Ubuna Yasu

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Ubuna Yasu (うぶな恭) is a 17 year old demonique played by Cinna (Member). He is sided with the Repuren.




Yasu attends the same highschool as Momoiro-Lemonade William and Yoshida Yumeko (whichever one that is - that hasn't been determined yet). He always was one of the students that would always be in the art room painting, or drawing when he was supposed to be taking notes. At least, before "it" happened. "It" being when he came into contact with the tainted mew aqua.

He had just seen Yoshida Yumeko for the first time, on his way home from school. She was carrying her umbrella, as always and, when the sunlight hit her, it gave her the appearance of both being something extremely dark and as being something extremely light. He became so jealous of this beauty she had - the ability to perfectly balance light and dark, without requiring a paper to figure it out on - that he got sidetracked from his normal route. Rather than returning straight home, he found his way to, somehow, a site where nuclear waste was dumped.

It was there that the tainted mew aqua resided, and it was when he noticed it that he completely forgot that he was jealous of Yoshida Yumeko. In any case, it was in this nuclear waste dump that he became a demonique - and it was after this event approximately a year ago that he began to wear a jacket over his uniform to school and over his normal clothes every day


Yasu hasn't participated in very many missions just yet - after all, the Demonique were only recently discovered. He helped a few other Repuren gather information at the Mew Convention, but that's all he's really done so far. Also, he and his team appear to be forming a band.


Yasu isn't exactly one you'd call 'social'. He has his own emotional problems - you could even say that he doesn't smile honestly. He's also a shallow person - he cares more about appearance than how a person actually acts. He'll call a person 'ugly' without remorse, too.



For all intents and purposes, Yasu has no family. He once had a younger brother, but that brother is dead now. His parents probably live abroad.


Yoshida Yumeko - They go to the same high school, and they're in the same in group.

Momoiro-Lemonade William - They go to the same high school, and they're in the same in group.

Wakamatsu Tayuya - It's a friend-enemy relationship. He calls her names because she's an angelique, she calls him names because he's a demonique. In the end, they get along okay. They go to the same high school and are in the same in group.

Kuro-Meshi - A new member of their in group. Part of Team 10 in the Cruise event.


Yasu won't admit it, but he does have a crush on Yoshida Yumeko. He probably doesn't even recognize it as such.


  • Name: Ubuna (うぶな) Yasu (恭)
  • Name Translation: Ubuna doesn't really have a meaning as far as I know, but the kanji used for Yasu means 'Respect'.
  • Age: 17
  • Birthday: September 9
  • Grade: 11 (second year high school)
  • Hair Color: black
  • Eye Color: dark brown
  • Height: 5 feet 5 inches
  • Weight: undisclosed
  • Likes: art (painting and drawing especially), his friends
  • Dislikes: Wakamatsu Tayuya, the walk to and from school, most angeliques
  • Talents: drawing, annoying people
  • Favorite Foods: ramen, soba, sushi, and pancakes (how that fits in I haven't the slightest)
  • Least Favorite Foods: bean sprouts
  • Blood Type: O

Yasu has sucked blood 0 time(s)

  • From: ---

Yasu has sucked mew aqua 0 time(s)

  • From: ---

Yasu has sucked purity 0 time(s)

  • From: ---

Yasu has sucked life/energy 0 time(s)

  • From: ---

Combat Details

Darkness Power

Although he can transform darkness into a few things, his favorite is definitely ink for his drawings. That way, he doesn't have to carry around black ink all the time.

Nightmare Power

His only skill with this power is to make his drawings come to life, and they only stay alive for a short time. Typically he'll draw many swords, or some animals. He can, however, make bridges as well, which can be walked across. It takes more energy to make inanimate objects besides weapons, however, so he doesn't do this much.

Storm Power

As of yet, all he can do with this is create a breeze, or gather up enough static electricity to shock someone with. It's not enough to really hurt someone - all it can do is be annoying.

Random Trivia

  • Yasu was the first demonique to be created and roleplayed in Angelique.
  • Yasu is Cinna (Member)'s seventh character created for the roleplay.
  • Yasu's personality, skills, and even appearance are based on Sai from Naruto.
  • "Ubuna Yasu" is "Anbu Sai" with the letters reversed, pronounced in a Japanese manner. Anbu => Ubna => Ubuna, and Sai => Ias => Yas => Yasu.
  • If Yasu had a seiyuu, as Sai from Naruto's seiyuu is already taken, the best one for the job would be Takahiro Sakurai, who plays Haseo from .hack//Roots, Jenos from Black Cat, Kanda from D. Gray-Man, Sasori from Naruto, Guiche from Zero no Tsukaima, and others.
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