History of Anime High School

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The story of AHS began in 1983 when the twins Mori and Rai created the boarding school Anime High School. Now, Mori and Rai were different from your average middle-aged Principals. See, the two of them were Meta-Humans. Meta-Human (or metas), is a general term for anyone with extraordinary powers. Now, Mori and Rai were Meta-Humans and when they made this school, they had Meta-Humans in mind, as they wanted to educate young Metas on how to use their powers. Things for the students were good as they learned how to use their powers. However, there was tension between the founders and in '99 it came to a head. Mori stayed as Principal and Rai left to make her own school, Toriyama High (this'll be important later on). Needing an assistant Principal, Mori decided to hire the valedictorian of the 1986 class, Iori Mishima. However, one thing Mori didn't know was that Mishima had plans of his own.

In 2002, the class of 2005 was enrolled. It was at this time that Mishima started his plan. First, he had all the teachers captured. When a group of students started snooping around his office, he beat them up and ordered the school to capture them and even hired the students of Toriyama High to help. However, those students that did the snooping found out where the teachers were a freed them. They then had a showdown with Mishima. After a long battle, Shohito Katsuragi killed Mishima with some help from Ryu Musashi. With everything peaceful again, the students earned a trip to Tokyo. However, things are never peaceful for the students for long....

In Tokyo, the students relaxed, but meanwhile an evil young man named Laucorn had set his sights on getting the greatest armor ever created, the Armor of Mars. He almost had all the pieces the last one under Ryu Musashi house. So he blew it up. Once he got the last piece, he started blowing up parts of Tokyo. While Ryu's friends Josh Hyabusia and Shohito Katsuragi fought Laucorn's henchmen, Ryu started fighting Laucorn. However, Laucorn was very strong and got an advantage over Ryu seemingly killing him. By this time Sho and Josh had defeated Laucorn's henchmen and Sho began battle with Laucorn. This gave Ryu the time to recover and when Laucorn went into the God of War mode, Ryu was able to destroy him. Once again things seemed to be peaceful, but it wasn't long until another evildoer came along....

Mori wanted the students to have fun so he had a dance done. The students looked to be having fun, but suddenly Ryu started fighting with some of the students. He was brainwashed by Gonzua and his men into being evil. Then as suddenly they came, they left the school, reappearing in Tokyo. Since they didn't want to kill Ryu, they had his closest friends to try and snap him out of it. It took a group effort, but it was done and Ryu was brought back to his senses. Shortly after his men were killed, Gonzua made his escape, soon returning with a young schoolgirl. The schoolgirl showed that she was no ordinary girl by killing Gonzua with one hit. Sakura made her presence felt. Yet again things were peaceful, but you know something was going to happen.

During this time, several things happened including the disappearance of Josh, Sho, and Shinto. MACHINE was formed and Ryu's evil side, Kaiser, briefly took over and rampaged around the school before being stopped. Then came one of the greatest threats to ever grace AHS. Korukushin. After Warren, Nico, and Korukushin's men destroyed the campus, they begin battle with the students. They were able to hold their own until Korukushin came and soundly defeated the students. However, Korukushin then ordered his men to leave as they began destroying cities all over the world. The students attempted to stop Korukushin, but to no avail and were dealt a major blow when Ryu destroyed himself and the city of Chicago in an attempt to kill Korukushin. However, Ryu's sacrifice did weaken Korukushin enough to make him rush his plan. He returned to the school and began battling with the students. It looked like the students were going to be defeated again when Josh broke Warren's hold over him and retook his body. Josh then seemingly killed Korukushin.

With Korukushin gone, the students had a funeral for those who died fighting Korukushin, but somehow an opening to the other world was opening allowing Ryu and Nyaki, who were both dead, to return to life! This also allowed the villains killed before to come back. However, the students were much stronger than before and easily took care of the threat.

There was quite a long period of peace as the students mourned, played, and trained. Then Rai made her return to the school. Toriyama had closed its doors for a while and those students were allowed into AHS. Rai had three students enrolled into AHS: Ushio, Charlotte, and Nash. The three blended in until Ushio made his move. Now Ushio was the son of Mishima and when his father was killed, he gained a bitter hatred of Ryu and Sho, wishing to kill them. First Ushio fought with Ryu, defeating Ryu by breaking his neck. When Ushio paraded Ryu's body the students attacked him causing Nash and Charlotte to fight too. Then Ushio beat Sho, but at this time Ryu was healed and took Ushio out with the ultimate Ninja Centerfold to Kick to the Balls with a Steel Toe Boot combo. With Ushio weakened, Rai came in and turned off everyone's powers. The students were then forced to escape to the mountain. They hid there for a while, slowly regaining their powers (while this happened some students were able to kidnap and hold Rai hostage for a while). Then Ushio found them. By this time Nash and Charlotte had switched sides and helped the students. Ushio was able to hold the students off, but was getting beaten until he merged with his father's spirit (don't ask) and became True Ushio. Then Korukushin seemingly came back from the dead and killed True Ushio. He then warned the students of clones.

The "clones" then arrived, but they were really Future forms of Ryu, Akai, Sho, and Josh. They told the students about their future and told them that Korukushin was the real threat. They then spent the week training. At the end of the week, Korukushin attacked. Ryu fought against him for a while, but was soundly defeated. Before the students were destroyed, Josh agreed to go with Korukushin.

Things were peaceful at the school. Love started to flourish with many of the students. Then a MACHINE tourney began, but the American and Japanese governments started to investigate MACHINE and MACHINE is forced to postpone its tournament. After the U.S and Japan governments dealt with MACHINE, one of AHS' biggest threats took over MACHINE, the Society Against the Existence of Meta-Humans aka. The SAEMH.

The SAEMH leader, Nathan Zerricks, held an assembly at AHS. Johnny decided to join the SAEMH to see what they were really planning. It may have been viewed as stupid, but Nathan did what he planned to do. He caused mistrust among the students. Johnny met the Uber-Men and was dubbed leader of the SAEMH's Power Men forces, Korukushin 2, named after the one who was never truly beaten. The Uber-Men were named after other characters the AHS students fought in the past, Mishima 2, Laucorn 2, Gonzua 2, and Ushio 2. Johnny then made a brief return to ask the most influential humans (Ken Karasu, AJ Peterson, and Neo Valreign) to join the SAEMH. They refused and Johnny hinted at an invasion. Shortly afterwards, the SAEMH invaded the school and drove the students out of the school, causing them to retreat to the caves in Dragoon Mountain. Mishima 2 and Laucorn 2 fought Josh and Sho and seemingly won. Gonzua 2 and Ushio 2 were both at the SAEMH's IHQ with Johnny.

To get back on the offensive, Ryu lead a small group to attack the SAEMH regional HQ. While he and Ken fought off the Power Men out front, some other students sneak in. Meanwhile, Johnny had returned a young meta-human girl he had fallen in love with, but was challenged by Neo. Neo and Johnny finished their duel, and the second wave of the SAEMH invaders arrived, heralded by a dying Mikey Asakura. The students fought the SAEMH invaders, lowering their numbers, but then the remains of the army received self-destruct signals. Ryu put a shield around himself as he fought, and when the PMs destructed, the explosion tore open a hole in time a space, sending Ryu through it. By the end of the fighting, the AHS students had won, but in the process, 45% of the student body had been killed.

After the SAEMH crisis ends, things calm down, finally. A ceremony honoring those who died at the hands of the SAEMH was held and several moving speeches and songs were given during this time. Life began anew again, but things were uneasy. The uneasiness is then turned to fear as a Power Man Mk. V appeared near the lake, and a group of students started to battle it, until it finally was recalled. During the battle, Ryu, who was thought to be dead, reappeared. Before things could even calm down from the sudden Power Man appearance a new group, the Resistance Advocating Meta-Human Empowerment, the RAMHE, was unveiled at a rally at the school. During the rally, Ryu was revealed as a member, causing an uproar that ended in numerous bloody battles.

For a while things were very tense at AHS. If it wasn't a bloody battle, it was a plot against the school. Things had been quiet, though things were far from dormant. Over in Europe, a group of AHS students had infiltrated Vatican City to save the Pope from SAEMH influence. The group is successful and two of the combatants, Tateo Minameo and Cyra Raven were wed while in Rome.

Suddenly the SAEMH made its next move. In a daring and bold display, a SAEMH hunter-group entered the school and kidnapped much of the populace, taking a good 80% of the school with them to specialized death camps. The students were sent to three locations: Santa Fe, The Swiss Alps, and The Sahara Desert. Eventually, the students were able to find where their captured comrades were held; and thanks to some help from the RAMHE and the US government, the captured students were evacuated. However, the big cost was that the HQ in Santa Fe was destroyed in a nuclear explosion destroying Santa Fe and giving Meta-Humans an even worse reputation.

For a few months, things were peaceful. The SAEMH took over Russia, Nathan becoming the emperor, but for some reason he didn't immediately go after the students. Portals began opening up all over the school, some leading to the Otherworld, others leading to another dimension, an Alternate AHS. Previously killed villains came through the portals, but didn't get much done before disappearing to plot their evil deeds.

A group of students went through one of the portals and were taken to an alternate dimension where Meta-Humans ruled the world, but the school had been ravaged by attacks from the desperate humans. While they were there, humans attacked and they helped the students with the battle. Shortly afterwards they were forcibly returned to their own dimension with a new outlook on life.

Meanwhile, the SAEMH was getting ready for their final attack against Anime High. Either they would win or they would lose. Their ace in the hole was an artificially created Meta-Human named Project Omega, created from the body of former student Daigo Shizuma. Shortly after Omega's creation, two students Con and Sei, attempted to assassinate Nathan, but failed. Omega was then sent to RAMHE HQ where he destroyed it, single-handedly, killing all the members but two, Sieg and Koga. Bloodied and near dead, they got to the school and told the students what happened. Then the students were sent to attack an arms depot belonging to the SAEMH. However this was a trick to allow Omega to kidnap Ryu, putting him in a coma with a single blow. The newest model of Power Man, the Power Man 2.0, then replaced Ryu. "Ryu" called a meeting when the students returned, but it was a trick to kidnap all the high-level students and replace them with Power Men 2.0s. After that came the invasion.

With a massive army of Power Men, Omega led them to the school where they attacked the students, easily overwhelming them. However the students continued to fight bravely and fiercely to protect their school. But soon a lucky break came with Miselo returning with the formerly dead villains of AHS. They then began to attack the SAEMH's Russia HQ. This caused Omega and his army of PMs to withdraw and return to Russia. The students followed. During the battle, Johnny (who was one of the students captured during the meeting) was freed and started freeing the other captured students. Once the students were all freed they joined in on the battle. However, the fight didn't last long as they all soon found out that a giant laser beam was heading straight for them! It looked like it was all over for the students who wouldn't be able to escape in time. But just before it hit, Ms. Li opened a portal and saved everyone! The laser hit the SAEMH HQ and a chain reaction started, destroying the entire surface of Russia, killing all of its inhabitants and making it uninhabitable for a very, very long time. The students were viewed as heroes back in Japan due to their saving the country from being taken over, however the rest of the world wanted to hit the school with a nuclear strike. But thanks to the Prime Minister of Meta-Human Affairs, Ken Miyamoto, the school was spared.

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