
From Acw

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The Chimera System is undoubtedly humanity's most fruitful find as it expands out into the universe. It contins two habitable planets and two further habitable moons. It was also the site of the first and largest armed engagement between spacebound forces, the Battle of New Ukraine.



Planets in the Chimera System

New Ukraine

New Ukraine is the second largest planet in the Chimera system, after Bellerophon, and the longest-inhabited Soviet colony outside the solar system.

Moons of New Ukraine


The second habitable planet of the Chimera System is a German Baurnwelt or 'Farming World', where serfs work the fields to feed the Nazi Empire.

Moons of Neuostland


Bellerophon is an uninhabitable gas giant a little larger than Jupiter. It has two habitable Moons.

Moons of Bellerophon

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