Talk:New Iowa

From Acw

Revision as of 03:35, 17 September 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

New Iowa - UISA

immigration growth population

2147 10,000

2200 5,000 0.60% 18,731

2250 5,000 1.80% 50,703

2300 5,000 2.60% 187,979

2367 3.30% 1,655,122

USA - corporate drops, not state-sponsored. Transport infrastructure and cheap travel creates massive growth.

New Iowa - SBE

immigration growth population

2185 6,000

2200 22,000 -0.20% 27,822

2250 25,000 1.20% 75,515

2300 29,000 1.85% 217,836

2367 2.00% 820,998

SBE - all but 2000 of each large drop are indian. Larger rates are poorer whites piggybacking off the excellent US shuttle service.

New Iowa - USSR

immigration growth population

2212 50,000

2237 15,000 1.05% 79,920

2250 1.10% 92,134

2300 1.15% 163,198

2367 1.20% 362,918

Russia - one drop simply to take advantage of uncolonised space.

Total planetary population is 2.8 million

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