Technophile Sparks

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Character created by: Technophile - 2/1/07


Page created by: Technophile

Age: 15

Birthday: December 21, 1991

Race: Meta-human

School: Anime High School

Grade: 10th Grade



  • Profile:

Her oval-like face is framed by blonde hair. Her hair reached to her shoulder. She puts it in a ponytail to keep it away from her face, save for the bangs. If she feels creative enough, she'll place it in a bun or held up by a clamp. Her eyes are a dark green, but they seem to brighten up when she's singing or happy. Rarely does she allow make-up on her face, but she puts some on if she's on a date. Most of the time she looks happy and care-free, but alone she likes to be deep in thought with what she's doing, like fixing little electronics and such.

  • Clothing:

She can be seen normally in her uniform, but she likes to wear mostly tank-tops and pants that are on her waist, something that's very revealing. She likes to wear clothes that are revealing. For classes, she doesn't mind wearing clothes that reveal less to no skin at all, but after classes are over, she has to change into something more comfortable. Her favorite footwear - with school apparal or not - is boots and high-heels. When it comes to dances, she likes to wear fancy dresses. She doesn't like to wear dresses that much since most of the dresses she like she like to keep them nice (and she doesn't have that many dresses). If she does wear a dress, it's one of the time where she'll care about how she looks and put on makeup and dress us her hair.


She's very free-spirited. She doesn't care what other say about her and only believer things if she sees it with her own eyes. Any rumours spread around about her friend/s that she knows isn't true, she hunts down the person who started the rumour. She can be trustworthy when it comes with friendship.

If she's at a party, she can be very hyper with too much sode and candy. Usually, she never drinks too much pop and candy because she complains about her weight (despite about her skinny side), but at parties, she eats too much of candy and drinks too much pop. When she drinks too much, it seems like as if she did have liquor, and get in tons of trouble.

She likes to fix electronics. She does this to feel better as well. She had taught herself (as well as her father) to learn how to fix electronics. Once her father saw the intrest in electonics at age six, he wanted to help her grow that intrest even further, so he taught her all she knows today. She can fix mostly anything electronics, but it's only anything that's small or handheld. Techna's mother was worried for Techna's safety, so her father limited it to small electronics.

As well as electronics, she also likes to sketch henna patterns on paper. Her mother taught her this when she was younger, and never lost touch with it. One of her dreams is to be a tattooist and a singer, but she knows she still has a long way to go, and knows what she can do and what she can't. She can be very firm on her decisions. Once made, nothing will stop her.

Favorite Colours: Currently: Green

Favorite Music: Currently: Techno, hip-hop, pop

Favorite Food: Currently: Pocky

Favorite Pasttime: Currently: Dancing the night away.

Proficiant Language/s: Currently: English, dabbling in French

Special Powers/Weapons

*Butterflies/ Singing

She can control butterflies. They can't do much harm since recently, Techna just discovered of her new-found powers, but she finds them great company when she needs it. She controls them with her singing. Depending on her mood, the butterflies can be harmful or just something used for entertainment, but Techna never sings when she's angry, so she never found out about the butterflies true potential. Usually when she's angry, she fixes electronics to calm her nerves down. She remembered from her father that her powers could be very useful and can help her in fights someday; it's just the point of finding the true potential.

*Bow and Arrow

She got this from her mother before she left to Anime High School, and before she passed away. Being how she was depressed after her mother's death, she never remembered to pratice with this weapon. Techna remembered how the weapon was special to her mother and how Rose used to use it too when she was younger, so she saw it as a heirloom if anything. Her mother or her father never taught her how to use it, and neither have anyone else. So now her bow is just a piece of wood since she has no idea how to use it. But her mother and her father said that the school is suppose to teach her those things, and Techna trusts her mother.


Lillian "Lilli" Sparks

She is Technophile's little sister, who is three years older than her.

Rose Lee Sparks

Technophile's mother. She died when Technophile was only twelve. She had planned that either Techna would leave to Anime High School or Lillian would, but died before she ever got a chance to know.

Scott Sparks

Technophile's father. When Technophile was ready to go to Anime High School, he gave her the bow with arrows before she left. He had always believed that she she had powers within her.

History Before AHS/ASA

Techna was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. At the time, her mother, Rose Lee, had hung around with her father, Scott Sparks. But they weren't really married at the time. It was when after Techna had been born was when they finally married. The origin of her name came from her father since he was a big technology freak and agreed with Rose to naming another child if they had another one.

Technophile was raised in a rural part of their hometown. She usually blabbed little tunes while she was little. It was hard to understand, but it was obvious she was singing to her own tune. Rose had ignore this but her father had questions. She never answered him as if she didn't hear him.

When Technophile was three, she got another sister. Since Rose knew it was her turn to name, and the baby was a girl, she named her Lillian, and her nickname Lilli. Technophile, happy she was an older sister, loved her little sister and helped her mother take care of her little sister.

When Techna became six years old, she looked at little electronics like CD Players and remotes. One day, when Scott saw her, he became overwelmed with joy (quietly, of course), and showed her how they worked and how to fix it back up when they were broken. Her mother noticed Scott, and forced him to stopped him from showing his daughter how to do such things because she was worried of her being seriously hurt. After a while, they came up with an agreement - that she would only learn how to fix small objects, and none bigger.

During her young years, she also became in love in henna. Her mother had a hobby of making henna, sketching them on paper. Never has Rose ever did tattooing on real humans. When Techna was about nine years old, she saw her mother drawing. She became interested and asked her mother what she was doing. Happy to indulge her daughter in her favorite habit, Rose showed her what she was drawing and how it became a passion for her. Eventually, Techna tried to draw as well, but it wasn't as good as her mothers.

Soon enough, Technophile was into fixing electronics and drawing henna. Techna could never decide what was her true passion. She just wanted to do things that kept her intrest since most of her past interests faded away real quick. She cared for her hobbies and knew that if she saw something she liked, she knew how to show it. If it's something she hates, she shows it better. It was when she was about eleven years old she knew how to show her feelings and when she wanted something.

When she was twelve, her mother passed away. Devasted, she kept herself in her room and never talked or aten that much. She forgotten about her favorite hobbies and began sulking. Her father, Scott, tired of her being depressed, sat down with her and told her to cheer up. He knew that his wife wouldn't allow her to be sad. He did a sweet lecture about her being depressed wouldn't make Techna's mother happier - it would make her sadder. Eventually, Technophile agreed and eventually became her old self again.

Around this same time, she became interested in singing. She started singing and wear more dresses. She eventually lost track of liking electronics and went towards actually being a girl. She usually kept being an image of a boy, but one day she just began growing up. As she sang, she had butterflies flying around her. She never noticed since she was normally happy. But, her father did. And he knew what was happening. Technophile was having the same powers as her mother, Rose. Rose had expected this and made sure that she had enough money to go to Anime High School or a regular college if she didn't have any signs.

At age fourteen, she had found what had happened. Her singing had sent butterflies flying around her. She had never discovered this until the day after her fourteen birthday. Techna's fathertold her that after she ended this year's school year and when she was fifteen, she would enter into Anime High School. Techna's first question was that she didn't have enough money to go there, but her father said that there was enough money. Techna was sad to leave her twelve year-old sister, Lillian, but she left anyways.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA

(Has not yet arrived at AHS as of yet).

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