
From Adultswimaction

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ASMB - Adult Swim Message Board
ASMB - Adult Swim Message Board
ASS - Action Show Suggestions
CD - Comedy Discussion
IB - Incoherent Babbling
OA - Other Anime
WSC - Williams Street Culture
Line 9: Line 19:
CB - Cowboy Bebop
CB - Cowboy Bebop
E7 - Eureka seveN
FMA - Fullmetal Alchemist
FMA - Fullmetal Alchemist
NGE, EVA - Neon Genesis Evangelion
SamCham, SC - Samurai Champloo
SamCham, SC - Samurai Champloo
Line 16: Line 30:
sCe - s-CRY-ed
sCe - s-CRY-ed
E7 - Eureka seveN
TB - Trinity Blood
NGE, EVA - Neon Genesis Evangelion
BL - Bleach
PA - Paranoia Agent
GITS - Ghost in the Shell
Inu, IY - InuYasha
'''The Jargon'''
'''The Jargon'''
FTW - for the win
FTW - For the [or teh] win
pwn - to have complete mastery over; to be super-awesome; to "own"
FTL - For the [or teh] loss. It is the rarer counterpart to FTW
RIF - rabid Inuyasha fan
pwn - To have complete mastery over; to be super-special-awesome; to "own"
CIF - civil Inuyasha fan, the complete opposite of the RIF
RIF - Rabid Inuyasha fan
RIH - rabid Inuyasha hater (note: these two terms led to a series of other terms that followed the "Rabid *blank*" format; in all honesty, if someone calls you anything that starts with the letter "R," you should throw a large economics textbook at them.)
CIF - Civil Inuyasha fan, the complete opposite of the RIF
RIH - Rabid Inuyasha hater (note: these two terms led to a series of other terms that followed the "Rabid *blank*" format; in all honesty, if someone calls you anything that starts with the letter "R," you should throw a large economics textbook at them.)
ZOMG - Oh My God (The "z" makes it extra Kinky)
ZOMG - Oh My God (The "z" makes it extra Kinky)
fangirl- a person, usually of the female gender, who particularly enjoys the presence of a character or person, and goes crazy if said person or character is mentioned, shown in pictures or makes an appearance on a show. Can also be used as a verb form.
fanboy - a person, usually of the male gender, who particularly enjoys the presence of a character or person, and goes crazy if said person or character is mentioned, shown in pictures or makes an appearance on a show. Can also be used as a verb form ("I saw that scene with Motoko and the refugee kid. No wonder so many guys fanboy over her").
fangirl - a person, usually of the female gender, who particularly enjoys the presence of a character or person, and goes crazy if said person or character is mentioned, shown in pictures or makes an appearance on a show. Can also be used as a verb form ("I went to AnimeUSA con mainly to fangirl at Crispin Freeman").  
glame - lame + ghey (spiceweasel228's word, lgott!)
glame - lame + ghey (spiceweasel228's word, lgott!)
Now this page is better. *help*
teh - 1. teh, 2. a variant misspelling of the word "the," sometimes used for mild comedic effect
  [lol name]
ENC - Evangelion Nerd Club.  A group of people who specialize in trading semi-pornographic drawings of Rei and Asuka and write dissertations regarding how deep the show is. Nothing unusual for Eva fans. They actually have some form of "government" in which Nile is president even though nobody voted him. (cuz' he's a total dick and lolikon)  He then abolished "ranks" and "titles" to ensure that none would rise to power against him.
WTF - What The fuck?! Simple enough.
STFU - Shut the fuck up; often seen in the phrase
GTFO - Get the fuck out "TITS, OR GTFO"
IMO - In my Opinion
bherm - Simply put, it means a crackpot theory. Named for the King of the Crackpot Theories, bherman.  The word itself was devised by matrixman124.
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

Current revision as of 19:01, 26 November 2006

The Board

AD - Action Discussion

ASMB - Adult Swim Message Board

ASS - Action Show Suggestions

CD - Comedy Discussion

IB - Incoherent Babbling

OA - Other Anime

WSC - Williams Street Culture

The Shows

CB - Cowboy Bebop

E7 - Eureka seveN

FMA - Fullmetal Alchemist

NGE, EVA - Neon Genesis Evangelion

SamCham, SC - Samurai Champloo

sCe - s-CRY-ed

TB - Trinity Blood

BL - Bleach

PA - Paranoia Agent

GITS - Ghost in the Shell

Inu, IY - InuYasha

The Jargon

FTW - For the [or teh] win

FTL - For the [or teh] loss. It is the rarer counterpart to FTW

pwn - To have complete mastery over; to be super-special-awesome; to "own"

RIF - Rabid Inuyasha fan

CIF - Civil Inuyasha fan, the complete opposite of the RIF

RIH - Rabid Inuyasha hater (note: these two terms led to a series of other terms that followed the "Rabid *blank*" format; in all honesty, if someone calls you anything that starts with the letter "R," you should throw a large economics textbook at them.)

ZOMG - Oh My God (The "z" makes it extra Kinky)

fanboy - a person, usually of the male gender, who particularly enjoys the presence of a character or person, and goes crazy if said person or character is mentioned, shown in pictures or makes an appearance on a show. Can also be used as a verb form ("I saw that scene with Motoko and the refugee kid. No wonder so many guys fanboy over her").

fangirl - a person, usually of the female gender, who particularly enjoys the presence of a character or person, and goes crazy if said person or character is mentioned, shown in pictures or makes an appearance on a show. Can also be used as a verb form ("I went to AnimeUSA con mainly to fangirl at Crispin Freeman").

glame - lame + ghey (spiceweasel228's word, lgott!)

teh - 1. teh, 2. a variant misspelling of the word "the," sometimes used for mild comedic effect

ENC - Evangelion Nerd Club. A group of people who specialize in trading semi-pornographic drawings of Rei and Asuka and write dissertations regarding how deep the show is. Nothing unusual for Eva fans. They actually have some form of "government" in which Nile is president even though nobody voted him. (cuz' he's a total dick and lolikon) He then abolished "ranks" and "titles" to ensure that none would rise to power against him.

WTF - What The fuck?! Simple enough.

STFU - Shut the fuck up; often seen in the phrase

GTFO - Get the fuck out "TITS, OR GTFO"

IMO - In my Opinion

bherm - Simply put, it means a crackpot theory. Named for the King of the Crackpot Theories, bherman. The word itself was devised by matrixman124.

ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

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