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Perennial Vegetables and Greens

  • Arrowhead - Sagittaria sagittifolia
  • Arugula, rocket - Diplotaxis erucoides
  • Asparagus - Asparagus officinalis
  • Chicory - Cichorium sp.
  • Comfrey - Symphytum sp.
  • Earth Pea - Lathyrus tuberosa
  • Elephant Garlic - Allium ampeloprasum
  • Galangal, Thai ginger - Alpinia galangal
  • Garlic - Allium sativum
  • Ginger - Zingiber officinale
  • Globe artichoke - Cynara scolymus
  • Golden shallots - Allium cepa var. aggregatum
  • Ground nut - Agrios americana
  • Horseradish - Amoracia sp.
  • Jerusalem artichokes, sunchoke - Helianthus tuberosus
  • New Zealand Spinach - Tetragonia
  • Oca, New Zealand yam - Oxalis tuberosa
  • Peruvian parsnip - Arracacia xanthorrhiza
  • Rhubarb - Rhuem rhabarbarum
  • Sea beet - Beta vulgaris ssp.maritima
  • Sea kale - Crambe maritima
  • Sorrel - Rumex acetosa
  • Sweet potato - Ipomoea batatas
  • Taro - Colocasia esculenta
  • Turmeric, Indian saffron - Curcuma domestica
  • Waterchestnuts - Eleocharis dulcis
  • Welsh onion - Allium sp.
  • Yacon - Smallanthus sonchifolius
  • Yam - Dioscorea batata

Growing barrels of potatoes

Gather four plastic 50-gallon barrels. dril drain holes in them, set them up on blocks and plant spuds in them. Here's how:

  1. Cut up potatoes which have started to sprout, leaving an eye or more on each piece.
  2. Dry these out for two days in a cool, dry room. Then plant in a shallow layer of soil and compost in the bottom of the barrel.
  3. As the potatoes grow up, add more soil and compost.
  • After they reach the top of the barrel, plant a couple of bush beans in each barrel. The beans protect the potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle, and the potatoes protect the beans against the Mexican bean beetle.
  • As soon as the potatoes flower you can find little spuds in the soil. When the whole plant dies back, kick over the barrel for a bountiful harvest.


  1. Plant a few garlic cloves with pointed tip facing up in a pot with loamy organic soil.
  2. Place the pot on a sunny windowsill and water regularly like a houseplant.
  3. Green garlicky shoots emerge in a week or so. Harvest with a scissors to using in cooking or as a tasty garnish for soups, salads and baked potatoes.

Green Onions

  1. Use green onions with healthy, white roots attached to the bulb. Snip off green tops for cooking with a scissors. Leave a little green top on the onion bulb.
  2. Plant the entire onion while leaving the short top above ground in a small pot filled with a loamy, organic potting soil. Make sure your container has drainage holes. Put in a sunny windowsill and water once a week or when soil feels dry to the touch.
  3. Harvest new green shoots with scissors to use for cooking or as a tasty garnish. Continue to leave the onion in the soil. With each new growth the onion will taste more potent. After each harvest of onion tops, dress the topsoil with organic compost. Enjoy green onion tops in stir-fries, omelets, and in sandwiches all winter long
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