• Sample transcripts

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Sample Transcripts for High School Students to Enter College/Univ.

This link takes you to a sample transcript page you can use to create your child's transcripts. http://www.mid.muohio.edu/admission/Homeschool%20Transcript%20(revision).pdf You may want to make something more detailed for college application purposes, to indicate the extent of preparation or prove your case for admittance.

Santa Cruz City Schools Alternative Family Education High School Transcript for STUDENT Z

9th Grade Fall Semester

World Civilizations (A1) - (Self-Study) of Birth of Western Civilization, Rise and Fall of the Greek and Roman civilizations, and the rise of Christianity, through readings, Super Star Teachers Video lecture series, video documentaries, and discussion. Wrote a 16 page report on the Rise and Fall of the Greek and Roman Civilizations. Attended docent training and led tours and lectured on Ohlone culture for the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History. GRADE A- CREDITS 2.5

Personal Health - (Self and Group study) Completed CPR and First aid and anatomy classes. With study group, completed readings and participated in lecture and discussion on topics by presenters from the community on drug and alcohol abuse, teen depression, pregnancy, nutrition, etc. Completed a 12-part video series "Intimate Universe" on human development. GRADE A CREDITS 5

World Literature - (AFE class) by Judy Reveaux-Wright, on Ancient and Classical Literature, including readings in Edith Hamilton's Mythology, Homer's The Odyssey, and the play Medea. Participated in lecture, discussion and group activities. Completed written exercises and activities. Attended performance of Medea. GRADE A CREDITS 5

English 1A - (Group study) Participated in Great Books reading and discussion group, led by Dr. Kathryn Corby. Also participated in small writing study group, with AFE teacher, learning grammar and writing forms and essay work. GRADE B+ CREDITS 3

Multimedia - (AFE class) Participated in Multimedia class learning about history of media, design, and applications. Worked on independent projects in photography, self-taught Photoshop, and digital media. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Theater Arts 1 - (AFE class and community classes) Took improvisational theater classes, playwriting class with SPECTRA Director Susan Meyers, and performed at several venues. Rehearsed, produced and performed in "The Importance of Being Ernest". GRADE A CREDITS 5

Contract P.E. - (AFE class and Community class) Foil fencing with UCSC fencing Maestro, Courtney Blackburn, and Volleyball on Senior team for AFE in alternative league. GRADE A CREDITS 9.5

• Cabrillo College Classes: Spanish 1-A - (Cabrillo College Telecourse) ìDestinosî as Introduction to Spanish language and Culture, with text, audio, video and written exercises.

9th Grade Spring Semester

World Civilizations (A-2) - (Self-Study) of Age of exploration and colonialism through readings, video lectures (Super Star Teachers Video) video documentaries, and discussion. Completed a summary of the period. Attended docent training and led tours and lectured on Ohlone culture for the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History. GRADE A- CREDITS 2.5

Physics - (AFE class and self-study) participated in lecture and discussion of physics concepts and experimental design, and did readings, experiments, field trips, ROV design and other projects with group and on own.

Shakespeare - (AFE class) intensive study with readings, lecture, group discussion of Shakespeare's sonnets and the plays "Romeo and Juliet" and "Antony and Cleopatra". Completed written assignments and activities. Attended OSF's workshops and play series. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Basic English 1B - (Group Study) Participated in Great Books reading and discussion group, led by Dr. Kathryn Corby. Also participated in small writing study group, with AFE teacher, learning grammar and writing forms and essay work. GRADE A- CREDITS 5

Intro to Algebra - (self-study) through computer program GRADE A CREDITS 2.5

Video production - (Community class and self-study) Attended Community Television classes and practiced techniques in television production, CG, and editing and helped produce live shows. Wrote, directed and filmed his own film, "Saving Ceasar". GRADE A CREDITS 2.5

Advanced Theatre Arts - (AFE class and Community class) Attended workshops, created sets and costumes, and peformed a lead role in Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", and peformed the play "Political Party", written by the SPECTRA playwriting class. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Yearbook - (Group study) Took photos, photoshopped work, planned and created layout and design for AFE yearbook, with role as student editor. GRADE A CREDITS 10

P.E. - (Community Class) Foil and sabre fencing with UCSC Maestro Courtney Blackburn

• Cabrillo College Class:

Spanish 1-B - (Cabrillo College Telecourse) Destinos as Introduction to Spanish language and Culture, with text, audio, video and written exercises.

10th Grade Fall Semester

Basic English 2 - (Group study) Participated in Great Books reading and discussion group, led by Dr. Kathryn Corby. Worked independently on writing essays and research papers. Studied Dicken's "Christmas Carol", and participated in a group reading of the story. GRADE A- CREDITS 5

World Civilizations (B1) (Self-study) Studied Humanism, the Renaissance, European Exploration, and Age of Reason, through readings (including college text Western Civilization), video lectures (Super Star Teachers Video) video documentaries, and discussion. GRADE A- CREDITS 3.5

Algebra 1 - (Self Study) with McDougall Littel's Algebra: Structure and Method Book 1, completing lecture, exercises, activities and tests GRADE B+ CREDITS 5

Contract P.E. - (AFE class and community class) Volleyball on senior team with alternative league and foil, sabre, and epee fencing with UCSC maestro Courtney Blackburn GRADE A CREDITS 9

Drama - (Community classes) in improv and theater arts, performing a lead role in Shakespeare's "Pericles" and helping to design sets, costumes and do crew. Attended a teen theater camp taught by local professionals, working on auditions, character study, movement, and voice. Peformed a monologue and directed and acted in a scene from "The Odd Couple". GRADE A CREDITS 10

Film Production - (Group study and self study) Film History and form with UCSC TA Nathan Cooper and Film Theory taught by Professional Director, Jeffrey Wager. Viewed films, discussed, wrote essays, and did activities with the group. GRADE A CREDITS 5

• Cabrillo College Class:

Photography AP9A - (Cabrillo College class) Readings, lecture, discussion and study of light, film theory, composition, developing and printing of Black and White photography. GRADE A CREDITS 13

10th Grade Spring Semester

20th Century Literature - (Group study and self study) Great Books Class with Dr. Kathryn Corby, using college text and reading and discussing such authors as Sylvia Plath, Dylan Thomas, Tenessee Williams, and others, and writing and editing essays. GRADE A- CREDITS 5

World Civilizations (B2) (Self-study) Studied dawn of modern era thorugh: readings in text Prentice Hall World History: Connections to Today, video lectures, video documentaries, and discussion. GRADE A CREDITS 2

Algebra 1 - (Self Study and tutor) with McDougall Littel's Algebra: Structure and Method Book 1, completing lecture, exercises, activities and tests. GRADE A- CREDITS 5

Yearbook - (Group study) photographed students, activities and events, planned yearbook design, photoshopped work, did page layout, collage, and book compilation. Student editor. GRADE A CREDITS 10

Physics - (Self-study and group study) through readings in text Glencoe Physics, field trips, discussion, and experiments. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Advanced Theater Arts - (Community classes) studied improv, circus skills, and acting with readings in Meisner On Acting and Spoon River Anthology, performed at several venues. GRADE A CREDITS 10

Film Production - (Group study) taught by professional director, Jeffrey Wager, learned lighting, sound, filming, directing and computerized editing. Co-directed and edited intro to documentary Dream Sequence. Filmed, co-directed, and edited His Final Company. GRADE A CREDITS 10

11th Grade Fall Semester

American Literature - (Self -study) readings by authors such as Irving, Poe, Whitman, with an emphasis on Mark Twain, and study of several plays, including Miller's "Crucible", etc. Discussed and wrote essays on the readings. GRADE B+ CREDITS 5


U.S. History A - (Self-study) of Early Americans through Revolutionary War, with readings in Zinn edited series on Revolutionary War, video lectures and documentaries. Created InDesign booklet on contributing factors to and important events of the war. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Geometry - (self-study and tutor) using text McDougall Littel Geometry. Lecture, discussion, exercises, activities and tests. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Play Productions - (Community classes and self study) Took classes in Improv and circus skills and worked on the production of "Dracula", playing a major part, and helping to create sets and costumes. Helped with fundraising and performed at fundraising event. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Art History - (self-study) through video lecture series, including Sister Wendy Beckett's series on art periods and another on museums, and other art history documentaries. Viewed the work of 16 different artists at galleries and local Open Studios event. Read about major art periods and artist biographies. Held own open studios of his photographic work. GRADE A- CREDITS 3.5

Contract P.E. - (AFE class) Played volleyball on AFE's senior team for alternative league. GRADE A CREDITS 6

Driver's Ed - (Online Course and community class) GRADE A CREDITS 2.5

• Cabrillo College Classes:

Spanish 1 - (Cabrillo Class) Participated in lecture, group activities, and conversation. Completed text, audio, and written exercises in Spanish language and culture. GRADE A CREDITS 17

Photography AP9B - (Cabrillo College class) Advanced Readings, lecture, discussion and study of light, film theory, composition, developing and printing of Black and White photography. GRADE A CREDITS 10

11th Grade Spring Semester

Shakespeare Advanced- (AFE class) intensive study of "King Richard III" with readings, lecture, group discussion, activities, and written assignments. Attended OSF's workshops and play series. GRADE A CREDITS 5

U.S. History B - (Self-study) of Reconstruction through readings in Glencoe McGraw Hill "American Odyssey: U.S in 20th Century" and video lectures and documentary series (Ken Burns' "Civil War") and others. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Geometry - (self-study and tutor) using text McDougall Littel Geometry, lecture, discussion, activities, exercises and tests on proofs, geometric concepts and introduction to trigonometry. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Film - (Group study) planned, filmed, and directed documentary interviews of AFE families. Edited the first part of the documentary. Hosted and co-wrote "Follywood" event and presented the documentary and own film "Give it to Me". Viewed American and foreign films and wrote critical essays. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Photojournalism - (Group study) Documented AFE families, classes and activities with photography and created a yearbook with photoshop and InDesign computer programs, edited and digitally compiled the book. GRADE A CREDITS 5

Art History - (self-study) through video lecture series and readings. Viewed artwork at San Francisco museum of Modern Art. GRADE A CREDITS 1.5

• Cabrillo College Classes:

Spanish 2- (Cabrillo Class) Participated in lecture, group activities, and conversation. Completed text, audio, and written exercises in Spanish language and culture. GRADE A CREDITS 17

Photography Special Studies- (Cabrillo class) independent Black and White photographic project on "Elements of Nature". GRADE A CREDITS 6

12th Grade Fall Semester (In Progress)

Algebra 2 - (Group study and tutor) with text McDougall Littel Algebra, through lecture, discussion, exercises, and tests.

Film -Worked with a team to write, create storyboard, design lighting, filming, and co-editing to produce a 45-minute film of comedy sketches, "Death is Funny", which was accepted and shown at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival. Co-created a website to highlight their production company.

Shakespeare Honors - (Special Program) attended Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Summer Intensive Seminar for High School seniors, working on monologues, group mind and trust exercises, scenework, physical movement, and studying all aspects of theater with professionals from technical to advocacy and marketing.

Economics - (Self-study) through text Understanding Economics: A Case study approach, and with video lectures and activities.

• Cabrillo College Classes:

Spanish 3

Language Lab 50L

Color Photography

General Biology

Intro to Microscope

12th Grade 2nd Semester (Proposed)

Film Independent studies


Literature - "Dystopias"

Instrumental Music - Guitar

Advanced Shakespeare - Aide

• Cabrillo College Classes:

Conversational Spanish

Advanced Photoshop techniques

Personal tools