Irridonian Background Trait

From Aparsus

Irridonian (Racial Background Trait)
Irridonians are naturally nimble, receiving a +2 dexterity, but can be slow-witted at times, suffering a -2 to Wisdom.

Additionally, Irridonians can breathe underwater and receive a +2 bonus to Swim checks, but suffer double damage from all cold based attacks and environmental damage.

Choose One Option

Banescale: The Irridonian's saliva is actually a mildly caustic acid and an irritant. With a ranged touch attack, the Irridonian can spit this acid at an opponent, causing him to suffer a -2 penalty to all actions from pain and nausea until it's removed with grease. This attack requires a standard action, but can be made as part of a full attack action.

Shadowslither: The Irridonian's scales shift colour slightly to better blend with his surroundings. He receives a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide checks.

Marshwalker: The Irridonian has grown up in the deep swamp, and knows its dangers intimately. He's immune to all non-magical disease, and receives a +2 bonus to Fortitude save against magical diseases.

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