
From Arcadia

Revision as of 17:13, 18 January 2007 by (Talk)

There are three types of housing: Off campus apartments, in this case, students/teachers seek third party housing. School apartments, which is offered to upper classmen, where a student can actually room on their own in a small apartment complex; this rooming is limited and is always a popular demand. Finally, your traditional dormitories. Instructors are not offered either school rooming and have to seek their own off campus. High school students can be given dorms, but usually are roomed with other high school students.

All table coding is done with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.


Dormitories are your standard dorms and the colors represent gender, naturally. All dorms include a small bathroom for all rooms, a kitchenette between suites, and are roomed at random (unless the moderators are biased :P). Dorms change each semester or unless a student reports a problem with either their dorm or their roommate -- in this case, the school adminstration will be slow to respond to reports.

Anastasia + Yuffie
Rikku + Siela
Hotaru + Meredy
Mikoto + Rydia
Arcia + Angela
Larxene + Veronica
Kuja + Demyx
Sieg + Victor
Zelos + Lezard
Reno + Yazoo
Kadaj + Loz
Zexion + Link

Apartments provided by the school

There is at least (for the time being) one other apartment complex that is provided by the school, where students are welcome to their own one bed and bathroom apartment. These have your standard kitchens, naturally small, and the school provides them, slightly an upgrade from dorm rooms. As nice as it is to have some freedom, these apartments are tiny, but they do manage for one person. Roommates pretty much don't work in this case.

Off Campus

This is more into Arcadia itself, with apartments NOT provided by the school. Only the upperclassmen can have their own apartments, the Juniors and Seniors. Or if you're a student that has a business and the like, you're free to have off campus housing, and not realted to the school.

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