Kestrel Togomi

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==History After AHS==
==History After AHS==

Revision as of 15:43, 6 January 2007

Created by: Harri

Age: 15

Birthday: 31 August

Race: Meta-Human-Slayer

School: AHS

Grade: 9



Kess has long dark chesnut hair, which reaches down to about mid back. Her eyes are a very light shade of grey but sometyimes have specks of gold, or dark black rings in them. Kess wears glases, they are a red-brown colour and only just cover her eyes, she only needs to wear them to see things which are a distance away from her.. She is about 5'7" tall and not perfectly thin. She is of medium build. to look at she isnt really all that much. A little plump, unlike her sisters but then she doesnt reflect her farthers side of her family much. Kess though has alot more of her mother in her, she had a pair of wings, which look like those on a kestral, hence how she got her name. Kess does have some of her farthers traits.

Kess has a slayer form like her brother, sisters and dad, her slayer form she keps hidden mostly, her scales when she is in her slayer form are a deep red with streaks of dark purple running through them. Her scales are perfectly square and can be detached easily, they grow back in about 15 mins. Her wings change with the rest of her body, sheading the feathers and gaining a slick red-black membrane with purple blood veins running through it. Her hair doesnt fall out when she goes into her slayer form, instead it shifts with the rest of her turning a rusty-brown colour.


Kess is very self contious, she hates being the center of attention. Once you get to know her Kess is an extremly easy going gal with a strangely atractive personality, most people will never get to see that side of her. Kess is very nerdy, being so she is clumsy and tends to accidentily break things when she never means to. She hates confrunting anyone as she always things they are going to have a massive go at her for something she hasnt done.. which some people have before. She has a tendiency to hyperventilate in these situations. Kess loves her family and will do almost anything to protect them, even if it puts her in danger. Naturally clumsy Kess prefers to stay away from anything she might break, enjoying things such as swimming and reading books more than anything else.

Special Powers/Weapons

Morphing Katanas

These weapons were given to Kess by her mum when she turned 16, they are a pair of matching katanas with an inscription on them.

Ilhar ulu Dalharil, Nindolen Zhal Z'hren, Saph L' Niar'haanin Ulu L' Qu'mados, Jhunai Saph A'leain, Wlalths ulu Valbyl.

Ssinjin Szithraun, Vel'drav Nind Z'klaen K'lararl, Dal Ilhar ulu Dalharil. Whol Il zhah L' Vaen.

Dalharuk D' Intooth, H'sievssrig dron pholor, Dalharil d' Llar, Dalninil d' Mithuth.

On the other blade there is a family tree (This contains all the people of Phoenix's line on it. It doesnt have her cousins only direct relatives like her children, parents, grandparents etc..) which updates as more members of the family are born.

The katanas themselves have a power, they can blend with the weilder if held in a certan way. They will also show the wileder in a sence what the next move they should make is, this is more like a knowing in the back of her mind of the move. Kind of like a sence of dejarvu so she knows what move to make she just has to make it. This could be anything from running away to parrying or strikeing in a part of the oponants body, sometimes this gets interesting. This knowlage dissapears after a few minuits, unless the stroke is repeted many times and driven into memory. Phoenix used the weapons for almost 16 years before handing them on to her daughter as she was told to do by an old family freind.

Oragami Slayer

Kess has a natural ability to fold paper, her slayer power reflects this. She can learn any new oragami figure permanatly by folding it once. Kess is extremly dexterous with her fingers, and can fold her figures very quickly. Her scales are stronger than paper and dont break easily. Kess can make lots of different modles, mostly she mkes harmless models like birds, or boats but she can make models such as shuricans which will work as normal throwing stars would. She prefers not to harm people with her oragami. Kess has probably read every single book written on oragami so has a very large amount of models she can make and she can fold almost any type of paper, though some types are harder but they tend to be more stable. She can fold anything from an inch by inch square to a 2 meter by 2 merer square. Kess though does prefer to fold the small normal 4x4 or 8x8 squares, this is about how big her scales are.


Togomi Family
Phoenix Williams-Togomi- Mother
Seran Hellsing-Togomi- Mother
Lance Togomi- Father
Istamu Togomi - Brother
Mara Togomi - Sister
Harriet Togomi - Sister
Jade Togomi - Sister
Sirus Togomi - Brother
Dove Takashi - Daughter
Raven Takashi - Daughter

History Before AHS

Kess was born on a sunny afternoon in the familys home, which of corse had gotten much bigger than their little house in Domino town, Kestral was born with her beautiful feathered wings.. much to Phoenix's annoyance. As she grew up she came to idolise her older siblings, especially her brother Istamu (she calles Isty as she couldnt pronounce his name at that young age) and her youngest sister Jade.

Kestral took after her mother Phoenix more than any of her other siblings, that is in more ways than looks. She acts very similar to Phoenix on the whole. When she was 3 her oldest brother and sister dissapeared, along with her second oldest sister. She hadnt really ever got to know them and her parents said they were just gone but she hated the dissapearance of one of her idols, soon after the second of her idols dissapeared. Her mum cumforted her alot telling her storys of how they went back in time and were their for their own births. She spent a long time getting to know her parents, her mum keeping her away from anything which could possibly send her back in time she didnt want to lose her baby. Kess grew up and went to Anime Junior High where she met alot of people, one of which was a girl called Susan. She was a form of reptilian who could controll time, they became great freinds, and you wouldnt find one without the other.

Her life generally was as normal as a life could be for someone with bird wings. But she always wanted to spend time with her family. One day she and susan were off doing something and susan managed to open a portal back in time, it was open for a short while before closeing again.. this started Kestral thinking. If they could open a portal back in time she could go visit her family and spend time with them.. She plotted, keeping this all quiet from Phoenix and planned.. after a while they managed to open a portal back in time.. though to an unknown time. Kess stepped through, and something went wrong, the portal started jumping from location to location as well as time to time, she got thrown between many different times before the portal broke down and dropped her in the Memorial at AHs.. just during what time? (Phoenix's family will be paying for Kestrals tuition)

History After AHS

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