Chrysanthemum Arianne

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Revision as of 16:58, 8 January 2007 by Nymph Mind 74 (Talk | contribs)
Chrysanthemum Arianne

Character created by: Nymph Mind 74 - June 19th, 2006

Page created by: Nymph Mind 74

Age: 14

Birthday: January 15, 1992

Race: Fae (Sylph with pixie blood)

School: AHS

Grade: 9th



A somewhat healthy figure, Chrys’ has a fair complexion. She wears a size five in dresses and shoes, though usually doesn’t have to worry about either of them. She’d rather wear shorts and go barefoot. She's likely to be caught wearing blues, yellows, and orange; least likely to be seen in Red, and never, ‘’ever’’ in pink. ‘’’’’Ever.’’’’’ “Stiff” clothes aren’t her forte. As long as she can move around freely, she’s cool. Despite being young and mischievous, she’s not very agile.

She has no wings yet. The more faith she gains in herself, the stronger her wings will be. But first, she has to get that stable count of faith in herself.

Concerning the school uniform: Needless to say, Chys' is not pleased with it at all. A skirt? Better than a dress, but ... a skirt?! How will she be able to play and roll around? Those high nooks and crannies of hallways to place a slew of various, unexpected prank-materials? Not in a skirt she won't! But that's okay, that's why she buys a nice pair of spandex shorts to wear underneath.


Disturbingly quiet. Sure, she seems like a harmless human, but looks are deceiving. Blessed with a gift of trickery, pranks come as a natural way of life, so showing feelings the way most people do come as difficult to her. She never laughs, never smiles, rarely talks, and is always unpredictable. Despite low self-esteem, the possibilities are endless when considering ways in which she'll deal with a threat. She acts like a quiet, spoiled child but is really just a feisty, picky pixie.

She hates music for the fact that it can express emotions so well. If she hears music, she will not avoid it, but try to seek it out and put and end to it. She's more likely to put the object (Guitar, radio, MP3 player, etc) out of reach or hidden somewhere than destroy it, but don't but it past her. She's temperamental still and will throw a stereo if in the mood. If there are too many musical items around her, she will clamp her hands tightly on her ears until it stops, and sit down promptly where she is to wait for an opportunity to destroy one of them. Of course, all of this is done without must expression at all. Chrys doesn't get romantic relationships, and therefore doesn't bother with searching for any of them. She doesn't prefer guys over girls or vice-versa as she prefers none at all. She takes people as they come, and does what she wants, and rarely thinks of anyone else’s feelings unless they're sad, or might become sad. If this is the case, she will do all she can to make them happy again. Even try to fix a musical instrument.

In class, she keeps to her self. Pranks usually would not be played while class is in session. While she's good at most subjects, teachers may find it hard to keep her focus on the subject. Her eyes wander to other students and objects quite frequently, and any one who met her would know that she has no problem with staring. All in all, Chrys is stealthy, observant, and clever.


Due to not understanding human emotions too well, Chrys has a hard time identifying and showing emotions appropriately. Here is a list of emotions Chrys can properly show so far: Fear (when someone wears pink) Disgruntled-ness Content Confusion

Special Powers/Weapons



She can make herself (and whatever clothes she's wearing) shrink, usually down to 3 inches, but it is possible for her to go smaller. She is unable to shrink anything or one else aside from herself and the clothes on her. ‘’Current Status: Can shrink to three inches in five seconds. Shrink can be performed up to nine times in twenty-four hours.’’


This reverts herself back to her normal state (5'0", 97lb healthy female), or more commonly, the state she was in an hour ago. This includes clothes she was wearing, health-wise, and height wise. If she was 5'0 at least an hour ago, she can return back to there. However, if she was 3 inches, it's likely that she would get stuck. Same goes if she got sick. If she didn't have a tummy ache or a cut an hour ago, she can revert to her self an hour ago. If she was sleepy an hour ago and in her pj's, that would be how she is now then. ‘’Current Status: Can return to "normal" self in seven seconds, at least 45 minutes apart from each usage. Return can be performed three times in twenty-four hours.’’



Yang-Yang- Yang-Yang

Yukino- SmallonePup

Good Friends

Luccio - NPC

Robert Hanamitsu - Intayame Shiko


Before AHS

Chrysanthemum’s entire family was born on some planet other than Earth, and due to how large her family is (500+, 48 which are siblings in someway), she's never tried to learn about all of the other planets. She herself was born near a forest in Scotland, yet was moved around to many different countries, as most Sylph's are nomadic. She's been everywhere except the Americas and Antarctica, but the places she remembers most vividly are Scotland and New Zealand. When Chrys' was 6 years old, a good portion of the family settled in New Zealand for a month to try and sort her out. She wasn't like other Sylph’s who were usually creative, obedient, friendly, and flying. While most of her siblings and family members could freely change into their human form, Chrysanthemum seemed stuck on "human." In human form, she couldn't understand the Sylph language, so she closed herself off. To make matters worse, Chrys' was forever playing some trick on unsuspecting humans. She was quiet, mischievous, stingy, and basically human, with no sign of wings at all. These faults were quickly blamed on the Pixie blood of her great great great great great grandfather, and the fact that her mom (Alstromeria) had decided to "be adventurous" and give birth to Chrys' in Human form for God knew whatever reason. Due to her human appearance (and unruly behavior), Alstromeria was pressured by the family into finding a human to take care of Chrys' as traveling would only get more difficult with a growing child. Neither wanted this to happen, but both mother and daughter complied, though Chrys' only did this out of self-pity. She was an unwanted child by her race, relatives, and her mom, giving her away to some human scum. It wasn't just any human her mom took Chrys' to, but someone Alst' trusted with her life: a man named Luccio Laputa Levitus.

Luccio was a polite, refined man who believed in fairies and was, above all else, genuine. Chrys' agreed to be good. Of course, she never agreed to be truthful when saying that. Raising hell was not the word for Chrys' behaviors, as she never intended him to get hurt, or a serious migraine. She'd just never say those were her intentions. In fact, the only thing she ever said in response to his warm smiles and kind words was "I hate you." When too exhausted, she'd just glare it. Luccio was always patient with her though, never raising his voice or discouraging her from the not too dangerous antics. With this method, Chrys' wore herself out much easier. When Chrys' was worn down, Luccio would go, "Are you through? Did you use up all of your energy already?" Typically, she'd still be tired, possibly panting from running around, sitting on the ground in her shorts and with bare feet, looking up at the smiling face of the man before her. At the beginning, she would immediately accept the challenge, making ruckus much like a temperamental child instead of a clever pixie. Luccio always took care of her after she was tired, tuck her in, and turn off the light, making sure to leave the door cracked. After a while, she stopped accepting the "challenge." He would then sit down next to her and then speak to her, voice never loud or too emotional, yet getting his point out efficiently. He often started his mini-lectures with a "This is your house, too, and I respect your antics..." and then would give a condensed version of common house rules, and reasons why they should be obeyed. He'd also critique her pranking skills. After the third time of this routine being repeated, Chrys' got hurt. This was the first time the message actually got across to her. The realization of her acting up far exceeded the Pixie style of pranking, almost is shaming it. She had messed up her left knee a tad, and tends to favor it unto this day. Luccio took care of her. Seeing his genuine concern and noting how patient he'd been with her since her arrival won her over - from that day on, she stopped acting up and reduced the amount of pranks played on him.

By age ten, things were going smoothly. She still refused to wear dresses and shoes, but they compromised that: Outside she could wear shorts (or pants if the season called for it), but she'd have to wear shoes anywhere outside of their home; While class was in season, she was not to perform any pranks; At home, she was free to wear what she wanted (as long as it was "decent"), but any pranks would have to wait until homework was done. She found out around this time that helping some people was just as fun and rewarding as tricking them. The elderly, lost kids, and pets were among the majority of whom she helped out. By default (by being in school most of the day), her prime targets turned out to be her peers. Being very good at school, she skipped a grade up and was in the fifth grade, where she would've been in the fourth due to her birthday. Despite being a few months younger than most kids in her class, she was the shortest, and a lot of students poked fun at her. Needless to say, it was easy to get back at them using her natural skills. She never discriminated against students when pranks were involved, though most were in her grade and age. Sometimes, she'd accidentally make someone sad. She never liked this, so she'd make them her friend and would go out of her way to make them happy. If anyone picked on them or her, she'd get her pay back.

It was during one of these paybacks that she almost got into too much trouble. She had caused a mighty ruckus in the hallway involving pint, seeds, trip wire, and a group of popular teens who had made fun of one of her friends. Chrys' ran only because of one reason: the paint in the can was pink for some reason, and the girls looked as if they would chase her. Granted, they only did this once she ran, fear written all over her face. Chrys' couldn't stand things unnatural, and the mostly unnatural thing to her was pink on the human body -not orange, not purple, just pink (shudder). The girls cornered Chrys' in the backfield of the school, and two things happened at once: As they drew close she let out a piercing scream, and she shrunk. They covered their ears, and by the time she was done screaming, they were temporarily deaf and she had noticed she was three inches tall. Unfortunately, her clothes were not her size now. She had a wristband though, and used that to wrap around herself as much as possible, then hid in the bushes. She didn't know what was going on, and was terrified by this. Eventually, one of her friends came and revealed him as a water sprite, letting her know that everything was going to be all right. He then began to speak in a general form of Fae, which calmed Chrys' down to her usual self. Before she had taken the chance to explore this new form, she was taken back to a worried Luccio, who was immediately put to ease from the sight of her. Chrys' friend was thanked, and left while Chrysanthemum was being taken inside.

Luccio explained allot of things to her. First of which, was what had happened: Chrysanthemum's powers had manifested. He left only to return with a new set of clothes for Chrys', after setting her on the cold coffee table. He also brought back a little thimble of hot coco, which she immediately clung to. After sitting down near her, Luccio began to speak, going into more details of what happened. Chys' had not reverted back into her full Sylph or any pixie form. What had occurred was a type of shape shifting called self-manipulation - making her smaller to get away from something was a good example he used. To reverse it, all she had to imagine her original self in her mind, and belive that she could make herself return to how she was. With that, he gave her some time alone, returning after an hour. It was hard for Chrys' to do what was asked of her. In her mind, she was a failure as a fae, with nothing special about her, and no promising powers. After a while, Luccio returned to find no chance. He suggested that she chant, "I believe in myself" in her mind. A few hours later, Chys' managed to return back to normal, and changed back into her clothes. When she emerged, Luccio had dinner waiting. He was pleased to see that she had done it, yet he also had a solemn look in his eyes. Halfway through dinner, he spoke more. Chrys' powers had been dormant for so long, the first few had burst out. More were inside of her, waiting patiently as they could to come out. She had to teach more about herself first, and her powers. For this reason, he was sending her to Japan.


The warm smile wasn't enough to stop her confusion, so he tried to explain through gentle words. Due to himself being a human, Luccio wouldn't be much help to Chrys' from that point on. There was a school in Japan where she would be presented with maximum opportunity to learn about and explore her skills. Within the next month, Chrys' was in Japan. At AHS. A whole three grades early....Opps. Now what was she going to do? She had arrived to the country with a chaperone who wasn't Luccio, who was only supposed to get her to school, then head back. The man called Luccio to tell him what was going on, and after apologizing profusely, Luccio made arrangements for Chrys' to stay with a woman named Rebekah. Chrys' didn't like her much, mainly because "Rabe's" rules were too strict on everything, and also because of her firm belief that young women should be wearing dresses. Surprisingly or not, Chrysanthemum found that her powers developed allot being under Rebe's care. While the piercing scream never happened again (even at the sight of pink on a person), by the end of three years she was able to Shrink and Return much faster than before. At first she had needed to use the chant to return to how she was, but after time, she became more natural with her, and she didn't need it anymore. This put a damper on how long it took her to return back to normal. Of course, she didn't connect this with her permanent shrinkage of three inches until much later. She seems' content with being short - for now at least. When Chrys' turned fourteen, she was finally able to apply to AHS. She had only one hesitation... did she personally want to go to that school? Luccio had seen her three times before then, and had said many raving things about it. She had not seen her family, or any other Fae's for forever. However, anywhere was better than having to deal with Rebekah, plus she couldn't go back to her Fae family without knowing the language. Chrys' would not return to Luccio until she mastered her current abilities, and gained more understanding about herself. Perhaps at AHS, she could conquer her fears, get out of her insecurities, learn about emotions, and rid herself of dislikes. Only time would tell... though she wasn't looking foreword to re-paying Rebekah the tuition money. Rebe said nothing, except something about an engagement... weird.

After Arriving At AHS

Coming eventually ^^;;!

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