Brian Ronin

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Age: 20
Birthday: 5/30
Race: Lilith Brand Chimera
School: ASA
Grade: 12th



He stands about 6 feet tall when at full hight he typicly is slouching down which takes off an inch or two. His face and figure are mostly human, deep red hair matted down into a spikey rough style around his head, an average nose. With a sort of streamlined apperence lacking any of the muscle tone or buldges he looks like you'd say an avearage swimmer.

He wares Navy blue coat, Blue shirt short sleaved. Dark blue pants almost black.


==Abnormality list== (See mutation power for abnormal traits powers if any.) Eyes: elongated pupel thats slightly twisted, and a red lens coming out of the pupel to the edge of his blue ireus depending on the shape. Fangs: that sometime slip out over his lower lip more often seen when he's genuenly happy. Skin: A very light fur coating, red in color. Muscles: None - Taken over by the quantum computer system, he has a layer of thick skin to protect his insides. Bones: None - Taken over by the Quantum computer system. Elongated energy spirals make up his physcical stuture now. Allowing for reduced blunt damage and a stretchy ability. Cat tail: prehensile with red fur, often that he trys to keep hidden, however it almost has a mind of it's own with Brian's subconsious goes one way and his consiousness goes another.


Brian's personality took several turns and dives and flights from how he was orginaly attending the campus. He has a soft caring heart that lends him drive to keeaway from becoming hardened and cold and to keep him grounded. He was driven into the ground by the higher tier students, flaunting their powers they destoryed his self confidence and hope. He fell into a deispar and his mind had to compensate for the pain. Many of Brians memorys were locked away, all the ones consirning power as being the only way to judge life were taken from him and locked.

Brian now however could be considered mean or cold. He'd faced his own suicide and found himself lacking to even complete that act. He's lost too many friends and he's feeling like he's beyond help. Brian wants to stop hurting, to be more than the sum of his tragies. His demenor reflects nothing of the battle in his heart for control of his mind With that battle, Brian's become fearless in actual battle, death has little meaning to him besides the fact the person dead will now no longer be in the way. Brian's lost a lot, the result is a fierce fighter, fierce friend to the people he finds he can relate to, and completely lost for what to do with his life.

Brian's tells are easy to spot often for someone who knows him personaly for more than a few meetings. When his happy he'll show the genuine grin with the fangs showing over his bottom lip. He values his friends above all jeliously too he'll protect them and hope to be noticed and have returned the comraidery and sence of family he feels towards them. Envy runs easely from him to those who have friends and easy companions people who have bonds with those around them. Especialy those with large groups under their wing, that seek more.

He's made a career out of his stone artworks. Now not only for moral support when his friends go missing repeatedly. Not only for the mental vent that allows him to express the sarrow and regret he feels, but to give that feeling of loss and gain to others. With his job he's found another role in his secound year at AHS, he's found himself catering to students who are suffering, even when consirned for the saftey of others he refuses to allow himself to stand by and watch someone suffer alone.

Special Powers/Weapons



Brian Was created, though a chimara project by the sorceress lilith. As such he he was never completed and his struture has the potentenal to adapt to it's enviroment and provide new defences to it.

(the mutation ability is not an power. it is a means to aquire power though storylines. As such you'd never see me suddenly sperting wings or plowing though walls on the spot. it's a slow process that requires time and danger to create. the mutation powers below are the list of mutated parts that give brian new active powers)

Mutation Powers


the unique shape and coloring of his eyes are not just for show. They have the ability to take in distant details or pick up on patterns normaly difficult or hard to catch with a normal human eye this includes.

Twitching eye

The fourth and final eye view mode, the three vision modes fought for dominence of Brian's eyes. The most important optical relays connected and allow Brian to view Focus and Magic vision modes at once. As well as two extra nerves attach in his right eye on the very edges of his vision. His right eye develops a permanent minor twitch however as long as he’s talking to and seeing a person he will get flashes of possibilities. Possibilities given to him by observation and a touch of physic sense. That suggests to Brian details and thoughts about the person he’s talking to. No guarantee that the thoughts and details will be correct.

Magic sight

The threads of magic used in spell creation, become exposed to Brian when his eyes are in the swirling red pattern overlaying his eyes. It enables him to break down spells with the jukken fighting style. This is his prefered vision as he lived years being attacked by magical energys, during his life in the magic realm.

Focus sight

The symbol of the crosshair takes over the red matter in his eyes. This vision mode gives Brian a 360-degree vision and unlike the other eyes with basic detail enhancement this vision mode allows Brian to actually focus in on far away objects to see a degree beyond what he could normally. Blurs and patterns are visible because the full range of vision. Making super speed a relevant factor being able to be lost to the eyesight, this view mode makes use of the QCS’ abilities to provide quicker response times.


Fur Stitching

With an open wound present on Brian’s body his fur will close the gap by the fur drawing together and attaching till the wound is closed. Following that the wound will solidify and antibacterial will be released in the solidifying process of the covering hairs. A quick fur scab is formed that cleans the wound and prevents blood loss.

Quantum computer system

A memory energy muscular operating system His body evloved to no longer need musciles to operate and a tough layer of flesh has taken over the guardien role for the internals. This system leaves Brian being able to preform high stress manuivers of agility, and strength because his body is acting on a energy basaed movement rather than muscular so energy is not concentrated at any one point of the body making his pinky finger equaly strong to his arm due to the distrabution of energy. Built up by breaking down food, sleep, and ambent energy around him he can go genearly a week on ambient alone before his body simply stops functioning.

===Supercharged QCS=== (aka QCS level 2) The quantum computer systems second level of development, the spirals of energy have extended out along Brian’s bones becoming more like spirals of energy connecting the furthest rings of energy to each spiral. Giving Brian greatly increased speed, reaction times, and impact strength to a superhuman level. Along with this resonance of energy Brian’s bones have melted away remaining within him are only the quantum computer system’s elongated spirals of energy and the slightly tougher layer of skin to retain his form and becoming super tough around his vitals to make up for the bone loss. As a side effect Brian can bend at any point along his body in any direction.

Memorized Ability Sets

- Swimming - Gymnastics - Breakdancing - Gunmanship (the ability to handle and fire a gun on target) - Monkey Paw (extream balence, and flexablity) - Gravity Resistance (1 though 7 G's presently) -

Advanced Ability Sets (these sets are formed by combination of learned sets from memorized abilitys)

- Self Defence: Interuption (gymnastics + Monkey paw + Eye power) (Defensive Ability: Brian can protect himself effectivly in a hand to hand fighting situation. Giving him a strenght that he wouldn't see in his jukken fighting style.)


Jukken fighting style

This style of fighting was devloped by brian in the magic realm where he was banished. This particular fighting style attacks the inner workings of the body and magic itself. This power destorys magical stablity making spells, and magical abilitys fall apart, as well when applyed to attacking the body it will damage organs and the internals. causing not immediate damage but excellerating fatigue and causing internal bleeding if not adiquitly avoided.

Jukken attacks

Jukken limits


The true drawback of this style is having to have a sence of magic so acute you can visualize the form of the magic. In Brians case he can actualy see magic radiated and form of it cutting off decades of training to learn it. A true master of the style can visulaize the magic and know what it's intent, purpose and reaction to being cut off would be.

Law of magic levels: Magic can be understood like a deck of cards, simple spells by a beginer caster can be viewed as a 2 card house. easy to knock over and make. As a caster advances they would get more cards so to speek they can make more advanced houses (spells) or make stronger simple spells. Stablity is what The jukken style destorys, it's like knocking out one of the base cards from the house. For an advanced wizard knocking one card out of a simple spell means nothing but for a advanced spell the house comes tumbling down.

Containers: Summons, traps and simmiler creations from magic that contain another magic inside operate to hold the magics energy within have to be broken then can be dispelled. Meaning heavy damage to the container to destory the magic. The container depending on quality of containing it's own magic, will determin if the summon, trap, ect has a glow of magic revealing it is indeed magical.

Elemental creatures aka Living beings of magic. These elementals have no magical glow when in a standard form. Hiding traits however of a form counts as an active spell. Their bodys use their own naturaly occuring magic and thus give off no glow that wouldn't be seen by the naked eye. the only time a Elemental creature will reveal itself to having magic is in using it, to shift to another form, hiding traits with illusions or "active" magics, where a constant stream of magic is required to maintain the effect. For example a wind elemental shifting from human form to wind. Only a flash of magic and then nothing. the only clue was the burst of magic to give it's presence away.

Elementals: Common misconception about Elementals is that they are wholey a elements work, most cases this is not true. Elemental powers are often a combination of magic and nature being used. Thusly in the case of Jukken deflecting this type of magic requires the user to be aware of the form of the elemental. For example lightning bolts cast and blocked by the jukken user immedatly seek grounding out. For this sence there are 3 types of elementlas a Jukken user must be aware of

1. the resource elements, that need a driving force to be effective 2. container elements, these elements are growth dependent or change dependent can still be used effectivly as a weapon even after the magic is taken out of the equasion. 3. almost purely magic elements, these are almost completely reliant on magic and without magic vanish

Resource elements Fire dissapates in the air. Water washes out to the ground. Electricity grounds out Wind dissipates

Container Elements Ice halting it's spread Earth halting it's formation wood halting growth Metal halting temperment or change

Magic Elements Holy/life/light dissapears Shadow/death/dark dissapears

Powered Items


Tlachtga Appearence: A duel edged spear catagorized by three areas

Blade: There is a blade on both ends of the spear a foot long each and curved to a menicing point. the blade forks with a lightning bolt design for space for a blade catch between the smaller and larger edges of the blades. Each blade faces an oppsing direction making spinning the spear an effective means of attack as much as traditional thrusting manuivers.The blades are directly connected to each other by the spiraling chain that runs though the center of the shaft.

Cup: the blades are not attached directly to the spear, instead they are fasoned to cups at eather end of the spear. These cups sit sungly topping each end of the shaft and are smooth cone shapped. The cups are connected to the shaft alone.

Shaft: The handle and container for the trick to Tlachtga, about 5 feet long the shaft has running purple lettering that was once angelic but is now a warped language by the arcanic magic from proxcimity to Brian's body constantly. The lettering lights up in reaction to Brian's personal energy flow. The shafts own color is earthen brown, like stone just pulled from the very ground.

Tlachtga History: Legendary weapon of an elemental maiden, learning all her magical prowess from Muli Zuled. She crafted this weapon out of the elements hidden deep in the caves of the oldest mountain known to her or her master. Once the rare materials were gathered with the greatest of care. She began work the materials tempering magic with a blacksmith’s talent forming the toughest metals known among magi. The end result of the maiden’s tireless work was a dark green staff hallowed out before cooling made from the toughest of all the materials at hand. The material refused to be tempered, once the magic language of the angels was inscribed a dark gold pattern in contrast to the singularity of the deep green. Inside the hallow another smaller staff was made of the same material also inscribed for strength but as well to spin in a singular direction. A series of chains were made from the second strongest material, tough unfaltering against even the strongest men, weapon or spells. Snapping sealed onto the end of the inner staff and wrapped around it till it was just inside the end of the larger staff. The chains glowed with specks of blue reveling the magic that went into their tempering. Two long spearheads were made silver in color their points thin for the piercing and molded to not need simple care. A single blade catch running down the center of the blade to halfway four diagonal pikes were spaced out as outwards blade catches. Each blade was sealed to a cup ready to fit over the staff’s openings the backside blade was sealed onto the staff portion. The other however was sealed to the chain inside the staff. This combination of the best-known spear features made the fixture alone deadly in the hands of a skilled spear user. However this adept maiden sealed the very earth into it’s creation, pleading with mother earth to lend this spears user her power. It is said it has the power to render the earth asunder and swallow the foes of this weapons owner to the earth. So the maiden used this weapon for the duration of her life till she fell in battle from that day forward the spear’s location had been lost.

Tlachtga Notes:

Faux Soul: Tlachtga has devloped a nessicity to comfort her owner and the soul trapped within him. The spear has as such provided kunin with a companion in his prison and as long as Brian has the spear in hand will confert and reassure Brian in his decisions.

Real soul: Kunin's soul was forced into Tlachtga. The result was taking more away from the angelic and ornateness of the blade. Making it look and feel much more like the owner a earthen spirit. The blade is connected to Brian completely with this shift and Kunin has finally found a exsitance that he can be happy with.

The spear is of legendary quality, so certain rights come with that.

Indistructble: While the spear can be broken, it cannot be destoried, it will regenerate to it's proper form with time. Owner: The spear chose Brian as the owner, while he can be seperated from it it won't leave his ability to reach it unless the owner is capture and or bound.

Tlachtga Powers


Over time and use Tlachtga and Brian have grown closer and clover in bond with each other. From the moment Tlachtga and Brian had met, Brian’s hand had been altering the spear to fit the owner just perfectly. Kunin’s soul was forced into this weapon as Brian’s body was forced to hold a new spirit. -The spear will recreate the summoning spell that was carved into Brian’s body though battle after battle. His skin beneath the mat of fur will be marked black along the scars where the summoning spell was once activated. --Partial Summoning – Is using the summoning spell on Brian’s body the spear will partially appear. It cannot be fully be separated from Brian’s body without a full summoning. --Full Summoning – Brian required one last component of the summoning spell for it to draw Tlachtga completely out of his body. That last component is contact with enough earth to replace the spear with. Be that Earth, rock, soil, or mud, if there is enough earth around a full summoning can take place.

Magic nullification

The angelic words based along the shaft of Talchtga shifted. From the extended use by Brian the spear has adapted to it’s user taking on his key ability of nullifying magic (see jukken rules). It can now smash, cut or whip magic with the same effects as simply Brian blasting it.

Earth Pull

The spear attatchs to the earth or rock around the user by the tip of the spear and can pull out a basic shape of the users choice from the Earth. The spear tip jams into the ground, and is required to keep constant connection to make the form hold shape and stability. Loss of connection will reduce the form back into a mound of dirt. The basic shape are solid and defensible.

Putty of Earth

Tlachtga's ability to pull from the earth stone and soil. Improves, now pulling earth free from the ground as if they were putty on the spear. The earth would be consumed by the magical energies poured out from Tlachtga and thus malleable by the magic inherent in the spear. Brian can form the earth though his will into any shape he desires. As well as adjust the density of the items ranging from the hardest of stones to the softest of soils. Required that Tlachtga keep continuous contact with this enchanted earth, to mold the putty into desired shapes and densities. The range of his ability has increased two folds as the bond between Brian and Tlachtga strengthens.

===Crystalline Goo=== (Coat) Living substance of a microscopic organism was placed into food pockets in this special Jacket, for the maximum growth limit. The organisms, are incredibly resilient to being separated from each other, making Cutting them extremely difficult. They reduce impact and make for better resistance than some of the strongest metals. All wrapped as a stylish business jacket the lining between the softer inner fabric and the rough outer fabric is the growth area as the outer fabric is bonded with the goo making the jackets color a pleasant blue. Button across the front with actual pockets on the chest. May have been meant for a CEO’s or politicians armor.

Learned skills and powers

Energy Manipulation

Primary source for learning and devlopment Special powers class.

Energy Ball Creation

This power is very weak. The user can only create a small ball of energy. With concentration the ball can take shapes and color depending on the emotion applyed to it. Used as an attack would be the same effect as flicking someone. Brian primarly uses this skill for training purposes however with a recent special powers class found there is a futher use for this skill and plans to find it.

Energy Cling

Learned in Special powers class. Neo taught the students how to use their chi to cling and repell. The extream being using the chakra control to repell gravity conditions. Brian adapted to this princible very quickly due to the predispotion that the QCS offered him.

Energy Slide

Picked up from all the times Brian’s used energy cling to slide down the sides of heights. The ability is orbs of energy at Brian’s feet allowing him to grind across flat ground or across actual energy beams or rails. Simply an easier way for Brian to get around, than walking or running has been.

Light Net

Energy manipulation. Devising a way to control an object encased by the energy using an alteration from the emotion energy ball spell. Though practice and training he was able to duplicate and use the fluke spell he witnessed. The light net will capture objects up to the 1-3 feet in height and width, and move them about by Brian’s will. Resistance can still break the net but due to Energy cling the closer the object is to the source of the energy the stronger the resistance has to be.


Relationships: Mortal Enemy: Lilith and her creations. Hates: Eli, Teo, The Minamino's Dislikes: Mori, Johnny Close Friends: Greg, Alex, Nicholas, Eona, Lupis, Trinis Family: Liliths Other Creations: Anthony, Angel, KC Ex-Students: Amaya, Yang, Shin Likes: Suzuki Dating:

History Before AHS/ASA

A monden day soceress started it all, a bloodline of higher magi and sorceresses dominated Liliths ancestory and she was just as full blooded as any before her. She inhareted all her familys progress in the science of magic and alchemy. Her family had been apart of the neutral groups of the magi orders. They observed and expanded the knowlage for other more biased mage's to use. While she was increadably talented in the workings of magic, it left her indoors and away from normal people especialy with how her family shielded her from the harsh world of anti meta humans that seemed to becoming more heated. Locked away in her familys mansion only working on magic she of corse came to want a perfect partner. Someone to spend her time with working on magic that would serve her every whim and fufill her desiers. She tryed to find a mage that met her tastes but none of them were worthy enough to even speek with. She became distressed at the pale weak minded mages she was forced to deal with over and over. The safe men her family approved of annoyed her.

So she would create one, using that what her parents taught her, along with their libary she had all she needed. Recearch on chimaras and demonology was what she thought her best and most promising portal to making her perfect partner. After years of exausting recearch, tests, and failures to contain life. Userping the laws of nature and time. She was finally able to find the breakthough she wanted, starting with the blood of a fire beast and strength of a lizard man and the form of a human vessel she worked the magic long into the night on the eve of a dark moon. The resulting form created was Brian, A tanned creature, prehensal tail, fangs. He looked almost like what she wanted. In that first hour she paused gathering herself together. Then she walked about him like a pieve of meat gloating over her creation.

Brian took a moment processing where he was while Lilith poked and proded. It wasn't long before he realized what he was, she had wanted a smart companion he was everything she had deigned. However reality wasn't as great as in her head, he spoke softly at first asking for his name, then about his creation and what she wanted of him. Lilith looked at his soft spokenness with discust, she wanted him perfect out of the box. It wasn't long for her to decide he was too weak to be a sucessful project immedadatly she decided to banish him from her sight. Lilith sent him to a magic realm exsiting just below the real world.

A portal released him to the red landscape, where it was always sunset and dust rose from the ground with every step.. Brian was there alone for years never aging in this timeless realm, He was going mad. Over time his once almost tan tone became thick the hairs held the red dust that merged onto his being he adapted for the first time and blended in to the red with his now permantly red fur.

While the magic realm wasn't void of life it was void of companionship any beings there were mearly passing though for a moment. Existing only for the beaings made or summoned by magic. Once a special pixie that was travling though spotted him alone in the realm. She seemed to enjoy wandering in and out of the realm almost taunting him whenever she could manage it.

She made her stays short as only possible she mocked him pasing in and out of the area. Whenever she was around he found himself in troubles that he couldn't explain. Spells would flare next to him burning him, or electricuting him between her passes though the realms. While he didn't know that the pixie was causing him the trouble he was forced to teach himself a way to defend himself against the magical workings that seemed to randomly attack him.

That is why he devloped the jukken fighting style, a open palm style that sends energy of the body to interupt the energy used to hold spells together. Soon after he conqured the basics of the style he was able to deture the elementals or spell parts attacking him. The pixie never returned calling him no fun after that, she seemed to delight in his suffering. It was a cold reality of this realm he learned while again he seemed to adapt to the realm his eyes burned for weeks and when he could see again he started to notice the threads of magic forming before a flash of magic.

Still more years passed in this ageless realm, Brian was teetering insanity again before, and yet still he somehow found training and his own compnay just enough to keep him from losing it. He was slowly making the jukken fighting style more proficent following the magical flashes around. Failed spells in the real world on the battlefield could often enough be blamed on his interfearence.

Though things in reacent years had become caotic, the magic realm he excisted in seemed to be rippling with strain. Claticlismic things were going on in the real world with citys being distoryed and massive ammounts of energy being released from the magic realm. flimsy almost intangable portals seemed to be appearing all around him. The magic real seemed to be rippling and realing from the assult that the real world was causing. Eventualy on his watch a portal as real as he was or the beaings that inhabited the area. He couldn't help but investigate, the result was he was thrown onto the campus grounds, a whole new world.. this one with people ahead of him.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA

AHS Year One:

Brian was greated by a group of students in the garden when he lept over the fence onto the campus. They were kind enough to give him a rundown of AHS. How it was a school for gifted students and how dispite the high tuition he should sign up since he looked the way he did. That was the start of his friendship with Greg and he and PM teo signed him up for AHS.

The very next day after attending his first history class, the heated battle with the SAEMH orginization began. Brian was easly overcome in his entire life he had never seen a robot nor had any reason to figure out how to fight one. He would have been assimilated if not for several students comming to his aid and getting him to the memorial where he was healed. From that point on he took to not fighting but helping the injured get away from the PM's

When it was all said and done Brian was left with serious questions on his mind about living his life here. In this hostile and dangerious place where people tryed to kill him just for excisting. He joined the Dragon group as proof of his new resolve, he wanted to be like those students who had defended him during the battle he wanted to protect others. He was given equipment to signify this stance and he started his role, along with Greg and Teo.

He met his new roomate the next day, both he and Sarah had been asigned the same room. After some inital confusion on their parts they realized that they shared a bathroom. Brian often saw how down she was on herself and the world and did everything he could to cheer her up. It was the start of a relationship neather knew would florish.

In the following days Brian had started his special powers training, and found that the SAEMH plot wasn't quite over dispite the higher class students being present for the distruction of Russia. A student changed in the middle of class and if not for the quick thinking of Teo and another Brian didn't know everyone in that class would have been infected. A nano plage spread across the campus Student after student was changing. Even Greg was being changed, it crushed Brian he was forced to do soul searching to think his first friend was to die in such a horrable fasion.

Brian spent a few days away from his dorm, just whereever he could find some peace is where he went first the waterfalls to be taught how to swim. Then the memorial where he found a energy.. a person made up of those who died. He reffered her to Teo, who Brian guessed was now orginizeing the cure responce for that plage from how he responded to the girl.

He was starting to feel better finally and life was starting to turn around the vage outlines of a cure were being found. That was when Sarah returned to his life, back from her dissapearing act he was greatful hell more than that. They spent a full day together planning out a future that was completely uncertain. Brian decided to surpise her by gathering together friends and having a party at the waterfall.

However during that very party, the group was interupted first by a annoying and spiteful pixie. Who gave them a ultimatum more than a mission, they were all told to save the forest and in suit the school that would be the following target. That very mission berifing was interupted by the oncoming attack of a robot. A model none of the group had seen before started to turn the woods into it's personal flamable toy.

Between Greg and Brian they were able to take it down, however the cost of fighting it without thinking of those around them hit Sarah the hardest. The very pixie that had given them the mission had tryed to turn Sarah, into a nymph. Just for the very fact that she was against what the pixie had said. Brian was undetured now as he tryed to destory the pixie. Her escape lead him to find somewhere else to vent his rage. He told the group to meet up in the woods 2 hours later.

his plan was to enact some rage out on the ones who had sent the robot. In his hate filled mind they were just as responsible. So upon the meeting grounds He, Greg the group and two new aquantiences set foward for the bunker.

Outside the bunker Brian was still enraged, He set off the bases security system. a Ridiculus Robot team came out to fight them. After a silly enounter they combined to a farely challenging robot. Alex put it down however setting it's own missles against it.

The team enered still cocky, Brian leading his rage over Sarah still burning in his mind. not knowing where it would lead him. The dark room was their first challenge, a master of stealth. He mocked the team, proceeded to try and rip them apart one by one. However Brian forced his body to compensate, He was given the chance, and he made use of it overloading the suits stealth sytem with a blast of Chi.

The group took him down, however it was once again Alex who cast the final blow. The edge of rage was being blunted fast, but Brian still bullheadly pressed forward into yet a trap. The good doctor had a sound system to kill for, it took a sonic blast from of all places Alex's vocal cord to keep them once again out of hells basket.

The next room however held a surpise that none of the more hardened members of the group had come to face. A fire bender, a man who mastered the element of fire with a fighting style. Nicholas the most outspoken against their killing became tarnished in that fight. He killed the fire bender with his own mastery of fire, his being apart of the flame, serpassed the fire benders taming of it.

Brians rage was gone now, he'd draged everyone so far what had he done to them, killing and death, yet they still had to press forward. And they did to the climax of this battle the show down with the deranged scientist and the group. However still he had one more atrocity to unleash on the group a cybernetic spider. Organic and machine squished together into a deadly fighting machine.

While Brian, Alex and Nicholas fought with teamwork anew since they had started this path of distruction. Greg went to face the bastard who would destory the forest, and with a physic attack in his face of all the things he held dear destoryed by the scientist. He hoped Greg would fold, only it drove Greg to anger. Greg took his first life then the scientist slumped on a knife collected from a earlyer battle. Greg holding him as blood spilled. The spider fell, followed closely by the exausted group. Their fight here was over.

After the feasco with the bunker, Brian reduced himself back to petroling the school, he entountered new students with fiery tempers. Even helping a fellow fighter battle her demons, it was all very confertable for him. Slipping back into the saftey that was his protector role. It was truely a farce though, a lot had changed in and out of him since he started his role as protector. A lot that made him start to seek answers to why, he loved people but often they hated each other. Wanted death and he had to pick sides.

Those questions were put on hold as the world sunk into madness. A massive demon invasion touched down and the school was in danger. So he sook the damning danger that was the protectorate roll and started his personal fight against the demons with his friends and strangers that would be friends at his side.

Time ebbed away again, and peace hit Brian like he needed it. He wanted to sort himself out and so he did. He left to where it all started to meet Teo again, maybe to get answers maybe not. In the end he decided that he couldn't stay the happy family dynamic for too long. He was too sad, for this kind of joyious occasion. He left with little word leaving the family to be happy.

Dragon was being reformed, Brian knew he was a member of that group that he was previously a member of. He decided that it would be good to be apart of something again. Arriving at the meeting however made his suspicions run high about those who were in charge of it. Sevearl he knew for being show boats for using others to make themselves look good. There was this technology offered a shild of some sort, Brian wanted nothing to do with it or the man behind it.

This would be the worst mistake he could have made the demon took instant offence to his gift behind rejected. He spiraled out of control and attacked Brian and teo viciously with a partical movment technique. Brian's hands and feet were locked in place by these particals. As the Demon towered over him Brian was sent back to his beginnings. He remembered his intent to being a slave to Lilith because he was weak he was rejected. Rejection washed over him and he was crushed more by the memory than the demons cruel isolation of him.

None of the students came to Brians aid as the demon taunted till he eventualy left taking Teo with him with mearly a promise. Teo left and Brian was burned by the particals. Burns of the shakels he was forced to ware. Dragon was dead to Brian, he left shortly after alone. Feeling more isolated and depressed than ever before.

He left, leaving behind his dorm after mearly grabbing his Dragon trenchcoats and ripping the patches that signifyed Dragon. Leaving metal holes in the trenchcoat, with one weighted Trenchcoat on his back he left to shinjuku park. His first master, and trainer Spinner would be there. He had to be, and Brian found him Praticing a martial art Brian had never seen before. His interest grew and a friend AJ showed up to also partake in the style.

Like most of spinners lessions, it was short and to the point. the basics of this style were balence and control of limbs in flight. After that Spinner seemed to lose interest in teaching and let Brian and AJ teach each other about a style forigen to them. Brian realized like breakdancing a level of freestyle was nessicary for this technique. Free that seemed to be the method to Spinners teachings. Brian never got a chance to absob that fact completly as with AJ's growing confusion Brian shifted to chi sight.

Aj was among the strongest in the school, his spiritual power alone was something that scared Brian out of his wits for fighting with the man only moments before. Brian ran from the park going deep into it where he could hide. He hid from the world from that point going were people rarely went. Only to end up tied up in another plot.

Brian thought training would help his dispotion about his lot in life, change him for the weakness and desperation in nothing he saw himself in. Fate had other intentions, he was directed by a voice. His old insticts of being a protector seemed to kick in and drive him to a cave.

Inside it quickly turned to a battle, one Brian never felt to enthused to be in. He spent the battle avoiding fighting for his life alone for the mear thought that he had sworn to stay alive for certain students on the campus, Students he wasn't even sure excisted on this plain anymore. Still in that battle Brian also fought to prevent the death of the man who tried to kill him. Brian felt no resent he like so many others tried to kill him, Brian just still refused to die like he felt he should.

Brian Failed though, the man died if not by his own hand but by proxy. His fate apparently was sealed, he was picked to bear this weighted arm, a stone hand to remind him of his hesitation. A mage with silver hair, he imposed upon Brian, his words made no sence seeming designed for someone else. Brian gave up, if fate wanted him, he'd go this time.

Brian finally returned to the campus, after his threatening experences outside the campus he realized that, no matter where he was he was still in the same danger he knew the campus to be. He patroled the dorms, even though he no longer belonged to Dragon, nor did he feel he could defend the Dorms should the need arise.

A new entrance to the dorms however was a quick test of how Brian was going to interact with people again. The test however happened to be a man decked out in full armor with fresh wounds and smears on the armor. Brian took a hostile greeting, meanwhile however Tirens return was about to become a hardeling event for some of the upper students Brian felt.

Brian was overwhelmed by people who Brian simply viewed as stronger and he was slowly cast off into the shadows by his own violition. He started breaking down just from the number of show offs in the room, Brians mind cast shadows over them all. Powerful ready to snap on him at any moment make him a mockery and destory him.

Tamara an empath noticed his broadcasted plight and tried to help. Without realizing the wake of her actions. The empath meddled with Brians mind blocking the unheathy flow of wounding memories. It was akin to putting a damn against a heathy flowing river taking toxins out of the area. The toxins built up quickly and Brian was choaking on the blockade.

Tamara in a panic quickly removed the blockades and did the same ammount of damage as it had been to put those very blockades in. Brian finally broke down mentaly, a break down that was a long time comming and one his body had been prepairing for. Brians body had been suffering from the mental trama as real as any physical wounds to the body.

The breakdown gave way to an opening for Brians mind to shut down and stop all the pain. However it was stopped from completing that task, by the people that had finally after so long come to Brians aid when he needed it and they didn't. The feeling even when Brian couldn't comprehend or feel it for himself consisly pulled him away from a last act. His mind reset blocking off pathways that had been run raggid. A new personality devloped much like how he started at the campus. Different though in the details and for the experences he still carried with him.

The people then finally who noted his presence and saw the trouble he was in were used. Each thought relating to them was converted into a new goal a new thought process to replace the gaping hole left behind by the loss of the soul previous driver of his life the fear and love of power. Not just physical but tangable power to overweigh on other people.

Brian's receaved a vision during his recovery at the dorms, he had to see the medow. Had to return to the place this adventure started in the real world. To his suprise the doorway back to the solitary hell was open and someone was comming for him.

Setting out to the medow was an eye opener as he found the field with his portal open. The very same realm laid out before him and fear took his breath as someone else was exiting that Realm. That someone was Anthony sent on mission to find him as roumers of Brians explotes reached Liliths ears.

While not on offical hunting Anthony could never lower himself to think of Brian as the first creation. The duel was bound to happen the taunts and barbed exchange for Brian to go back to being a slave was too much for him to bare. The battle had ups and downs Anthony underestimated Brian on every account whenever he had the upper hand. His shear power were clouded by his ego, Till furstation that the supposed weakest of the family Brian had harmed him.

Anthony summoned his weapon and went to cast Brian into pain and suffering, unknowingly finishing a spell on Brians very body with each cut he left behind. Teo and Winter had been watching the battle from the woods bairly arriving in time to make a difference. However when the summoning spell of Brians blood was on the ground Teo and Winter interviened, with the magical energys flooding into the area from the summoning of Tlachtga Winter was able to erect a barrier that kept even Anthony out while Brian was introduced to his new partner.

Anthony Flied the sceen upon liliths request Brian was drained and tired Even Teo's healing left something wanting for his body. something only rest would provide.

Brian decided to investigate more about Lilith, in order to find out what other supprises for his linage would come from Lilith now that his excistance was exposed. However he was not the only one interested in what Lilith might provide for aid.

Wirian another student had found the report filed with the school regarding the first venture into Liliths lair and about the device that would send him into his own past to find out more about himself. Even though clearly stated that the device was broken and dangerious He still went after it.

Brian happened to come upon him about to gamble with his life in the magical object, he had no choice but to stop him quickly. Tlachtga revealed it's aid quickly the spear flying off like a whip slicing a supporting leg and smashing the orb. Wirian supprised Brian though with his rather calm demenor about the orb being smashed and the pair agreed to look for futher clues.

They came from a old tapestry that upon feeding on the chi energy so abundent inside Brian. The location of another one of Liliths lairs this one Belonged in Rome, closer to where Kunin had been orginaly founded. Brian and Wirian agreed to make arrangements to seek out this lair and find more clues about both their pasts. However Life becomes unexpected and the trip was continualy delayed by events occoring within the school.

The school decided to change things up this year, first and formost was the students now leavign the campus. It was the first Brian had ever heard of such an event and well he wasn't excatly excited to hear about another school wide event. In the past that had only ment some superpower would break in and start anew conquests.

With this announcment was the announcement of the new dorm system, Brian's lonely haunt of walking up and down the impressive steps to anime highs oringal dorm building was sattered as everyone was devided into 4 seperate buildings. He didn't even know the people he would be stuck with.

Entering his dorm for the first time in Byakko house was a prelude to how this dorm would be eternaly. The house was a ghost house, the students in it never seemed to roam the halls, never seemed to care about who was around them. Brian opened his door to find a letter left for him. It was the first letter he had ever receaved and for his first letter it carried already a heavy tale.

Greg his best friend on the campus left, to deal with some family issue in some far off land, Brian was torn. The one person who had survived so much with him suffered this damn schools insanities to find a welcomed sort of brotherhood in arms to fend of just about anything. except this, Brian was broken once again he felt he had no way out.

He wanted revenge revenge on the school and he'd take it with the weapon he'd been issued in the first days he'd become aquainted with the schools violent nature. The justice jr was in his hand and he was ready to take action. It was however a vage friendship one that was yet to blossom into anything more than a seed that stopped him. Nicholas has spotted him, spotted his dorm and came to him.

Nicholas tried, in vain to convince Brian that the school was more than a flexing and honeing of students to exert power over each other. Brian couldn't accept those facts and it was rather distrubing enough for him to break down in front of nicholas. It didn't take much for Nicholas to finally say the wrong thing, it clamed Brian up and he left to find a new way to live.

It was Gregs leaving that broke him and it was the return of Eona and Nanami to campus and finding Brian in his terrible state that lead him to the appifiny that he could learn to sculpt. He could bring back the memorys of those he lost and make their figure withstand time and allow him to move on and find new friends.

AHS Year Two;

Brian found a good area behind Dragoon mountain where he would for the next few weeks spend his days perfecting his artwork. His sculpting, in turn improved him making him more familer with the only tool he'd use to make these marviously scculptings Tlachtga. Granting him a new level of familerarity with the weapon that was to be his protection against whatever trials should come his way.

Though something simple as walking home often turned into it's own adventure thanks to the dynamics running things at AHS. Several nights after Brian had started his day long exersize in art and designing of stone figures. Brian thought he had found the best route home, along the way he avoided the dark forest, skirted along the lake and finally cossed the medow to the campus.

This particular night Brian ran into a girl humming her way around the lake a innocent enough gesture by itself. Though being close to midnight, it sparked a fight or flight responce in Brian he called out for her to identify herself. That proclomation turned into a trial of his patientce when it was already thin from the want of sleep. Another person decided to join in that fun, person though was a loose term as Brian realized due to his chi sight that the new person was in fact undead.

The whole night was edgy till Brian finally gave in and gave up a nights sleep in favor of keeping himself alert and away from having the two people he met at the lake get ticked off at him.

Brians hard work finally paid off the hours and days of training out in the shadow of Dragoon Mountain. He finally felt confident enough to bring one of his artworks to the school. So in the garden he lugged a large stone block and placed it in the center of the garden. Hours later the stone block looked much like his close friend Greg green. Who had left the campus mentaly drained he sat at the bottom of the statue resting his eyes, and heart.

That was when a new student to the school came upon him, a girl fresh face to the campus found Brian underneath his creation. She showed genuine interest, to say the least it was exerating for Brian. Not to mention that she was a chimara. There were more poeple like him in the world.

During that conversation, Brian also met Caleb again, normally busy and consumed with his own affirs. Much like the Teo that Brian now dispised for everything he pretended to stand for. Caleb made real attempts and efforts to find out the truth about Brian. It was the beginning of Brians deep seeded need to protect and help again.

It was only a day later that he would be tested, every fiber of his being would be called into action as events unfirlled. Caleb and the entire campus was put into mortal danger by an oncomming attack on the school. As everyone talked about this white hand group in hushed tones. Brian didn't seem to care. His goals were simple and he planned to stick to them.

Till lance arrived, bearing the burden of being the dying messenger to the group. Demanding Calebs return by killing one of his friends. Brian and several others were called to help Lance recover, from the vile spell that held Lance.

They entered Lances soul found, not just a spell but something insanely advanced, While Brian went to do battle with a magic he had never seen before. His back was protected by the others who came in the sooth Lances wounded spirit. Prevent the owner of the soul to stop Brian and Caleb from ripping apart the spell.

All seemed to be stuggling on well, Brian fought with heart and kunin's soul. overpowering all the layers of pertection over the spells body. Calebs spirit made an apperence it however didn't distract Brian from his singleminded goal of destorying the spell.

He did, setting himself and the others free, however Caleb took a toll. Caleb was put into a coma like state, people visited, Brian didn't he would wait for Caleb to come out but his last attempt to be protector of his friends. That was over, as much strength as he could muster. His friends had to be responcible for themselves as much as each other.

Of all the people in the world Brian had met and experenced life with none had come so close to his heart like Sarah had. She was the first and only women he had loved and she had been thought dead for a year. Till suddenly Brian was annomously asked to meet someone at the waterfalls.

Nobody could have prepaired him for the start of a domino effect on his life that Sarah's apparence would case. Slowly he came to realize that the one person he had trusted with all his heart had abandoned him when things had become difficult.

She left him in a mental hell that had given him a year of anquish and lonelyness as friend by friend they dissapeared on him. She came back expecting to pick up where she left off, it had become too late for that. Brian rejected her because of that simple fact she wouldn't be there whe he needed her. Brian was fine though considering their relationship as him to give to her.

A oddity swept across the school in the comming days, a gender swaping curse that all partys who had become switched would want no word mentioned about what happened to them. Lupis was the first he met with such an aliment, the guy Brian had met trainning on dragoon mountain in one of his quarries was not a rather hot chick. A fact that did not excape Brian's thoughts till the idenity was revealed. Typical repulsion followed. The start of Brian and Lupis' strainned friendship.

The secound person Brian met suffering from this curse was Karen, a fiery girl that had tried to kill Brian on her first day of schooling. Sometimes Brian's jukken fighting style came in real handy so he thought. Now Karan was mascerading as a boy quite sucessfuly as Brian even though having met this girl once before could not place her personality in a new body.

Yet while the cursed people had become a mystory the intrege of it all quickly faded as the group were restored to normal with little harm other than their prides and mentalities. Brian would move on to a nobler persuite in the comming weeks.

With the new year had come fresh new students who had no clue about the horrors the campus could provide. Two such girls had stuck out to Brian as being exceedingly unpreparied for the horrors that would be visited on the school at any time. Feeling responcible Brian took two students under his authority. Amaya and Yang. Both girls showed exclusive powers and potential.

Brian would spend better time of his idle hours figureing out trainning methods for the two girls. Often though his best ideas would come to him on the spot so that he too could gain from trainning with the girls. Brian quickly found hope in these girls, his one living output from his life to ready these girls from a world he hadn't been preparied for.

The start of a new and dark chapter in Brian's life, started with a raving lunitic in the courtyard. Risking his life against the more thick headed AHS students this Mishima proclaimed that the entire campus was being manipulated. As his rant continued Brian recalled many events in his own life that when compaired to normality. Suggested that there may be truth in the lunacy.

Brian's reward for comming to such a conclusion was a mental attack that would leave him scarred. Mishima had choosen him along with four others to be englitened. While the four were knocked out by the life altering blast. The lunitic himself was immedatly destroyed by Mori the schools princible.

Brian would awaken hours later, in the hospital ward. Flanked by two friends who he thought had abandoned him. Though the good feelings would not last as hospital workers would crowd Brian, he was thrown into a panic trying to escape. Anthony for all intents and purposes Brian's evil brother came discuised into the hospital as a doctor and gave Brian a simple decision. If Brian wanted answers he had to go to Rome. Things would be ready for him and whomever he brought with him.

It was quick to return to normalicy, classes resumed, the world continued like Mishima's presence on campus never was. Still Brian was changed, he suffered from the assult. Math class only went on for moments before History class decided to raid the math class.

Brian lost his mind when he felt the power dampeners enclose upon him. Stripping almot all movement from his body as he slowly wracked every resource he had to stuggle to move. Brian was forced into the mindset of the SAEMH raids, Brian if he could have would have killed every one of the roleplaying students.

While Brian's students Yang and Amaya looked confused and unknowing weather to help their teacher or to escape by his orders. Amaya came back to him, holding her breath beneath a sleep cloud by another overzellious student. The class was excused but between almost at least fictionaly witnessing Amaya put herself in life and death danger, and his own inability to protect them. He was cut deeper in the same wound Mishima left. His mind was no longer on his side it seemed.

Brian was left to mull over an important decision, to follow Anthony's advice and seek help for his mental problems. Or to continue on the campus and risk more student lives at the chance he missunderstands something again. Brian's friends with every good intent in heart would avise him to stay to work it out.

However another vistor someone Brian had the utmost distaste for would sway Brian's decision quickly. Teo minamino finally decided to make an apperence just for Brian. The meeting from Brian's perspective was filled with Teo's self important saintly duitys. Brian felt like every inch of Teo's speech and determination was towards some yet unseen self serving goal.

Brian even felt the timeing as quite considental, right after Brian gets mentaly assulted Teo decides that now it's a good time to visit Brian. The whole encounter was pissing off Brian, in more ways than one. Every fact in front of Brian told him that Brian was now someone of some importance and now people were rallying to use him.

Brian made up his mind then, if he was so unstable to a point where other students would seek to use him for their own ends better to go with the enemy you know. Brian decided to go to Rome, he'd clear his mind, and then and only then return to campus. Ready for students like Teo.

What Brian wasn't ready for was Teo's willingness to force his way into Brian's soul using a technique that Brian had only thought Caleb knew. Teo wormed his way into Brian's soul allowed into a specific plane by the permission of Kunin. A plane which would make Teo think he spent 100 years in. In solitude, a sort of revenge spured by kunin the resident within Brian's soul.

Teo would spend the perceved years there while Brian would spend moments in a claming setting due to Tlachtga's fauz soul. To sooth Brian in preperation for finding out what Teo had done to him. When Teo was revealed to Brian within his own soul scape, Brian felt sorrow seeing the empath in such a condition. Till Teo spoke, claiming to have taken what he wanted already.

Fury had no bounds in that moment, the secound sucessful assult upon Brian. If Brian could have killed Teo, he would have. Everything Teo had ever done near him had only left him worse off. This became no different, and if not for all the people that relied so desperatly upon him. Those and only those faces kept Brian at bay, those faces twisted with agony, painned and sad. Then the rage they would turn on Brian. Damn Teo

Eona offered to join Brian's quest on the rooftop, more insisted, she was the first of Brian's friends to agree to come along. Brian would go from friend to friend after that. Lupis, meeting him in the Gym entiseing him to join because they had shared the mental assult from Mishima. Nicolas would be told about it simply walking in byakko dorms. Finally Greg Green Brian's closest friend would come to Brian. Finding him at his mosolem of statues They would have the longest discussion, but Greg would be among the lists to come along to Rome.

Lupis was the last student Brian had to talk to, Another student that had fallen victum to the mental manipulation that Mishima inflected on the four students. Lupis quickly signed up. Brian had found friends willing to come with him, willing to find and solve the problems he was faced with in his own mind.

Still One last class had to be taken care of, it would be an intense rush for Brian. Though he was still feeling wary of every creek and moving body in the room. He noticed most of all the Alex was back on campus. She looked so distant but Brian knew he looked much the same.

In some silent agreement both feeling as sick of the world as possible they kept their friendship alive for that time. Both put their effort into neo's new lesson, Brian for the first time in his life, excelled at a lesson on power. Each step along the way furthered Brian's understanding of Energy based powers.

One last class, this one however was in reverse, Brian was once again Teaching Amaya and Yang about their own powers. About how to defend themselves from this school. Yang however brought another student to this session.

Shin was different from Yang and Amaya, he could fight, his power was completely offensive. While Yang had bairly enough power to make fiery energy. His stdents would show both a spark of potential and just how far they had to go as the trainning progressed. Unique ideas used and some groundwork for teamwork was laid before Brian would leave to Rome.

A short jet ride later Brian and friends, Greg, Eona, Lupis, and Nicolas would arrive in the countryside of Rome. Far thought from where they thought they would actually be arriving. Immedatly exiting the plane they were greeted by a sight that told them for sure that this was the place.

Angel claiming to be a younger brother of Brian's this chimera was patient and courtious though snob and a bit sarcastic. The next morning Angel would fill them all in on what would be necessary for Brian to do to help them all understand just what Mishmia had done to Lupis and Brian's minds.

The plan was a attack on a local phychic, and his cult followers. The man's mind supposedly would unlock the secrets to the how and the what had been planted in Lupis and Brian's minds. The deal was too sweet to pass up, just take down a evil cult leader and bring him on home to save himself. Brian was locked.

Nicolas however outright refused to take part in the suggested attack by Angel. Brian though was too dead set on fixing himself to let one hesitant friend stop this from happening. Leaving Eona and Nicolas behind, Lupis Brian and Greg made their way to the cults headquarters.

Eona and Nicolas would soon find out how hospitable Brian's family truely was as a sleeping gas that had been tried out the night before. Nicolas and Eona would find themselfs in seperate cells somewhere beneath the earth. Torture would begin as soon as they would awaken.

Nicolas' special abilitys would be the instrument of his torture, for 5 days he would be subjected to test after test checking each stage of Nicolas' ability to produce his power. The level of control he could exibite and the number of forms he could posses. Each stage of testing was more difficult but the process made Nicolas insanely stronger. Out of all the members brought down into the dungeon Nicolas was the one who's powers soared the most.

Eona on the other hand was isolated with only one companion. That companion was a repersentive of Death. Eona was paralized for her torture, day in and day out she had only one companion death, a picture of things to come as this repersitive of death Cariosis would devlop a small crush on the girl. Slowly he would manipulate events in the catacombs to reach a result he wanted.

It would be a day later for Brian Greg and Lupis to fall into this trap set by Angel and Lilith. Bringing along the prize The mind controling leader of the cult. Greg would be locked away with other rejects of testing douzens of failed Chimera experiments wallowing in their own refuse and pain. Greg would make the most of his sutation calling out to the tortured souls rallying them under one word to his cause. Freedom would drive these chimeras to do anything for Greg. Even die for him as the end came closer and closer.

Lupis was cast into a cell like a common prisoner, undervalued he was assigned only one guard. A shadow chimera to watch over him as he would slowly succumb to the insanity brought on by solitary imprisonment. Lupis would not give the Shadow chimera the pleasure. However Lupis and a resident of the complex would find something in common with each other as the days wore on. Lupis and the mold creature near his cell would find fear in each other

Brian was put back into scenery he was accustomed to, a coloseium. The center stage and center of attention of the empty stands. Tied up and left to the mercy of Angel. Who would show Brian intimately the abilities he possesed, it would take two days for Angel to completely destory every Bone in Brian's body. Forcing the QCS system to adapt and change Brian's body to fill the void Angel's torture left Brian in.

Brian's torture though did not end with Angel breaking his body, a brand new chimera was introduced KC. Seemingly kind and decent in comparison to Angel he would slowly worm his way into Brian's mind. Tugging him along towards unknown goals.

The days streched on terribly for the group, each suffering in their own ways as a result of the torture provided by Liliths warm reception. Lupis eventualy set the whole system ablaze as he fought with a mold monster in his own very cell. The destruction of this creature set into motion events that would result in the release of the entire party.

Lupis was freed and his frist decision with that freedom was to find his friends. Each subjected to their own version of torture. The first Lupis would find would be Eona trapped in a sealed jail cell. His strength was not great enough to break the magic seal on the cell. However Cariosis told Lupis of Greg deeper in the complex.

Greg whos animal like imprisonment turned sour the moment Lupis had killed the mold creature in his cell. The mold all over Greg and the failed chimeras cells ate with rapid intent. Growth eating trying to consume all of them. Greg would rally the chimeras against that mold, yell for their salvation and rally them all under his banner of hope. (Ancient Holiday)

Brian was returned home much later than any of his friends would find their own way home. Brian once again forced to rome a magical realm to find his way back home. His home though would no longer be waiting for him, while he was gone Ryu had attacked the campus. Destoried the homes and lives of many students.

Now that event, and the trama it caused for Brian to see his home demolished. The final slap in the face telling him he wasn't welcome anywhere and it slapped him hard enough to take a leap. Brian's mad dash, he ran so fast, so rapidly, there was no reasoning or thought behind it. One goal, he wanted to end it all, wanted his life to end finally to be put out of his misory.

Brian had two goals, to go somewhere that was his, and to end his life. Preperations were all set. Slamming his Tlachtga into the earth having the blade before himself as he would slice his own wrists. To finally be free of AHS' cycle of pain, tragity and loss.

Fate though wouldn't have it that way, a specter, as malevolent and evil as any other on the campus would remove Brian's choice in the matter. Remove his decision and take the credit for herself. Something Brian could not allow, as he already in that split second decided to take the spector with him to whatever beyond awaited them.

That decision too would be removed from his ability to decide as now Winter and Teo interfeared with Brian's action. The minaminnow family, that had been the target of his envy and spite for a long time now was jumping in to save Brian from himself and the spector. All Brian could see was them deciding to take his life out of his hands.

Brian responded to the walls closing in finally. He forced his will on the situation and exploded into action. His life first, as a sort of time limit for the event his wrists were slit on the upturned spear in the hands of some enemy.

Brian would flood the area with his determination, with his energy, even his body was forced to change and respond to the will to kill coursing though him. Thanks to Cariosis' reminates of will he raged on, sending blast after blast into the field with no regard for the people in his way. Supposed friends, or foes meant nothing to him now, as he pushed.

When the smoke cleared and the decision made, but something beyond reasoning or thought was reaching for him. It calmed him and drained him, it preventing him from doing more damage though all around him were changing because of his repercussions. Trinis was shooting energy into the field, the minaminnow family was rushing to save winter from dissapating, and the ghost that had tried to kill him was fighting itself.

In all his rage he had never seen what truely happened with his expulsion of power. He saw familys reaching together, to support and love each other. Even in the most painful moments like the one Brian had caused. It made him sick, he wanted it all but Teo had it all it was his, and Brian would never have it. Brian shut down right there amonst the lives he had almost ruined. He just shut down on himself. Going silent as the others restablished their lives.

Only one person walked forward to him amongst the chaos stared by his fears. Trinis, the beginnings of someone who would be interested in Brian's life. To share the pain with to find someone to understand. Trinis though was dwarfed by the Minaminnow's family prodding, Brian was being spurred back into action to face the second problem in his life besides being unwanted. Being wanted by the wrong people, people who wanted him for something, or people too oblivious to know what he needed not what they needed to see in him.

Brian could only snap back at Teo, and his family could only deny everything, they would never accept that They fought it, denied it, and told Brian he was over reacting to what Teo had done. Teo on the other hand took the brunt of the attacks facing them but unable to fix them. No time to work it out as Brian was pulled away by some desaster.

Brian decided to leave any family of Teo's or enemies behind, they would leave of their own volition now that the treat was over. Brian wanted now to get to know the boy who had defended him.

The walk down the mountain was more than informative. Brian relearned the value of friendship. In Trinis. Brian placed many of his hopes within Trinis and a simple Phrase that they together could accomplish anything. It would lead to a major form of support while Brian rediscovered himself.

Day in and day out in Brian's new found solitude on the mountains. While he worked and toiled to make memorial stones for as many people who could want them. Brian carved out the face of Dragoon mountain. Deeper and deeper into the caverns he would go unafriad of any story of monster lurking in the darkness for him.

Brian carved into the one thing many had sought after in their travels a Dragons horde. long abandoned as the Dragon was slain by some AHS student in years past. Leaving behind it's horde to never be found untill this day. Where while Brian was sorting though the bounty he had found visitors would take interest in his horde.

Two rugged adventurers, made it thought the traps, monsters and trials the entrence of the Dragons cave had. Only to find Brian sorting though at treasure they would have liked to have sorted though. They requested only one item though from Brian, a mystical amulet. The item when Brian demanded to know it's use was revealed to be an item, that brings happyness to the wielder as long as they didn't know what the amulet did.

If not for Trinis showing up in the cave Brian might have been crushed to hear that he had a chance at happyness and just gave it away. Though he did give it away Brian felt he lost something important then. Money itself meant little to him when what would make him happy seemed unobtainable. The item had that chance, but Brian blew it.

It would become the first fight Brian would truely have since his personal transformation. Simply walking though the forest would result in a ambush attack lead by fans of Teo's cult. Though distant from the Minamino family, word had even reached their ears of what Brian had almost done to them.

The reaction was rumors around the school and bands of students forming to put Brian in his place. Each student though would find themselves underestimating Brian emencly because untill the events on Dragoon Mountain turn Brian from shadow student into someone in the forfront of peoples minds.

Brian fought with amazing skill and switfness putting down each student in near a single blow. They would escape the day alive however, while Brian was treated to being the subject of two other students interest in his fighting prowess.

On edge from the battle Brian managed only to terrify both girls with the 'reality' of AHS. The truth though only from Brian's perspective was too much for one girl to take as she flead the scene.

Once again Brian was caught by supprise by the resourcefulness of AHS students. This was a single boy with an impressive single power. This body could clone him, the longer the battle raged the more clones he could produce. This boy would stagger his attacks Rushing Brian again and again making finding the hidden boy almost impossible.

Brian would fight wth a fevor an epic battle drawing on long into the sunset. Waring the mountain itself as it was eroded by the poped water clones, from this students single power. Brian wound find himself defeated and just as eroded as the mountain as his powers sagged off, losing potency as the clones kept comming.

With all hope lost as more came Brian was being tortured to death by watery weapons. Once again Trinis would come to Brian's rescue in his time of need. For the first time in Brian's life he was the one finally receaving aid in his moments of need. The combined forces of these three students would not end in a true resolution, the battle would be called on account of landslide, all the mositure of the dead water clones would loosen the soil and destory the mountains rockface sweeping away the student.

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