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AdventureQuest RPG

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Part of the AdventureQuest team.


AdventureQuest RPG is a free online game that lets players pick their gender, appearance, and name. Characters can also choose between 1 of the 3 base classes: Mage, Fighter, or Rogue. The player then recieves 10 stat points for either Intellect, Strength, or Dexterity, depending on what class they picked. They will also recieve a weapon and class armor with level 1 abilities related to the class they picked. Players start in Battleon where they must battle a Soralag (although there are no consequences if they lose, unlike later battles). Players can then access a lot of things (see Battleon article for more details). They can then bring up the travel map, click Sail East, and click on Paxia to join a clan (see AQ clans article).

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