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Blade of Awe

From Aqpedia

Revision as of 19:43, 23 June 2007 by Aipom (Talk | contribs)
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The Blade of Awe is the most powerful weapon in the AdventureQuest RPG game. However, it's only available to Guardians who have ran into 6 Shiny Treasure Chests in random battles (which takes a long time). They can then go to Valencia the Rare Item Hunter to have it forged. It's an Earth Melee weapon with a regular damage rate of 4 to 31. However, its true power is in its 6 special attacks. One is a 3 hit light attack, another is a 3 hit earth attack, the next one steals HP from the opponent, while another one steals MP from the opponent, and another one also summons the Guardian Dragon or the Guardian Dragon Jr. The last one, however, is where its true power lies: Powerword Die. It is an attack that has only a 1% chance of occuring because it ends all battles immediately. It summons Death (aka Grim Reaper) who then charges headfirst into the opponent and immediately drops the enemy's HP to zero, immediately ending the battle and letting the player automatically win.

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