
From Alirpg

Lily Daimon is Aroshi's personal gardener. She takes residence at his house and runs the gardens on her own, also, in her spare time helps out in the soup kitchen in the basement.

Lily is kind, patient, and level-headed. She usually knows what to say and how to comfort people. She never forgets a debt.


[edit] Vital Stats

Race: Human (World)

Ethnicity: n/a

Age: 19 going on 20

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 115lbs

Hair: Orange, long and wavy. Close to the shade of a tiger lily's petals. Her face is sprinkled with a few freckles here and there.

Eyes: Grass green.

[edit] Random

[edit] Secrets

[edit] Powers

Lily has some green Majik, which comes in handy for her job.

[edit] Connections

Aroshi Yamabiko, her boss

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