Phoenix Williams-Togomi

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Revision as of 15:44, 6 January 2007 by Nineless (Talk | contribs)

Created by Harri

Age: 18
Birthday: 18 April
Race: Meta-Human
School: Graduated
Grade: Graduated



~Phoenix's apperance is a little strange, as a shape shifter her apperance changes as and when she wants it to. Normally she will have grey eyes and curly brown hair. She prefers wearing gypsie skirts and tops, and will often be seen in them, most of which are quite old and have patches on them.


She has lived in a circus most of her life so she is open to meeting new people but most of the time she will stay to herself. As a throwback from when she had her original powers she doesnt like crowds of people, she can also still hear 'loud' thoughts. She is probably the most easy-going of te three parents of the Togomi family, often she stands up for her daughters boyfreinds against Seran.

Special Powers/Weapons


She is a shifter, She can shift her entire body into something else and back again once a day, but here is the key to her shifting. She cannot change into anyuthing non-human-like. She can change her appearance, give herself extra limbs (up to 2 extra) but she cannot say change into a tiger, or any anima/mythical beast. She can make minor changes to her being all the time now. It no longer causes her pain to shift. She can change the texture/material of her skin. So she could give herself scales, or clothing if she needed to. Simply she can shift almost anytime she wants. Her telepathy is gone as a trade in for this skill.

Liquid Skin

Phoenix's skin can become a form of liquid. This is somewhat like the shapeshifters from star treck deep space nine where any 'flesh' removed from their bodys becomes liquid. This holds true with Phoenix, if some of her skin was removed from her in this form she would need to touch it to get it back to her body. If she shifts back to himan form she wouldnt be able to get the flesh back for it would shift with her and die.

Morphing Wings

Her wings are stuck there.. they are a part of her that she now cant get rid of at all.. If she was to cut off her wings they would grob back because of her mutatuon, but her wings are always changeing. It may be the shape the size the material or the colour.. so one day they could be made out of feathers and be very small and the next they could be made out of metal and be large... She cant controll this any more than she can controll her other powers. She can use some of the wings to fly and others for protection. So say she had metal wings, these wouldnt really be all that usefull for flying but would make on hell of a shiled. Any damage her wings take will hurt her, even if they do look like metal it will still hurt her. Her wings cant appear to be made of any elemts shuch as fire or water. It is only solid materials that they can be made from. The material will shift naturally and with another personson thoughts the same as her power, so if someone thinks of her with angej wings her wings will change to be that.


Phoenix's Telepathy has taken an odd turn, where telepathy lets one read a persons thoughts and to a certan extent their upper memorys. Memlepathy allows Phoenix to dive into someones memorys. This wont work if someone doesnt want their memorys to be found at first, as she wont be very strong with it. She has to be in a quiet area and have contact with the person whos memorys she wants to look into. She also has to have an idea of the dat she wants to see. Or an idea of the memory she wants to find. This power can have serious side effects for her, and others. She can make people forget memoys they dont want to remember if she can find it inside their head.

Energy Ball Creation

This power is very weak. The user can only create a small ball of energy that is highly unstable, though with concentration the ball can takes shapes and color. Use as an attack would be the same effect as flicking someone.


Togomi Family
Seran Hellsing-Togomi
Lance Togomi
Istamu Togomi - Son of Phoenix
Mara Togomi - Daughter of Seran
Harriet Togomi - Daughter of Phoenix
Jade Togomi - Daughter of Seran
Sirus Togomi - Son of Seran
Kestrel Togomi - Daughter of Phoenix
Dove Takashi - Daughter of Kestrel
Raven Takashi - Daughter of Kestrel

History Before AHS

She grew up in a travelling circuis it travelled everywhere all over the world, it was pretty well known in places and she gained a good view of the world. She liked traveling and worked in her parents food-stand searving food. She lernt alot about the world and many different cultures, she liked playing with the children who came to the circus. Parts of her education, like maths and sciences are missing but most of the rest are there. She lived and worked enjoying her life but then it changed when she gained her power first of all small things started to change then larger thinsg and she started to draw back inside herself after she was changed into a clown numerously after being viewed by so many kids, and this started to wear away at her like of children untill it just became a thing of her past. She hated changeing because it was what others wanted, and not what she did, she still tried to be sociable but it didnt work as well and so she isolated herself by locking herself away in her room and not comeing out for days. She thought this was the only way to stop herself from changeing because of others, she still ate but very little. She puts on a smily face when she goes into a new area and trys to look all good and stuff but it doesnt really work all the time. She finally left the circus after hearing about AHS she wondered if they could help her controll her powers and without a word to her family left the circus life. She misses it dreadfully but will stick it out in one place as long as she thinks she is makeing progress with her powers.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA

To be finished

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