Cash for Clunkers

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July 31, 2009


(c) Los Angeles Times


The Cash for Clunkers program, also known as "Car Allowance Rebate System" (or CARS or Customer Assistance to Recycle and Save) is TOO SUCCESSFUL! The U.S. Government passed legislation providing vouchers valued from $3,500 to $4,500 when you trade-in a vehicle and purchase a new one that meets or exceeds higher MPG standards.

This will help modernize the fleet, as several Europeans countries have demonstrated. EU expectations top 400,000 to 500,000 more new vehicles this year for their similar program. US estimators hope to top 1 million 1. In one week, an estimated 250,000 cars have been traded and sold. Congress is working on $2 billion in additional funding.

Environmental Benefits

What makes this double-double-good... the engines can no longer be put on the road by using two quarts of sodium silicate solution instead of the engine oil. After running the engine for 7 minutes, it will then be permanently disabling it. Mother Nature wins, the dealers $win$, and the consumer wins. Genius moment for government? Or is that an oxymoron? Subsidize the car dealers and not just the oil industry?

Economic Incentives

Real American positives include new purchases when General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, et. al. need it more than ever, plus potential savings on gas, oil and pollution for the environment.

EVERYONE d(sc)reams for GoVeRnMeNt GrAnTs. Well here you are. Take it. Use it. Love it or leave it. Nice and simple, provided for you Cash for clunkers eligible vehicles Google search.


  1. USA Today

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