Raven Takashi

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Current revision as of 17:46, 6 January 2007

Created by: Harri

Age: 15

Birthday: 24th January

Race: Human-Necromancer

School: ASA

Grade: 9



Dead straight black hair which frames her face, her eyes are completely black and are the only thing about her which is really strange. Ok she isn’t the most normal person in the world anyway but her black eyes are the weirdest bit, promise. Raven is naturally athletic, haveing always excelled in sports, due to this and her natural flexability her best sport is gymnastics. She has been told she follows the family looks, but then she didn’t meet her mother and grandmother so it doesn’t much matter much to her. Raven stands at about 5'7" or so, and has well formed muscles, but has never properly worked them outside of doing gymnastics.

Raven prefers to wear light fabrics and is almost always seen wearing silk, usually spun with some kind of precious metal to make it shimmer more in the light. Her ‘work’ clothes are a set of black spiders silk trousers and tunic, they fit her like a second skin and have been treated so as not to reflect the light like normal silk would. She always carries around a little bag with her, this bag contains the tools of her trade, where a witch would just be able to use her voice and body to cast a spell a necromancers spells are more structured and require a ritual for most of them to work.


Raven isn’t your normal necromancer, she is pretty peppy, and slightly crazy. As she has just gained her full powers Raven isn’t as crazy as she will get when she is older, unfortunately both her and dove are cursed to turn insane when they get old. The two of them do share a lot in common though, she is highly competitive and stubborn, pushing herself as far as she can and then trying to go even further. She is highly protective of her sisters and would do anything to protect the necromancers. She also shared a distain to anything undead, she despises vampires and zombies, usually commenting that they have no class, when she recognises them anyway.

Special Powers/Weapons

Note on these powers, necromancer actually gives her nothing as a power, search is actually part of the necromancer power, it’s the part that does something, ie it is the first subpower. Necromancer is just explaining what she is and what she can do


Raven is a necromancer, and before you say anything no this isn’t evil, and no she cant always see ghosts nor always talk to them. She can see residential imprints though, residential imprints are the imprint of human emotions on the landscape, at ahs there would be many imprints left by the battles and suchlike that has been fought there, but apart from that most places shouldn’t have imprints on them. Ok lets get this necromancy defined, Raven comes from a specific branch of necromancy, like Dove comes from a specific branch of magic, but we wont get into that here. Raven cannot randomly summon up ghosts, nor can she talk to every ghost who is around, because usually not many ghosts actually sit around on the earth telling their tale to everyone. Apart from a few specific cases where ghosts attach themselves to humans the only ghosts around are earth-bound ghosts who think they have something left to do before they leave. These sometimes congregate together and if they know a necromancer is in the area may try and find the necromancer to get something done. Even though doing that is totally against ghost-necromancer meeting pacts, but then not many people would be happy following the whole jumping through hoops thing would they?

Anyway being a necromancer Raven has the ability to summon up ghosts, open portals, which is mega hard and shouldn’t be attempted without a special witch to back her up, finding people, yes this is probably her most useful skill, and a few others things, most of which are rather gruesome. She carries around a set of tools with her. These as one would guess are actually bones. Ranging from the size of her fingernail to her forearm Raven has bones for everything, the more important ones are human, but from magical humans rather than just normal ones, normal works ok, but magical people work better. She also has an assortment of vials of dust and liquid, along with different coloured countering sands to draw her pentagons with and a bunch of candles. Most of these are stored in a magical compartment in her bag.

Sub Power - Search:

Using either something the person owned, or a small piece of the person, hair would do ok, but actual skin or something like that would work better Raven can track a person down using this spell to within a few hundred meters, the better the object that she uses the more precise her tracking is. This takes at least one post to prepare and cast, depending on how long the person had been missing it could take more.

Ghost Gun

((as we have ghost students who I have never met...)) This gun is a necromancers weapon, it is a spectral creation which Raven can draw forth into our world. The gun itself looks different to a normal gun to those who can see it, but not that muich, to people who cant see its true form it appears as whisps of dark energy, like a mist, or they just cant see it at all. This gun will only hurt a spirit, there is no way this can harm a living person or even an undead person, there are even some spirits which it wont harm... (ie students spirit companions, and student-spirits) Most of the time this gun doesnt harm the spirirts that its fired at anyway, it is used more often as a way of removeing spirits from our plane of exsistance and putting them ito the afterlife where they belong, but it can also make a spirit talk to the necromancer, or stop the spirit from doing what they are doing.


Togomi Family
Phoenix Williams-Togomi- Grandmother
Seran Hellsing-Togomi- Grandmother
Lance Togomi- Grandfarther
Istamu Togomi - Uncle Isty
Mara Togomi - Aunt
Harriet Togomi - Aunt
Jade Togomi - Aunt
Sirus Togomi - Uncle
Kestrel Togomi- Mother
Dove Takashi - Alter-Ego

History Before ASA

Born 6 months too early Raven was dead, she was in actuality doves twin, but the only people who ever knew about her were Kess and the doctors.. or so they thought. It is extremely rare for one twin to die and the other keep on living as raven and dove did, or it seems that way to most of the world. Dove though, wasn’t just any old kid. She was a witch and Raven, well raven isn’t just any old baby. In Doves brand of witchcraft there is a special thing which happens, the babies are always born with a twin, but the twin or ‘darker sister’ as some call them is always born 6 months before, and is always a necromancer. Kess didn’t know that, the baby, counted dead was put aside as the doctors checked Kess over to make sure her other child, dove was still alive. When they were sure of themselves they checked for the baby Raven, but it wasn’t there.

Raven had actually been taken by a group of necromancers, by her family. Necromancers don’t reproduce, but each time a witch is born its double is already with the other family, growing up and learning. And this is how Raven began. The necromancers gave her that name, following in the way things should be done. She grew up like a normal girl should, going to school, having friends and suchlike, but at home… she was learning her trade, and how to use weapons. The sisters trained her in an assortment of weapons, but she excelled in marksmanship, why should she have to use a weapon? Because not all ghosts can be settled down with a few harsh words and a poke, sometimes they need to be beaten with different things. Her guns are specially adapted to attack ghosts, being made by a necromancer enbuneing them with spiritual energy. They can only kill ghosts and do no damage to living things, they have been known to do damage to structures in some places.

She couldn’t actually use her spells until Dove released her power through the Halloween ritual, so she learn the basics, learnt everything she could… When dove was sucked back in time Raven felt it, she was in despair, if dove never did her ritual Raven wouldn’t have her own magic, it was terrible, but then just as she was giving up hope she was sucked back in time as well.

Being deposited in the sisters house in modern day she was out of it for days, the necromancers recognised her as one of their own so looked after her and coaxed her spirit back into her body, then listened to its story. They hadn’t heard of that happening before, but then not many witches were sent back in time either. The necromancers were unprepared for the teenager within their mist, so they quickly arranged for her to attend ASA.

History After Arriving At ASA

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