Welcome spammer of Humor Team! If any of you Humor Team members came to spam, tough luck, every page is protected and every user is a crat!

User talk:1337Yoshi

From Antihumorteam


Greetings spammer of the Humor Team!

How could I fit in with the wiki?

Make an article of yourself in the 3rd Person, which is in a mix of Userpedia pages, about your description of sprites, and your history of spamming Humor Team.

How could I get a vandal banned?

Use the Shoutbox! To report, follow the rules and post a comment so everyone on the wiki is alarmed!

Is that all?

For now, but if you need any help, just contact any member.


Hi da 1337

Thanks for comin'. Care to post in the shoutbox? Crypt Raider 00:33, 13 January 2008 (EST)

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