Akai Tenshi

From Akaitenshi

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=='''Welcome to AkaiTenshi'''==
=='''Welcome to AkaiTenshi'''==
<p>Hello and welcome to our glorious Linkshell Wiki. Here you will find information about our linkshell, what we stand for, upcoming events and more! </p>
<p>Hello and welcome to our glorious Linkshell Wiki. Here you will find information about our linkshell, what we stand for, upcoming events and more! </p>
<p>The main goal of this site is to have a place where we can store information and setup events for as many members to participate in as possible.</p>
<p>The main goal of this site is to have a place where we can store information and setup events for as many members to participate in as possible.</p>

Revision as of 13:30, 22 June 2007

Welcome to AkaiTenshi


Hello and welcome to our glorious Linkshell Wiki. Here you will find information about our linkshell, what we stand for, upcoming events and more!

The main goal of this site is to have a place where we can store information and setup events for as many members to participate in as possible.

Check back for updates!


Forum and Wiki Edit! Summer Cleanup!
I just spent the day updating the forums AND wiki with new information, fixing old links and images, repairing some stuff and more. I'm gonna start a big suggestions thread, and I'd like to update the ls a bunch! First, I need a new logo! ^^ See that lil "AkaiTenshi" up in the corner? *point* I need a new one! ^^ So..

  • Please, as much as I'd like to, don't add any FULL pr0n/hentai.
  • Akai means red, Tenshi means angel, the logo does not have to be red or of angels.
  • Send all logos to me, Meilin, at ChibiKawaiiMei-at-gmail-dot-com

Thanks guys ^^ I'm hoping to bring about some nice stuff for us soon! ^^

--Meilin 17:28, 15 June 2007 (EDT)

FFXI Verson Update and Summertime Akai!
Since its summertime, I can play overtime! Yay! Think of some big events to do so we can begin them! ^^ Also today is the FFXI verson upate Go check it out! Lots of battlefield ajustments, more for akai! ^^!
--Meilin 13:54, 5 June 2007 (EDT)

This.. this is madness...
--Meilin 06:24, 20 April 2007 (EDT)

LinkshellCommunity Beta
I used it once, and it was.. iffy at best, and I just checked it out and it seems AWSOME! So, If you can't get to the website at all, the LinkshellCommunity Beta is now an option! The LinkshellCommunity webpage includes a calander which anyone can update, and I can make a copy of it here! It also has a forum, and profile pages. So, I'm gonna keep the LinkshellCommunity page updated as well as this one so anyone, regardless of platform, can view and create events!
Click here to check out the Linkshell Community Page!
LinkshellCommunity Check out our wiki page about the Linkshell Community!

--Meilin 11:20, 9 April 2007 (EDT)

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