Wolfpack Pirates

From Alirpg

Revision as of 19:44, 9 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The Wolfpack Pirates are a band of pirates mostly interested in stealing and destroying property and cargo of the Centrian Empire (and strictly that). They are led by Captain Justin Maverick, The Black Wolf. Their ship is the Righteous Jones, previously the Pageant Jones, the Centrian Fleet's (ex-)2nd Armada Flagship.

The Wolfpack flag is a black wolf with a gold crown holding a turquoise crescent moon in his teeth, all on a silver field.



Commanding Officers

  • Captain Justin Maverick, the Black Wolf
  • First Mate and Commander Sabrien Azralea, the Saber
  • Sub-commander Jamie Brilliant, Bloody Brilliant

Senior Crew

  • Trick Brilliant, cartographer and navigator
  • Sam "Pidgin" English, linguist and log keeper

Other Crew

  • Rue Covington, cabin boy etc

Current Stow-aways


  • The Gorgon Fleet, through Lizzy Siren, Captain of the Siren
  • The Dogs of Hell, through Axis Foxx, Captain of the Hightide
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