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===Parabolic structure===
===Parabolic structure===
[[Category: IAPSes of groups]]

Current revision as of 14:34, 30 December 2006


[edit] Definition

[edit] Symbol-free definition

Given a ring, the GL IAPS over that ring is an IAPS of groups whose member at a given index is the general linear group of that index, with the block concatenation maps being the usual block concatenation of matrices.

[edit] Definition with symbols

Given a ring Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): R , the GL IAPS over Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): R , denoted Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): GL(R) , associates to each Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): n

the group Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): GL_n(R)

, viz the group of invertible Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): n

Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): n
matrices over Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): R

. The block concatenation map Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): \\Phi_{m,n}

takes a pair Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): (a,b)
of invertible matrices to a block matrix with Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): a
as the top left block, Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): b
as the bottom right block, and the other two blocks being zero.

[edit] As a functor

The map sending a ring to the corresponding GL IAPS is an IAPS functor from the category of rings to the category of groups. Set-theoretically (and monoid-theoretically), it can be viewed as a sub-functor of the matrix functor. Ring-theoretically, it is the unit group functor associated with the matrix functor.

[edit] Property theory

[edit] Sub-functors

Important sub-IAPSes of the general linear IAPS include:

satisfying Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): mm^T = 1

. It is a saturated sub-IAPS.

Each of these can also be viewed as sub-functors of the GL functor.

[edit] Parabolic structure

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