Please expand information about Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation.


From Ace Combat Wiki

Revision as of 11:48, 27 May 2011 by Stinger (Talk | contribs)
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Hi there. I'm stinger. My mission is to destroy JetLover, this wiki's main admin and former boss, once and for all.

I started bullying him in 2007 by vandalizing his wikipedia userpage. My constant vandalism continued well after his retirement (which in all likelihood was caused by me) until 2010 when his page was given protection from editing. During my war with him I also vandalized his userpage on the simple English wikipedia and the articles in this very wiki.

Since JetLover is currently retired from this wiki as well, and since I'm the only user who's active, I guess that makes me the main person of this wiki and it's new boss.

Edits to this wiki which were made by be me before opening this account can be seen here and here.

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