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A sexy devil ;)

although we don't get along. I do respect his ideas

About Trunks

...C is for cookie...

Creator of the well-loved and influential "Trunks's Watching the Full Anime Block Experiment" series of threads, presently in version 6, which has run for over a year and been one of the most valuable sources of information, discussion, series trivia, camaraderie and rampant silliness on the entire ASMB. The Experiment was coined as a way for Trunks, who had then been absent from AS for awhile, to get back into watching the Action Block by requesting information and updates from fans of all the series in the block at that time. It proved tremendously popular as a general discussion group and has remained a spoiler-free hangout for ACTN fans. Repeatedly shut down by the Mods either for straying into chatsville or for simply garnering too many posts, it always rises like teh fiery phoenix to discuss anew. Trunks celebrated the anniversaries (six-month and one-year) of his thread with creative "goodie bags" for the regular posters, which included certificates and commemorative badges.


Indie French Sci-fi Romantic Comedies.

Strip Class, where he brings sexy back on a regular basis... :)

He's a protoge of Metatronda, but doesn't act like it, since Trunks actually has a life.

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