math credits, 5 english credits, 3 science, 4 technology, 1 philosophy, 1 religion, 3 social science credits and 20 electives of the student's choice.

University Courses

Prerequisites are also AP classes offered by Arcadia's local high schools. They are the ones with "101" in them. However, high schoolers are recommended to take a regular high school class with their AP class load. Grad students are welcome to take any course, naturally.
Fine Arts
Art History 101
Art History 102
Art History 103
Art 110: Ceramics Beginner
Art 111: Culinary Intermediate
Art 112: Culinary Advanced
Art 113: Drawing Beginner - Fundmentals
Art 114: Drawing Intermediate - Still life, general drawing
Art 115: Drawing Advanced - Figures, scenery
Art 120: Music History
Art 121: Music Theory - Introduction
Art 122: Music Theory - Intermediate
Art 123: Music Theory - Advanced
Art 124: Music - Percussion (Includes, Mallets, Drums and Piano)
Art 125: Music - Woodwinds (Includes Flute, Clarinet and Oboe)
Art 126: Music - Brass (Includes Trumpet, Trombone and Tuba)
Art 127: Music - Woodwind Ensemble
Art 128: Music - Brass Ensemble
Art 129: Music - Percussion Ensemble
Art 130: Music - Vocals (All participants in the Vocals Course MUST participate in the Candor University Choir)
Art 203: Painting Beginner - Watercolor
Art 205: Painting Intermediate - Acrillic, Gouche
Art 210: Painting Advanced - Oil, Tempera
Art 301: Photography Beginner - Basic composition
Art 303: Photography Intermediate
Art 305: Photography Advanced


BOTO 101: Introduction to Botony
BOTO 102: Botony Intermediate
BOTO 103: Botony Advanced

English 001: Grammar and You
English 002: Effective Writing for the College Student
English 003: Remedial English (Because not everyone will be an english whiz)
English 101: Creative Writing
English 102: Reading and Writing
English 103: English Literature
English 104: British Literature
English 105: World Literature
English 201: Religious Literature
English 202: Children's Literature
English 203: Introduction to Comics
English 204: Short Fiction

Math 001: Introductory Technical Mathematics
Math 002: Introductory Business Mathematics
Math 101: Remedial Algebra
Math 102: Algebra
Math 103: Pre-Calculus
Math 104: Pre-Trigonometry
Math 201: Geometry
Math 203: Calculus
Math 205: Trigonometry
Math 210: Satistics

Language 101: Al Bhed - Beginner
Language 102: Al Bhed - Intermediate
Language 103: Al Bhed - Advanced
Language 201: Chinese - Beginner
Language 202: Chinese - Intermediate
Language 203: Chinese - Advanced
Language 301: French - Beginner
Language 302: French - Intermediate
Language 303: French - Advanced
Language 401: German - Beginner
Language 402: German - Intermediate
Language 403: German - Advanced
Language 501: Japanese - Beginner
Language 502: Japanese - Intermediate
Language 503: Japanese - Advanced
Language 601: Russian - Beginner
Language 602: Russian - Intermediate
Language 603: Russian - Advanced

History 101: The Effects Of War
History 102: Ancient Civilization - From Egypt to the Industrial Revolution
History 202: Modern Civilization - From the Industrial Revolution to the 20th Century
History 210: World History
History 301: Religious History
History 305: Politics in History


HOR 101: Horticulture Beginner - Greenhouse
HOR 102: Horticulture Intermediate - Growing herbs and remedies
HOR 103: Horticulture Advanced

(Note: For the sake of simplicity, we'll be sticking to the Final Fantasy X magic list. :])
MAGI 101: Magic Fundamentals
MAGI 102: White Magic - Beginners from Cure to Esuna to Life
MAGI 103: Black Magic - Beginners from Fire to Blizzard to Thunder
MAGI 104: Grey Magic - From Stop to Aura and more (note: Grey Magic = status effect magic)
MAGI 105: Holy Magic - Beginners
MAGI 201: Magical Energies
MAGI 202: White Magic - Intermediate from Cura to Haste and the Nuls
MAGI 203: Holy Magic - Intermediate
MAGI 203: Black Magic - Intermediate from Fira to Blizzara to Thundara
MAGI 301: Holy Magic - Advanced
MAGI 302: White Magic - Advanced from Curaga to Hastega to Holy
MAGI 303: Black Magic - Advanged from Firaga to Flare to Ultima

PARA 101: Introduction to the Paranormal
PARA 102: Introduction to Demonology
PARA 103: Ghosts, Malicious Spirits, and Hauntings
PARA 104: Paranormal Theory and Practice
PARA 105: Demonology Intermediate
PARA 106: Demonology - Exorcisms, Literature, and Demonic Hierarchy
PARA 201: Metaphysics and Religious Beliefs
PARA 202: Demonology Advanced - Summoning, Binding

PHIL 101: Religious Philosophy
PHIL 102: World Philosophy
PHIL 103: Political Philosophy
PHIL 104: Philosophy in History and Literature

Physical Education
PHYS 101: Swords
PHYS 102: Blunt Force Weapons (flails, nunchaku)
PHYS 103: Hand-to-hand Combat
PHYS 104: Martial Arts
PHYS 105: Spears
PHYS 106: Guns
PHYS 107: Projectiles
PHYS 108: Gunblades [note: this course may only be taken if gunblades are in the game you've applied from! This includes FFVIII and FFVII:AC]

RELI 101: Introduction to World religion
RELI 102: Religious Literature
RELI 103: Contemporary Religious Theory
RELI 104: Shintoism
RELI 105: Buddhism

Alchemy 101: Introduction to Alchemy
Alchemy 102: Alchemy Basics
Alchemy 103: Combining items
Biology 101: General Biology
Biology 210: Intermediate Biology
Biology 305: Advanced Biology
Chemistry 101: Introduction to Chemistry + Lab
Chemistry 210: Introduction to Biochemistry + Lab

If you want to suggest a class, feel free to contact us! We're always willing to add more.

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