A.I. Films

From Aifilms

Revision as of 21:46, 4 May 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The purpose of this wiki is to gather information about the A.I. films for MIT's AI Film History Website.

MIT's AI Film History Website is part of a project sponsored by the National Science Foundation : Rediscovering MIT's AI Film History

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AI Film List

Here's are the films available for viewing on the MIT's AI Film History Website.

<p> 01-robot.mp4 01-robot.mpg 02-robot.mp4 02-robot.mpg 03-gas.mp4 03-gas.mpg 04-cubechess.mp4 04-cubechess.mpg 05-life.mp4 05-life.mpg 06-robot.mp4 06-robot.mpg 07-arm.mp4 07-arm.mpg 08-turtle.mp4 08-turtle.mpg 09-robot.mp4 09-robot.mpg 10-robot.mp4 10-robot.mpg 11-robot.mp4 11-robot.mpg 12-robot.mp4 12-robot.mpg 13-cubechess.mp4 13-cubechess.mpg 14-cube.mp4 14-cube.mpg 15-robot.mp4 15-robot.mpg 16-solar.mp4 16-solar.mpg 17-turtle.mp4 17-turtle.mpg 18-bongo.mp4 18-bongo.mpg 19-cube.mp4 19-cube.mpg 20-cube.mp4 20-cube.mpg 21-bongo.mp4 21-bongo.mpg 22-turtle.mp4 22-turtle.mpg 23-worm.mp4 23-worm.mpg 24-worm.mp4 24-worm.mpg 25-logo.mp4 25-logo.mpg 25-turtle.mp4 25-turtle.mpg 26-robot.mp4 26-robot.mpg 27-solar.mp4 27-solar.mpg 28-logo.mp4 28-logo.mpg 29-solar.mp4 29-solar.mpg š30-gas.mp4 30-gas.mpg 31-robot.mp4 31-robot.mpg 32-mathlab.mp4 32-mathlab.mpg 33-cube.mp4 33-cube.mpg 34-robot.mp4 34-robot.mpg 35-screen.mp4 35-screen.mpg 36-wireforks.mp4 36-wireforks.mpg 37-robot.mp4 37-robot.mpg 38-robot.mp4 38-robot.mpg 39-worm.mp4 39-worm.mpg 40-logo.mp4 40-logo.mpg 41-radial.mp4 41-radial.mpg 42-radial.mp4 42-radial.mpg 43-arm.mp4 43-arm.mpg 44-logo.mp4 44-logo.mpg 45-robot.mp4 45-robot.mpg 46-robot.mp4 46-robot.mpg 47-robot.mp4 47-robot.mpg 48-worm.mp4 48-worm.mpg 49-worm.mp4 49-worm.mpg 50-logo.mp4 50-logo.mpg 51-cube.mp4 51-cube.mpg 52-robot.mp4 52-robot.mpg 53-robot.mp4 53-robot.mpg 54-bongo.mp4 54-bongo.mpg 55-worm.mp4 55-worm.mpg 56-life.mp4 56-life.mpg 57-screen.mp4 57-screen.mpg 58-logo.mp4 58-logo.mpg 59-bongo.mp4 59-bongo.mpg 60-bongo.mp4 60-bongo.mpg 61-arm.mp4 61-arm.mpg 62-logo.mp4 62-logo.mpg 63-chess.mp4 63-chess.mpg 64-robot.mp4 64-robot.mpg 65-worm.mp4 65-worm.mpg 66-worm.mp4 66-worm.mpg 67-life.mp4 67-life.mpg 68-gas.mp4 68-gas.mpg 69-gas.mp4 69-gas.mpg 70-gas.mp4 70-gas.mpg 71-robot.mp4 71-robot.mpg 72-gas.mp4 72-gas.mpg 73-gas.mp4 73-gas.mpg 74-bongo.mp4 74-bongo.mpg 75-logo.mp4 75-logo.mpg 76-robot.mp4 76-robot.mpg 77-life.mp4 77-life.mpg 78-cube.mp4 78-cube.mpg 79-logo.mp4 79-logo.mpg 80-cube.mp4 80-cube.mpg 81-mathlab.mp4 81-mathlab.mpg 82-screen.mp4 82-screen.mpg 83-logo.mp4 83-logo.mpg 84-robot.mp4 84-robot.mpg 85-screen.mp4 85-screen.mpg 86-bongo.mp4 86-bongo.mpg 87-cube.mp4 87-cube.mpg 88-eye.mp4 88-eye.mpg 89-logo.mp4 89-logo.mpg 90-logo.mp4 90-logo.mpg 90-worm.mp4 90-worm.mpg 91-logo.mp4 91-logo.mpg 92-turtle.mp4 92-turtle.mpg 93-cube.mp4 93-cube.mpg 94-solar.mp4


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