Talk:New Iowa

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== Population ==
New Iowa - UISA
New Iowa - UISA

Revision as of 02:04, 22 October 2006



New Iowa - UISA

immigration growth population

2147 10,000

2200 5,000 0.60% 18,731

2250 5,000 1.80% 50,703

2300 5,000 2.60% 187,979

2367 3.30% 1,655,122

USA - corporate drops, not state-sponsored. Transport infrastructure and cheap travel creates massive growth.

New Iowa - SBE

immigration growth population

2185 6,000

2200 22,000 -0.20% 27,822

2250 25,000 1.20% 75,515

2300 29,000 1.85% 217,836

2367 2.00% 820,998

SBE - all but 2000 of each large drop are indian. Larger rates are poorer whites piggybacking off the excellent US shuttle service.

New Iowa - USSR

immigration growth population

2212 50,000

2237 15,000 1.05% 79,920

2250 1.10% 92,134

2300 1.15% 163,198

2367 1.20% 362,918

Russia - one drop simply to take advantage of uncolonised space.

Total planetary population is 2.8 million

OK, I like most of this, but a few questions -

1) did the Russians REALLY come on board the terraforming investment, or merely take over the continent int he 2250s by force of arms?

2) Why are Russian states more interested in warring betweent hemselves? It's not massvely Russian - maybe there's unrest or revolutionary zeal, but I dont' see them wearring amongst themselves.

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