
From Alirpg

Falawen Sansverse is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed fairy who speaks in strange words that some are able to understand while others are not. It is not currently known how she came to be on Mrey or in the company of Lt. Kaeden MacKenzie.


Vital Stats

Race: Faerie/Sprite of unknown origin.

Skin: Pale

Age: -

Height: 8" (head to toe)

Weight: -

Hair: Blonde (long and wavy)

Eyes: Sapphire

Wings: Transparent blue/purple metallic reflection

Demeanor: Box of rocks / Nosy


  • Falawen's magic is limited to environmental manipulation, mostly used for self defense. She claims to have healing powers, but has never demonstrated.
  • Falawen likes fountains, candy, flowers and anything that is shiny.
  • Falawen's normal attire consists of a small skirt and halter top made from a green leafy material, with felt-like brown boots. There is a dagger holster upon the left boot.


Falawen's real name is Fa'la Wen. Her sister Mi'la Wen changed her name to Milawen Sansverse while adventuring, and Falawen did the same.


Falawen has a knack for pushing just the right buttons to annoy the living daylights out a person if so inclined. She also possesses magic, the extend of which is presently unknown.




  • None Known
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