Dove Takashi

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Created by: Harri

Age: 15

Birthday: 24th July

Race: Human-Witch

School: AHS

Grade: 9



Dead-straight snowy white hair frames this girls slightly tanned face and dark grey eyes, her arms are slightly paler than the rest of her 5'7" frame. Neither being extremely thin or plump Dove follows her mother in looks, and her grandmother. Though she is the first out of the three not to have a pair of wings (much to Kess’s delight).

Due to her recent power changes dove has become a witch, along with this she has lost herslayer form, but because of her double being alive she has gained a trait which the family of whiches she comes from had lost, she has pure black eyes, these show her mana pool and as she casts more spells they grow shineyer, ending up like a mirror when the mana is depleated.

Usually dove will be seen wearing pastel-colours she loves beige and browns but can also be seen wearing blacks like her grandmother. She dislikes the school uniform but she cant really do anything about that, given the choice she would rather wear a pair of jeans or a brown skirt than any short skirts and hence owns none of them… though she isn’t against stealing her cousin’s clothes and wearing them when ever she feels like it.


Outgoing, Competitive and Athletic are probably the best words to describe Dove, unlike her mother Dove is highly athletic and enjoys any form of sport. Her favourites being winter sports such as snowboarding and skiing. Ever since Dove could walk she would race her cousins (usually beating them) and try to do the best she could. Her natural competitive streak always pushes her to do her best in anything which she does. This means that though she is competitive she is also intelligent, averaging a B in all of her subjects.. Ok she isn’t the best in everything preferring subjects like Geography and English to Maths and Science.

Dove loves her family with a passion and has inherited her fathers feelings for protecting them, her need to do the best helps her do this to the extent that she can, always wanting to better herself. Dove has had a few bad experiences with boys which has kind of made her scared of relationships and the only men she enjoys being around are her family. She loves the spotlight also, very much unlike Kess who prefers to be off in a dark corner watching everything, Dove learnt how to sing, dance and act from a young age, and excelled at them, she can do very good impressions as well.

Special Powers/Weapons:

Spirit of the Witch

This is the part of their powers which allows them to fly, a witches spirit hold their magic and this is the most basic of all of them. To fly on a broomstick is the only kind of magic a witch of Phoenix's family can learn, any other type of magic they have to find out for themself. This skill is taught to her once she is regonised by phoenix's grannie as a witch of spirit. Her spirit will lash out and perform magical tasks every so often although she doesnt have any set spells yet, these things will all be minor and non-damageing.

Spellbook of Fire Quartz

This spellbook has a large firey coloured gem on the frount cover, it is simplay the place where all Doves spells appear, they are all written in there at the moment but only when her magic passes a certan limit can she read them, currently she is able to read these first level spells:


Fire first level, class neutral, Chant: Spirit of flame, Awaken This spell creates a small flame which hovers in mid air, it requires no fule etc.. except her mana, this spell can be cast in one post, this spell does emit heat but only the same amount as a normal candle flame would do. This spell needs to be cast in an empty bit of space, ie it cannot be cast inside of a person, or inside of an object unless Dove can see an empty space inside of the object.

Simple Wind Summon

Air first level, class destructive, Chant: Sister wind, attend This spell will summon up wind, hence the name, it will summon a wind of anything up to 30mph (Large branches in motion. Whistling heard in overhead wires. Umbrella use becomes difficult. - wikipedia). This is used more in self defence, again it can be cast in the same post as it is chanted, the wind is emitted from Doves body.

Minor Tremor

Earth first level, class destruction, Chant: Earth, hear my call, rise! This will cause a minor earthquake of anything up to 5 on the Richter scale (Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings. - wikipedia, again). Cast in the same post as chanted, only effects things in the area within a 30 foot radius around Dove.

Simple Healing Spell

Water first level, class construction, Chant:Purifie This healing spell will work on simple wounds, it will not fix bones or anything such as that, it will heal scratches, grazes and cuts. Larger cuts usually dont heal completly but they heal most of the way. Smaller cuts heal without any scaring. Large cuts are ones such as bing cut with a sword, or a long graze which would need stitching to heal, small cuts are everyday cuts that you get that heal quickly anyway. This can be cast in the same post as it is chanted.


Hex first level, Class distruptive, Chant: Be gone with the venganct of my spirit! This will cause confusion and a drop in strength and ajility to the one cursed for two posts, this can be cast in the same post it is chanted, this can effect players and npc's.


Dove can cast up to 12 first class spells in a row before she runs out of mana, if she runs out of mana completly it takes her 3 posts to regain it back. If she casts 8 spells in a rwo it takes her 2 posts, 4 spells takes her 1 post. As she grows her mana bank will increase so these figures are subject to change with more powers being accepted. At the level that dove is at she cant cast all the spells in her book, hence she can only see the ones she has the power to cast at the moment. And all of them will still have a fail rate (about once in 3 to begin with, becomeing less and elss as she learns them better and going to nothing when I go afer the second level elemental spell


Togomi Family
Phoenix Williams-Togomi- Grandmother
Seran Hellsing-Togomi- Grandmother
Lance Togomi- Grandfarther
Istamu Togomi - Uncle Isty
Mara Togomi - Aunt
Harriet Togomi - Aunt
Jade Togomi - Aunt
Sirus Togomi - Uncle
Kestrel Togomi- Mother
Raven Takashi - Alter-Ego

History Before AHS

To fully understand Dove first you need to have a grounding in her family. Born of Kess and Mirakel. Kess is the daughter of Lance, a government project (slayer) and Phoenix a meta-human shifter, she grew up in the future of this time before finding a way to come back in time when she was 15 to visit her family.. Something went wrong leaving her stuck in AHS time. Here she met Mirakel one day out in the Medow near AHS, they struck it off from the start and years after they first meet they are still together, though they both have changed since they first met and now have their daughter Dove. Born in Domino Hospital Dove seemed pretty normal untill about an hour after she was born a strange white egg was found next to the baby girl. It was hard and perly-white, and about twice the size of a chickens egg.

When doctors tried to remove the egg the baby protested, and as they saw she only seemed to get upset when it was removed they left her and it there in the cot together. A week went by and Dove hadn’t let the egg out of her sight, suddenly one day it hatched into a small dragon.. Kinda appropriate from the history of her mothers family. Kess and Mirakel wernt exactly sure what to make of this and didn’t give the dragon a name.. letting their daughter gurgle at it happily as she played with it. When she became old enough to speak her first word was ‘Rinjin’, she said it while pointing at the dragon in such a way that her parents would know that was the dragons name. She grew up normally enough, spending all the time she could between school and chores with Rinjin.

Dove grew at a normal rate, unaware that two sets of people were monitoring her progress in life. She learnt about her family and her powers, learning control of them very quickly but other aspects taking longer to master them in any form. She didn’t tell anyone of her mental communications with Rinjin, as it just seemed normal to her. When she was 10, quite unknowingly to her and her family she was tested by a group of scientists, some of who had been part of the group to create Mirakel, others were part of Gilgamesh… they were working together to see what the spawn of both their projects could do., they were forced to take Rinjin with Dove as he wouldn’t leave her side, even when he was tranqulised… Dove has a small set of claw marks on her right arm from him when they did this… she has no idea of how they got there.

The scientists monitored her every few years in a similar way, this time takeing more care with Rinjin but not removing him from her presence as they knew it would do something to her.. When Dove turned 15 though they did something different. As her powers were developing rapidly they kidnapped her from school and bundled her off to a base. Base 1683, when they got her there they put her in a cell and got something ready, then everything went dark for her. When she woke up she was in an identical cell but felt dizzy and like she had travelled a long way in a very short amount of time.

History After Arriving At AHS

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