From Alirpg
World is a 17-18th-century Europe-ish type place where there are pirates and majik and stuff. More information to come. For now, deal with the outline of information used on the Derelict Heaven wiki page, found here. Note that Derelict Heaven should be considered a separate entity from the AliRPG. However, the world is fairly similar.
Also see: Pirate SL
Contents |
Society & Geography
Kamleon Continent
Centria Kingdom
Port Harriet
Skyfire Canyon
Mount Versus
Jakkal Continent
Fisher Continent
Blush Kingdom
Centrian Empire
White Fleet
Skyfire Empire
Tribes of the Jakkal Plains
Blush Kingdom
Tapi Islands
Majik Politics
The Royal Centrian Majik Academy
The White Fleet
Witches & Warlocks
Division of Majik Polarities
Black Majik
White Majik
White majik is the most common type of majik used. It's purpose is generally related to healing, and is often found in use by doctors and church/shrine workers. Nearly all people have a very small amount of white majik control.
Children and young adults found with high levels of white majik are often trained by the White Guild in place of the Academy.
Red Majik
Green Majik
Green majik pertains to manipulation of plants and related micro-organisms. Green majik is theorized to involve the interaction of solar energy and molecules that nurture plants. This can include oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and carbon. Through this control, green majik energizes plant life particles causing rapid growth.
Violet Majik
Violet majik is the study of psychic arts. It encompasses telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, premonition and oraclism. As with white majik, most people have a low level of violet majik, but the variance is small.
A person with high levels of violet majik are not necessarily able to perform all aspects categorized as violet majik. Magi of this flavor often specialize in a specific type of violet majik.