Aaiiry Bluderaine

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Character created by: CREATORNAME - CREATIONDATE

Page created by: Lavin 14:56, 10 January 2007 (EST)

Full Name:Aaiiry Katherine Bluderaine

Age: 17

Birthday: April 11th

Race: Meta-human

School: AHS

Grade: 12th

Voice Actress: Caitlin Glass




Mental: The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most /Dashboard Confessional

Mental1: Boulevard of Broken Dreams /Greenday

Normal: Tifa's Theme /Final Fantasy VII

Depressed: She Will Be Loved /Maroon 5

Fight: Ready, Steady, Go!(Hydeless Version) /L'Arc~En~Ciel


Hair: Green

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'7

Weight: 113lbs

Aaiiry is an extremely thin girl, due to a rather bad flu she had a few months ago, losing several pounds that she never was able to gain back, no matter how much she ate. She dropped from 127 to 113 in a few days. She stands at 5'7, and she has long green hair that falls at the small of her back, which she swears she'll cut when she's 17½. It's thick and heavy, but very broken from when she was younger, and put it in pigtails. She stopped putting it up a few weeks after her 15th birthday, saying it weighed her head down too much. It tangles easily and she's usually seen brushing it or smoothing it down in some way.

When you can see her ears, they're both pierced twice. One set of earrings she got from Jaceon Summers; He gave them to her while they were dating, and she swore she would never take them off. She kept her promise even after they split, as they were still friends. She often switches the lower set, since they have no previous commitment.

Aaiiry does not in any way look her age, and nearly has a baby face. When she was five, she looked much older in her face, and as she got older, she seemed to age backwards. She's almost growing into her age, but not much. She has deeper blue eyes that reflect some of her age, but then the rest of her face is very childish looking, something that seems to run in her family. She'll wear just about anything she can get her hands on, and almost never matches. She'll wear a blue sweater and green jeans, a green shirt and red jeans, a halter and a strapped bra. She just really doesn't care. If people are that shallow as to look at her surface appearance, she really could care less about them. But she's usually seen in the uniform or a layered sweater. If she can't wear her own clothes, she likes to steal from guys. She has a few shirts in her room that she's stolen from guys who've left their dorms open.


Proficient Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, and various hick dialects

Favorite Foods: Rice, Chicken, Lemons, and Strawberries

Music Tastes: Mostly Emo, claming she hates it

Guilty Pleasures: Mainstream pop music, Chocolate, Strawberries, and dancing badly

Aaiiry can be an extremely happy girl, but she can be one of the meanest girls you'd ever lay eyes on, too, if you give her the chance and a little bit of room to beat on things. One thing that's bad about her, however, is she thinks a little too much. If you'd shove her into a philosophy class, and let them talk about religion or the origin of the universe, she'd think herself into a hole and she wouldn't be able to get out of it for a few days, if not a week... and she'd try to get everyone else to think about it too, and she usually gets pretty annoying. If she's in a room full of sad people, she'll try to make them as happy as she could until she finally tired out and depressed herself along with 'em.

If she annoys someone with a bad or offensive joke, she usually can turn around and pull another joke out of the air that makes everyone laugh, saving any friendships she may have riding on people liking her. She does usually get on people's nerves, but she has such a cute way of annoying people, such as poking at them childishly with a piece of paper, or baby talking or something of the sort, she usually endears to them.

Aaiiry can't keep a room clean to save her life. If she's cleaning something, she'll have it clean for about an hour, then she'll be watching TV and knock a glass over, knock a table over, something will fall off a shelf, or something will just get messy somehow. Then she has to go do something, forgets about it, and there's another mess. Although, she holds cleanliness as a high standard, even though she can't do it worth anything.

If she's anywhere near someone bleeding to any amount, she will heal him or her, no matter if they want it or not. She may not get to do it, but she'll push and shove to get to the wound, even if that means causing new ones to heal. She's sure there's a logic to that somewhere, but she's the only one who seems to see it. If she sees someone hurt, she has to fix it. That's how her mind's been wired.

Aaiiry has a love for water and rain (although she can barely swim), cooking (although she can't cook without something exploding), art and singing, looking at jewelry (which is limited, she's allergic to nickel), and organizing things.

Aaiiry hates to clean, and hates tests, because they cause her stress, which she doesn't like. She's claustrophobic, has a slight fear of heights, hates the dark, and has a bad case of monophobia. She can't be honest with herself, and in addition to this, she has a large inferiority complex.


Aaiiry has very few hobbies. She tries most times to spend what time she can with Linis, but it usually fails. She occupies most of her time drawing or singing, and stays up and watches Conan O'Brien with a cable hook up from Koede. Also, usually sick in some way, be it a cold or a headache, so it's almost considered a hobby for her to be sick.


Aaiiry can roll her tongue, sing well, and can draw pretty well when the mood strikes her. If you'd sit in a quiet room and play a racing game with her, she'd lap you a few times, too.

Special Powers/Weapons

Internal Healing

Aaiiry can heal almost any wound, but, she has to have contact with the wounded person’s blood. She can also cut through skin with her fingernails to get to an internally injured person’s blood. After she heals the injuries that she caused or otherwise, the skin fuses itself back together.

DRAWBACK: For some reason, she cannot use this talent to heal herself effectively. It only seems to work when she is in serious danger of bleeding to death. Also, if she heals someone with an illness, there's a 89% chance she'll catch it.

Match Stick

Her blood is naturally flammable due to certain chemicals in her system. That causes it to rise to the surface of her fingers and dry to a powder, which she can scratch against a rough surface to create a certain degree of friction and ignite.1

DRAWBACK: Once she uses it, it burns to nothingness and it takes the pads of her fingers an hour to a week to produce more.


Aaiiry's blood is flammable due to chemicals, so she can use it as a low quality gasoline. As of now, she has yet to do this without passing out.1

DRAWBACK: She has to cut herself deeply to get to the higher quality blood. So, there is a very high possibility of bleeding to death unless her self healing element kicks in, if it even does.

1:The effectiveness of Matchstick and Gasoline can be estimated by the color of Aaiiry's eyes. If they are Crystal Blue, She has absolutely no chemicals left in her system. If they are Pure Amber, that means the chemicals in her body have completely drained her eyes of color, also meaning her chemical related powers have more effect.

History Before AHS

Aaiiry was born to Hodoro Miyazoko and Amanda Bluderaine in Kansas City, Missouri, on I-70, under the name Miyazoko. She was born with a lung condition that didn’t allow her to breathe. Her mother desperately went to Hodoro’s midwife to heal her, which was successful... but there was a price, which Amanda did not listen to. Other than that, her life was almost completely normal, and grew up in a Housing Development called Hidden Springs. When she was five, her parents adopted a family pet: a Chihuahua. It was very small, and hated Aaiiry. Ever chance it got in would snap at the poor child. Then one day, in finally got it’s teeth in her heel. It took roughly thirty-five minutes to pry the dog off the little girl’s tiny ankles, then they rushed her to Children’s Mercy hospital. By that time, the blood that had seeped from the bite marks had caked around her ankle. But, after the doctors had chipped off the gargantuan scab, and washed away the bloodstains, they were surprised to find but a minimal scar. This was the first manifest of Aaiiry’s power. and the only time she was completely able to heal herself.

Two years later, when Aaiiry was seven, the twins Suu and Raijin were born, adding two members to the Miyazoko family. Sadly, Suu had a collapsed right lung, and Raijin had a collapsed left lung. The baby girl recovered, but Raijin did not. This took a toll on Hodoro and Amanda, but since Aaiiry had no grip of life and death, she did not understand. In her mind, she grew up with a younger sister; no more.

Four years later, Hodoro suddenly left the family. It was a devastation this time to the entire family, even to Suu, as she was old enough to notice that their father had gone. He never came back to the family.

Five years after that, a month after Aaiiry’s fifteenth birthday, her class had gone on a field trip to Union Station, to learn about the history of the historic building. As with any field trip, there were pranks at Union Station, as well as pranks on the bus. One specific prank was destructive to the entire bus. A young boy had a leftover sandwich from lunch, and was throwing at cars on the freeway piece by piece. Their teacher ran up to the boy, clearly angry. The boy dropped his sandwich, with the teacher slipping on it. Being as this predicament took place in the front of the bus, the teacher was knocked into the driver, who in turn lost control of the bus. It spun out of control, and caused a major pileup, only a mile away from Aaiiry’s birthplace on I-70. Speaking of, Aaiiry was asleep during the whole incident, but, every one she had touched and/or landed on after the horrible accident was 100% healed the next day. That was the second and full manifestation.

A month after that, Amanda sent Aaiiry to AHS, much to the dismay of Suu. She spent roughly a year there, leaning a lot about the blood-healing power she had developed. Alas, she was kidnapped by an older Italian man after that year, and he suspended her life signals, and even went as far as to put an obituary in a wide-sold newspaper in Japan. This man, adressed only as Giovanni, was a colleague to Aaiiry’s father, Hodoro.

Amputating Aaiiry’s arms and replacing them with mechanical ones, he sent them to Hodoro on ice, to complete his memorial project to Aaiiry. He started construction on a Persocon named Chihiro, to help him deal with his grief of Aaiiry’s ‘death’. After that, construction on Koede had begun, and Hodoro’s worst fear arose; his sadistic side emerged, causing him to mistreat both of the Persocons.

A month after Koede had enrolled at AHS, Hodoro resurfaced, divulging the story of Chihiro’s construction, and repairing Koede to a limited point. He left, leaving Koede and Chihiro there, at AHS.

Soon after that, Hodoro resurfaced again, this time with slightly more noble intentions. He had heard word of Aaiiry being alive, and caught Koede and Chihiro at Tokyo Kingdom. Using Chihiro’s search programs, he found Giovanni, who had been studying Aaiiry’s powers under the codename KATana-A. Finding Giovanni at a Tokyo airport with his daughter, he chased them, but it was in vain; they boarded a plane to the U.S.A before Hodoro could alert security.

The next day, he boarded the same plane not caring where it landed, but hoping to end up in the same place as his daughter. Ironically, he landed in Kansas City. When he got off the plane, a young girl had followed him; it was Chihiro, hoping to help him find his lost daughter. Having her run a search, he found them; two miles from his home at Hidden Springs. After traveling there, he barged in, catching Giovanni in the middle of running tests and Aaiiry’s blood, her body bound to a table. After a struggle, Giovanni dove for Aaiiry’s heart with a scalpel he happened to have grabbed to use on Hodoro. Hodoro leaped in front of him, and used the heavyset man’s weight against him, and knocked the scalpel on the floor, and him on top of it.

After the clash, Chihiro offered to give Aaiiry back her arms. Hodoro shut Chihiro off, and after a long procedure, Aaiiry’s body accepted her arms and she finally woke up. Chihiro was turned back on with her rightful mechanical arms, and surprisingly, she decided to stay with Hodoro. After all this, Aaiiry boarded a plane back to Japan; She decided she couldn’t stay away from AHS.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA



Mortal Enemy

Giovanni Sacco[dead]




Jaceon Summers - Aaiiry is scared of Jaceon. Although he did what he did to her, she still considers him a friend and could never hate him.


Teo Minamino - Aaiiry likes Teo, even though as of now, she doesn't know his name. She's touched that he came and helped her, but, has a small spite because he invaded her kitchen.

Taro Kimimoto - No opinion yet

Taichi Kimimoto - No opinion yet

Medivh Belmont - Although Aaiiry has just met Medivh, she already finds his cold nature annoying... but she knows it's nothing that can't be melted.

Hareta - No Opinion

Good Friends

Danny Factis - Danny would never have been her friend in Kansas City, but now that they're both at AHS, They've become good friends, talking about memories at home, even though they both have different veiws about everything and often disagree.

Koede Hibiyo -


Mother(Amanda Bluderaine) - Nothing more than a loving mother to her daughters, but there’s a secret she’s kept from the girls and Hodoro; she’s the one who passed powers to all of her children, but, there’s a price to the powers they have..

Hodoro Miyazoko - A sane computer programmer turned insane bioengineer, he left the family for fear of hurting his wife or daughters with his other dormant, sadistic personality.

Sister(Suu Bluderaine Miyazoko) - A ten-year-old who desperately wants to go to AHS to be with her sister. She’s been denied constantly because she has no power, but is anyone really sure?

Brother(Raijin Bluderaine Miyazoko) - Aaiiry’s dead brother. Her family thinks he died of a collapsed lung, but, his inherited power from his mother would have prevented that. His real cause of death is unknown.


Linis Astald


Linis Astald

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