
From Allandria

Revision as of 17:49, 11 February 2007 by SabreCat (Talk | contribs)


Sonos "Dimbulb" Seranith

Race: Gnome

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Class: Bard/1

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Birthplace: Vensibeth (Gnome sweet Gnome)

Affiliation: Allandria (ish)

Religion: Garl Glittergold (?)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome


Sonos, aka Seranith, aka DimBulb, wears colorful and shiny clothes, and collects rare, shiny stones and jewels. He loves to tinker and make funny little gadgets. His hair and beard color are black.


Sonos didn't leave Vensibeth on holiday. He left because he would have been stoned to death. Just because of some failed expieriments. All he did was make some gnomes grow 3 times their original size, wake up a grouchy Dragon, and make a man look like Cousin It. He took with him a pocket watch named TIC-TOC (an invention he made, a watch that could talk and give him advice) and some weapon designs (including a secret weapon design).

Sonos went questing in search of shiny objects, but instead he found Allandria. He was basically wandering and performing, singing songs and playing his...instrument. Which, by the way, is a many-stringed guitar/harp-type thing. When he got to Allandria he noticed a green-haired elven "clown" entering the castle, and thought he might be a good addition to his show. So he followed him in. When he found out that it was a gathering for a battle, he decided to join in--mostly because the doors closed behind him.


"Nothing is impossible, just very improbable."

Game Statistics

Ability Scores
  • Charisma 14 (+2)
  • Constitution 12 (+1)
  • Dexterity 13 (+1)
  • Intelligence 15 (+2)
  • Strength 10
  • Wisdom 11
  • Appraise 1 (3)
  • Bluff 2 (4)
  • Concentration 3 (4)
  • Craft: Gadgets 4 (9)
  • Disguise 2 (4)
  • Escape Artist 1 (2-1)
  • Gather Information 1 (3)
  • Hide 1 (6-1)
  • Knowledge: Engineering 2 (4)
  • Listen 1 (3)
  • Move Silently 1 (3-1)
  • Perform: Strings 4 (6)
  • Sleight of Hand 2 (3)
  • Spellcraft 2 (4)
  • Swim 1 (1-2)
  • Tumble 1 (2-1)
  • Use Magic Device 3 (5)

Spell-Like Abilities

  • Speak with Burrowing Animals (1/day)
  • Dancing Lights (1/day)
  • Ghost Sound (1/day)
  • Prestidigitation (1/day)

Level 0 (2/day)

  • Detect Magic
  • Mend
  • Read Magic
  • Resistance


  • Skill Focus, Craft: Gadgets


  • Small morningstar
  • Studded leather armor
  • Hit Points: 7/7
  • Armor Class: 15
  • Morningstar: Attack +1, damage 1d6


  • Fortitude +1
  • Reflex +3
  • Will +2
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