
From Adultswimaction

Revision as of 00:09, 25 November 2006 by (Talk)
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A new acquisition by [as]. The series consists of a gruff teen wielding a giant sword, fighting monsters while he's the Japanese version of a grim reaper. Typical Shounen stuff. Also notable for female characters having like the biggest *BOOBS* evar. And almost all the characters are hawt, so no one complains about too many guys or girls. Mmmm... hawt Bleach boiz. It is also responsible for the Loituma Girl aka the Leek spin which has become quite the universal meme. If you haven't seen this before then I pity you.

Bleach gets hated on by Swim Mods and Sketchor for not being on Toonami. They're just jealous of how the Bleach characters look.

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