
From Acw

Revision as of 15:07, 27 June 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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The Title of the Game

The designers of ACW do not lay any claim whatsoever to the title A Colder War, which is Copyright Charles Stross. Naming the game this was purely conincidence.

ACW is a non-commercial undertaking, and does not collect renumeration or turn a profit from the use of the name. Should there be any problem with the use of the name A Colder War, contact the designers at

Before you post

The contents of this wiki are published here under a Creative Commons License.

What does that mean?

It means in short, that since this work is based on my original idea (but it should be noted as per point 1 above, NOT my original title), but it is mainly written by your collaboration, that:

  • ANYONE may use the information in this wiki, BUT
  • They may NOT do so in a commercial fashion.

This is because I don't see a fair way for anyone to make money off this undertaking, since it will be added to by such a laege number of people.

Actual License Text

Can be found at this page.

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