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From Arcadia

Revision as of 03:36, 14 January 2008 by (Talk)

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Arcadia RPG Wiki

Arcadia RP is a Livejournal-based game, mostly city-based, but with city and school settings. It's a free-plotting game, stationed with a multi-fandom nexus, which means almost anything goes! Arcadia is also geared towards those who are working and don't have much free time for a faster-paced roleplay, so the roleplay is also a good game for those who prefer something just a little slower. Providing information for the Livejournal based roleplay game, Arcadia RPG.

Regarding questions regarding the game, consult the following:

Regarding the format of the game's structure, please consult:
Candor University
Tartarus Academy
Past Events
Deities of Arcadia

I hope this answers any questions you may have! Thanks a bunch.

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