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Europa is a Moon of Jupiter. It was given to the Italians in 2115 by the Germans, before the schism between the former Allies, when Italy became Neutral, and decided to limit its operations to Sol only.


Geology and Geography


The icy exterior of the moon makes Europa one of the smoothest objects in the Sol system. Topographically its surface is virtually devoid of features, with the only relief structures consisting of recently formed impact craters.

Below the icy exterior and underlying saline water layer, the crustal surface of Europa is highly variable. Long volcanic mountains chains and trench systems criss-cross the crustal surface, following divergent and convergent plate boundaries respectively. However, these relief structures are the exception, with much of Europa's surface consisting of vast uneven plains, composed of ropey basaltic pillow lavas.

Geological Structure and History

Working from the inside outwards, Europa's internal structure consists of a central core composed predominately of iron, a semi-molten mantle and an outer crustal layer composed largely of silica. The mantle of Europa is proportinally thinner than that of Earth's. Surrounding the outer curstal layer is an additional water layer that completely covers the moon's surface. This water layer is stratified into a icy outer crust and a saline aqueous interior. The thickenss of the ice crust is variable and ranges between 20-30km in thickness.

Europa is tectonically active, with internal convection driven by tidal friction. Geologically, the moon is largely one-dimensional and the entire crustal surface is covered in cooled basaltic material.

As Europa does not possess any cratonic regions, the complete geological history of the moon is impossible to determine. No rock on Europa is older than 60 Ma, with anything older long destroyed by subduction. All that Grossdeutschland and Italian scientists have been able to determine is that the current geological regime has been in place for at least a 60 million year period.

Life on Europa

The first Grossdeutschland scientists to arrive on Europa were ecstatic to find that the moon did possess life, as had been hypothesised for some time, although only in a very primative form. An extensive network of black smokers and other hydrothermal vents are present on the moon's crustal surface and, at these, a primitive chemoautotrophic bacteria was discovered. Why more advanced organisms, like those found at black smoker sites on earth, are not present is still unknown.

This page is about a Moon that exists in the game. It has been added to the wiki, but needs more details.

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