School Grounds

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Revision as of 19:28, 22 January 2007 by (Talk)

A discription of what the school looks like needs to be entered right here. I encourage students to discribe the appearence of each of these places in as much detail as possible, and I encourage mods and admins to edit what the students wrote to make what they say more accurate to the truth.


The Dorms

Discriptions of specific rooms are allowed

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Fifth Floor

Sixth Floor

The Lunchroom


The Courtyard

The Memorial

The Garden

The Principal's Office

The Auditorium

The Gym

The Weight Room

Gravity Chambers

General description: This was built by the school after a particularly loaded donation gave them enough money for it. In here you can change the gravity levels to train.

Rules about the Chambers:

There are several chambers in total. Each one has three keypads by the door all linked to a computer system in the chamber which is linked to a central database in Shuner's office.

The three keypads control three aspects of the chambers. One controls the gravity levels, another controls the field type and the third controls any AI bots you can fight.

There are nine levels of bots, each harder than the last. The computer in the chamber monitors how the user is fighting in it and will change the bot's fighting style to mirror that of the user. It will also occasionally adjust the difficulty level if the user is showing that it is easier for them. Any number of bots the user wishes can be downloaded to the chamber to train against.

The field types are numerous and include mountain, hill, meadow, floating platform, indoors, and combat arena. However, those are merely a fraction of all the field types the room can generate. Pretty much any field one can think of can be created by the chamber.

The control room of the chamber has everything a user would need to stay in there for many many days. The food in the refridgerator is replenished each time the user leaves the room, as well as the gravity level is reset back to normal.

Also as a rule, all users are required to announce what their gravity level is when they are using their rooms. ((Put how many Gs it is in the title of the post as it changes and also in the first post's title to start it off as))

  • Please note that at 400gs the strongest fighters in the school begin having trouble working in the rooms.*

For example, Micheal Barton's character Shohito can work at max 915gs without passing out and having all his bones break. And he has been at the school for 3 years and 8 months real time.

And multiply the amount of Gs by your character's current weight to get how much they weigh in that much gravity. A character that weighs some 40-thousand pounds is gonna find it hard to breathe let alone do situps.

Indoor Hot Springs

Training Simulator

School Library and Computer Lab

Anime High Labs

The Roof

The Classrooms

History Class

Math Class

Language Class

Science Class

Extra Classes / Special Powers

Nurse's Office


Student Store

The Student Underground

Personal tools