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Sorbet is a 14 year old Alien played by Lea-chan (Member).

Sorbet's Appearence


[edit] History

[edit] Before

Sorbet has always been on the Repuren side. Period. She grew up having a need for being a help for something. Sorbet has always been the type of person who absolutely needs to be involved with helping of some sort, given her talent to help a lot.

She finally joined up with the Repuren and escaped to live on the Alien Spaceship, where she spends some of her time. Shes usually attacking the Mews, or disguised as a human on Earth, normally spying.

[edit] Current

Sorbet still lives on the Alien Spaceship, but is spending less and less of her time there. When she does reside there, she's usually sleeping, eating, or working in her room into the late hours of the night.

Sorbet has been spying and attacking the Mews so far. She sent out about a dozen parasites in both the Thankgiving Convention, and the fight in Tokyo. Sorbet has always been one to always "torture" people with impossible tasks, such as defeating a pack of angry bees or destroying a giant mutant worm.

Sorbet is a passenger on the mew Cruise, and has pretty much been doing spying so far.

[edit] Personality

Bossy, know-it-all, and smart, Sorbet has a nag for organization and a passion for leadership.

She joined the Repuren because of that. In her eyes, the Repuren was the closest thing to her dreams. She longs to help and hopes that she can make a difference.

Sorbet looks up to her superiors highly and always wants to help. She can be very aggressive though, and would rather get the job done quickly with an organized plan then have it any other way.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

She left her family behind for the Repuren. This bothers her sometimes, and she feels as if she's betrayed her only friends she's had.

[edit] Friends

  • Coffee: One of the only friends she has out of the Repuren. These two usually stick together.

[edit] Lovelife

No lovelife.

[edit] Profile

Sorbet is represented by Eclair from Kiddy Grade

  • Name: Sorbet (Pronouned Sore-bay)
  • Colors: Soft purples with deep purples as accents
  • Age: 14
  • Birthday: August 9th
  • Hair Color: Dark pink/ brown
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 110 lbs.
  • Likes: Fighting, Repuren, planning ahead
  • Favorite foods: None
  • Least favorite foods: None
  • Blood Type: B-

[edit] Trivia

  • Sorbet is the first Alien that Lea-chan created
  • Sorbet is the first Repuren member that Lea-chan created
  • Sorbet's voice is rather high, even though she's a tough character
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