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HeeroYuy135 is Burning (burning.... LOlOlOlol more like flaming)(for the week of 11/18/2006)

By HeeroYuy135

Here's what I'm burning on:

  • Trinity Blood - You know what? I'm done trying to catch up on Trinity Blood. In fact, I'm done watching Trinity Blood. I'm so freakin' lost that if I watch an episode I'll feel bad because I don't know what the fuck is going on. Sorry to the people who actually read my Trinity Blood reviews, but I'm just not interested anymore.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 30 - You know, for an episode called "Change of Life," it really does offer a "Change of Life." It may be a farcry from episodes before, but I like the change of pace, going back to the development of characters during downtime. For one, there's a new Talho in town. Gone with the skimpy two-piece, she now wears a one piece that resembles the 70s. I would go into further detail, but I do have a segment reserved for her later. Also, Eureka changes, but she just gets rid of that flapper hat. However, the Nirvash is getting the "Pimp My LFO" treatment, getting a "Extreme Makeover" to accomedate the growing (or, evolving if you want to go by the show) Nirvash. The "old-school documentary" part was very educational, as it digs into the history of the Nirvash, the facility the Nirvash was made, and Eureka. After all, she was the first one who could actually make that sucker move. One more thing: what's up with the "techno party hour?" In fact, it does remind me of that part of The Simpsons when Homer and Bart were at the gay steel mill, and they started to dance...
  • Bleach Ep. 11 - About dang time something interesting came up. No, it's not more of "I wanna get revenge for my mother," but someone new has entered into the picture. Meet Ishida, a Quincy. A Quincy you ask? Let me break it down: Soul Reapers "purify" hallows. A Quincy actually kills the hallow. So anyways, for a person who's a dickhead, he is the smartest person in the class, and he's got the 1337 sewing skills. He also got a grudge against Ichigo since he's a Soul Reaper. In fact, he basically trashes Ichigo, and challenges him to a duel. But the way Ishida is - come on, he put a headshot on that hallow with a bow and arrow! How many people can do that? - is should be a interesting battle between Ichigo and Ishida. Despite being a dickhead, Ishida's pretty cool, and I like him.
  • A new-look Talho - Like I said, gone with the skimpy two-piece, and in with the jumpsuit. Throughout AD, the reactions are mixed - but for the most part, everyone is mourning the loss of Talho's hawtness. But for me, it really doesn't matter what she wears - it's Talho being Talho. In fact, I really do like the new wear - it's retro (in her opinion) and it really shows her maturity as a person. At least people now will take her more seriously. What I would of liked is if she wore a hybrid of the two-piece and the jumpsuit - maybe she could of kept the staps, and maybe make it like a Eureka's, but in her colors. So, in conclusion: new Talho = old Talho.

I am out.

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