El Goonish Shive (2014 manga)/Chapter 3

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[edit] Script

[edit] Side A

Akane woke up, she shook her head to get her sense of balance. She saw Kasumi looking at her and offering a hand, she took it and sat up.

"Oh Kasumi, I had the strangest dream," she said, "I dreamt that dad told us one of us was going to have a fiancé who turned out to be a girl who was in the company of other girls and one of them turned into a horse."

"No dream." a voice came. Akane turned to see Shampoo sitting next to Kasumi.

Akane held her head and felt like crying. Furinkan isn't supposed to be like this! All the weirdness is supposed to be in the next area over (AKA Tomobiki)... Not here!

"They're going to tell us what's going on," explained Kasumi.


Back at the Locker Room, Akane saw that the man from earlier was sitting next to a boy who wore the same clothes as Ranma, and even had the same hairstyle. However, he wasn't a redhead but a brunette. Next to Ranma were…more ponies beyond the three from earlier. Akane now had a better look at them and noticed that their manes… were the same style and colors as the girls.

Not only that, but not all of them had wings. The ponies who were presumably Hikaru and Belle were unicorns, while the ones that were presumably Momo and Alex had neither wings nor horns (and for some reason, the Alex pony still had her hat). Next to the pony she assumed was Chiyo (and the one she saw in the bathroom) was the boy she saw… who looked away from Akane while blushing bright red.

She noticed that the star pattern that was on Hikaru's sweater vest was on the Hikaru pony's flank. The Belle pony's flank depicted three diamonds, and the Alex pony's three apples.

Shampoo took a seat next to Cologne, who was sitting next to the man.

"We should all properly introduce ourselves," he said, "My name is Genma Saotome, and this is my son…"

"Ranma," said the boy.

"You don't need to know about the ponies, hopefully they will be gone soon… and…"

Suddenly, Cologne whacked him on the head, mainly to prevent another fight from breaking loose between him and the Ran pony, who looked ready to charge. Akane noticed that the pony's flank depicted the same lightning-bolt shaped rainbow that was on her shirt.

"What…the…HECK...is going on?" asked Akane.

"How do I explain it?" said Genma. He then prepared to grab Ranma, but the Hikaru pony's horn glowed in a purple aura. Genma was then surrounded by an aura of the same color and floated in the air. He was then sent flying into the koi pond outside, where he emerged as a giant panda.

"Why you!" signed the panda.

"You were really going to toss me in?" asked Ranma, an angry look on his face as he walked to the panda.

The Genma Panda glared at the Hikaru pony and produced another sign that said, "Everything went wrong ever since you showed up!"

"Without her, I'd be dead right now!" countered Ranma.

"You owe the others nothing!" The two then charged and started fighting.

"You know…let's just ignore him," said the Ran Pony as she shrugged.

"He cause nothing but problems," agreed Shampoo with a nod of her head.

As Cologne closed the door to the garden, the panda signed, "…"

The Tendos processed what just happened.

"Daddy, your friend is weird," remarked Nabiki.

"He wasn't always like that," said Soun.

"It all happened when we first went to China," sighed Ranma.



Ranma and Genma were heading to a legendary training ground. And they arrived a place where there were bamboo poles stuck out of many pools.

"Sirs!" a squat old man in a Chinese military uniform was trying to stop the two. Apparently, his duty was to guard the pools and he also served as a guide. "Please listen."

However, the two didn't as they began to train, sparring in midair and landing on the poles. As they did, Ranma managed to knock his father into one of the pools.

"Is that all you got?" asked Ranma. That was when something surfaced. It wasn't Genma, but a panda. "What the—?!"

"Sir fall into Spring of Drowned Panda." explained the guide. "Tragic story of a panda who drowned 2000 year ago. Now, whoever falls take body of a panda."

The now Panda Genma got back up and they continued to fight. During that, Panda Genma managed to kick Ranma into another pool. When he surfaced, he was now a redhead female version of himself. He looked down and saw that he now had boobs. Obviously, Ranma didn't take it well.

"Sir, you fall into spring of drowned girl." Said the guide. "Tragic story of girl who drowned there 1500 year ago. Now, whoever falls take body of a girl."

"YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!" Ranma cried out.

-End Flashback-


The Tendos stared at Ranma once he finished. "Pop only read about the place in a guide book… which was in Chinese." An awkward silence followed.

"His dad is an idiot," said the Ran Pony.

"Frankly, he's worse than my father," remarked the Belle pony.

"Come on, Rarity!" replied the Momo pony. "It's not so bad. I actually like your dad."

The Belle pony groaned.

"Perhaps we should go in order from how we joined Ranma," suggested Cologne, "Which means it's your turn, girls."

The Hikaru pony sighed, then said, "As you can guess, the names we gave you as humans aren't our real names."

"So what are your real names, then?" asked Akane

"Rainbow Dash," said the Ran Pony.

"Rarity," answered the Belle pony.

"Fluttershy…" The Chiyo pony.

"Name's Applejack." The Alex Pony.

"Pinkie Pie!" yelled the Momo pony as she bounced happily.

"And I am Twilight Sparkle," said the Hikaru pony.

The last one made Nabiki laugh maniacally. "Sorry… it's just that there's a book called Twilight about vampires…" she then apologized.

"And they sparkle…" finished Twilight as she 'grabbed' a drink. "I know… I've been hearing it the past month."

"They took on those names so they wouldn't seem like they were the children of hippies," explained Cologne.

"Well, they are cute names," said Kasumi.

"So what are you exactly?" asked Nabiki. "…Colorful talking ponies aren't normal after all."

"Well, do you believe in alternate universes?" asked Twilight.

Soun, Nabiki, Akane stared blankly at them.

Kasumi simply smiled and said, "Oh, and you live in a universe filled with talking ponies? How wonderful."

"Then how did you get from that universe to ours…and why do you change into girls?" asked Nabiki.

Twilight sighed. "Well…"



In the universe where Equestria is…

Twilight and her friends were in the Book and Branches Library in the town of Ponyville. The purple unicorn was explaining to her friends about a mass, long-range teleportation spell she learned about.

"Are you sure this will get us to Canterlot?" asked Rarity.

"I'm sure it will," said Twilight as she put down the book she was reading, which covered how the spell worked.

"I'm still a little nervous about this, Twi," Applejack voiced her doubts.

"Don't worry. I sent a letter to Princess Celestia about this. Should anything go wrong, she'll be on it."

"Sounds like fun!" said Pinkie as she bounced up and down. “Is anyone else excited?”

Nopony answers her as Twilight's horn then glowed as she worked her magic. In a flash of light, the six ponies were gone.

But they didn't end up in Canterlot. Instead, they ended up in another universe altogether.


When they emerged from the teleportation, they were a couple of feet above a pool of water. Nopony was able to react in time as they all fell in.

When they all surfaced, Twilight was the first to speak. "Is everypony okay?" she asked. Just as she received their confirmation, she noticed something off. She tried to exit the pool, but fell down. She looked at her hooves, only to see hands. She looked towards her friends…only to see five other girls. She walked to the spring, and saw her reflection. The girls then screamed their lungs out!


Seconds ago, in a nearby house, Ranma and Genma learned the trigger of the curse from the guide. Cold water means they turned into their cursed forms (a girl or panda) and hot water changes them back.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Ranma.

"You no listen when I try to warn," said the guide. That was when they heard the screaming. "Looks like there more cursed." He then proceeded to leave the house, the two Saotomes joining him.

Upon arrival to the pools, which was where the guide was going to, they saw six girls about Ranma's age screaming for various reasons…

Well, one of them wasn't as she poked her breasts. Of course, these were the transformed ponies.

"Where are my wings?!" cried the now human Rainbow Dash.

"My wings are gone too," said the now human Fluttershy.

"What the hay's going on here?" yelled the now Human Applejack.

"Wow… these are really weird squishy things…I like them!" said the now human Pinkie Pie, who was the one poking at her breasts.

That was when the now human Twilight saw the guide, Ranma, and Genma.

"Why do I have feeling it going to be tough day?” the guide muttered quietly to himself.

"Um… hi…” said Ranma as he blushed madly.

"Hi there!" said Pinkie as she jumped up and down, her breasts jiggling like crazy.

"Due to the magical nature of the Equestrian language, we're able to understand any language here…” Twilight explained in the present. "Although only I knew that at the time, being Princess Celestia's student and all."

“Who's this Princess Celestia?” asked Akane.

“We haven’t gotten a chance to tell them about her yet.” reminded Rarity. Twilight smiled in embarrassment after that.


After several minutes of silence, the now humanized ponies followed the guide to his house, where he informed them of the curse.

Considering the day they had, Ranma and Genma somehow weren't surprised by the talking ponies.

"So, what do you think happened?” asked Applejack.

"It's entirely possible that we wound up in another universe," answered Twilight.

"What?" asked Rarity with a sweat drop.

"I agree… and it's has to be an anime universe since we can sweat drop and do other fun things with our faces!” said Pinkie.

"What is she talking about?" asked Ranma.

"Don't ask." said Applejack.

"Yeah," agreed Rainbow Dash. "You'll just get confused."

Suddenly, the sink suddenly broke and started spraying water everywhere, activating everyone's curses. All the now-human ponies sans Pinkie started blushing.

"That's it…” growled Ranma-Chan, "I'm going to KILL YOU, old man!"

With that, the boy-turned-girl chased the man-turned-panda.

"I go get clothes for you!” said the guide as he managed to cap the sink. "Why that thing break so much, I have no idea."

-End flashback-


"And that's how we met Ranma and his father," finished Twilight.

The Tendos were silent as they took all of this in.

"Don't worry, I assure you everything's going to seem normal from here on out," said Cologne.

"Yeah… it's kind of hard to top talking magical ponies form another universe," agreed Nabiki.

"So, what about him?" said Akane as she stared at Ryoga.

"My name is Ryoga Hibiki…" he introduced himself. "I went to middle school with Ranma… and I'm sorry! I didn't mean to peek at you!" He then blushed bright red.

Akane sweat dropped as he continued to apologize. "It's okay…" forgave Akane, "I should have knocked…"

"Actually, Ryoga was the next to join our group," said Ranma.

"I guess I should explain why I went to China…" said Ryoga. "Ranma and I met in junior high school. Everyday, we fought over who got the last loaf of bread. Ranma always manage to beat me. I had enough, and challenged him to a fight. The fight was supposed to take place in my backyard."

"However, Ryoga has no sense of direction at ALL!" said Ranma.

"How bad is it?" Nabiki asked sarcastically.

"It took him four days to get there! Four days to get to the lot behind his house! Pops dragged me off to China before Ryoga arrived on the last day, stupid Pops. Of course, Ryoga followed…" explained Ranma.



Ryoga trekked though the mountains, right at the exact location of Jusenkyo. He then saw a panda (Genma) running towards him. He managed to dodge him. However…

"Come back, here old man!" yelled a voice.

Before he knew it, a young woman with red hair (Ranma) accidently kicked him off a cliff… a cliff that overlooked Jusenkyo. Ryoga fell into one of the springs… changing him into…something that wasn't human.


Nearby, the human Fluttershy was looking around, thoughts in her head.

Twilight didn’t want to reattempt the spell until they were cured of the curse, which meant they didn’t not know when they would get back. Not only that but they had no way to get into contact with the Princesses.

Meaning there was no one to take care of her animals friends.

She couldn’t help but to sigh.

The only good thing was that the guide had given them robes, so they wouldn’t be naked (as humans had different standards than Ponies).

Just then, she heard a squeal. She looked to see was a piglet in one of the springs, trying to get out. She walked over to it and gently picked it up.

"Are you hurt?" she asked the pig, who shook his head no. “Oh no… This could be another poor person cursed! I better take him to the kind guide.”


Fluttershy decided to bring the piglet to the guide's house. Inside, she saw Twilight and Rarity, both in human forms, trying to lift a feather using magic. The former had no trouble at all as she channeled her magic through her hands, while the latter couldn't even lift it… or even channel magic at all.

"I guess my magic's just stronger than yours, Rarity," said Twilight.

"Just great…” muttered Rarity. That was when they noticed Fluttershy.

"So, are the rascals still chasing each other?” asked Applejack, who was in human form as well.

Fluttershy nodded, then said, "I found this pig in one of the springs. I think it might have been someone who fell in." .

"Let see," said the guide as he poured hot water on the pig, and it turned into a naked Ryoga, who blushed bright red.

"Um… can you girls… please turn around?” Ryoga asked.

The ponies-turned-girls did as he requested. Fluttershy was blushing really hard as well.

"Spring of Drowned Black Piglet, very tragic story. Now whoever fall in spring turn into black piglet," explained the guide. He then grabbed a large pool simmer, "Excuse me, I have to see if sir's things are still in spring." He then left the house.

"Um…" said Ryoga, "Thank you for getting me out."

"It wasn't a problem," whispered Fluttershy.


It took the guide 20 long minutes to return with Ryoga's backpack due to its weight. Ryoga took out his clothes from the bag and got himself dressed. By the time he was done, Ranma-Chan came into the house.

"Man… I couldn't catch him.” she said. "Who knew pandas were so fast? Hey, can I have some hot water?" Ranma failed to notice Ryoga until after he changed back.

"Oh hey, Ryoga.” he then said in greeting. "How you're doing, buddy? Did you get so lost you somehow made it to China?"

Ryoga glared at Ranma and yelled, "This is all your fault!" The two of them then started fighting, causing the ponies to sweat drop.

"Why do I have a feeling a long story is involved?” mumbled Applejack.


Hours later, after showing Ryoga their true forms (he took it surprisingly well; then again, he had turned into a pig), Genma felt it was safe to return, and the guide cooked them dinner.

"I think we should work together," suggested Twilight.

"What do you mean?" asked Ranma as he stuffed his face with food.

"We're stuck here, no way to contact home, and were cursed to turn human. But I'm sure I can break the curse."

"Are you sure?”

"I am the student of Princess Celestia." She received blank stares from the Saotomes, Ryoga, and the guide.

"Different universe, remember?" reminded Rainbow Dash. Twilight face hoofed herself in the face for forgetting.

"I get it," understood Genma. "You want us to give you a place to stay while you figure out a cure for the curse. I think we can do that."

"So it's agreed, then."

"Agreed." The two then shook hands… um hoof to hand… whatever…

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"You're not the only one," sighed Applejack.

-End Flashback-


While they did tell the Tendos about how they started traveling with them, they were still pretty focused on the first part of the story.

"How do you get lost that badly?" asked Nabiki.

"Please don't ask," said Ryoga, "I don't know how I do, but my parents are the same way." The Tendos then turned to the two from China.

"I bet you want to know how we factor into all this," guessed Cologne. The Tendos nodded in affirmation since of all their visitors, she and Shampoo were the sanest of them all.



After a strange rainstorm, the guide led the Saotomes, the ponies, and Ryoga to the nearby village of Joketsuzoku.

"This is village of Chinese Amazons," said the guide.

"What's an Amazon?” asked Pinkie. She and the others have assumed their cursed human forms due to the rain.

"Female warriors. Very strong, very proud people."

"Is it possible to have a book of their laws?” asked Twilight. She received stares from everyone else. "We might break some weird law. I just think we need to be prepared for anything."

"I think she just needs to read a book," mumbled Rainbow Dash. Both Rarity and Applejack nodded.

The guide gave her a book, which, she was able to understand thanks to the aforementioned magical language.


When they entered the village, Rarity asked if there were any places to buy some fabric. The guide had given them some money, feeling sorry for the ponies. Fluttershy and piggy Ryoga joined her, the former having offered the latter to join them on their journey, considering his sense of direction was possibly the worst in the entire multi-verse.

The others went to watch something else… a tournament between the village's best warriors.

"We very lucky to see this," said the guide.

They watched as two woman fought on a log, one of them being Shampoo as they realized later. She easily defeated her opponent—a woman was twice her size—by knocking her off the log.

"Really?" asked Ranma-Chan as she and Panda Genma stuffed their faces with food.

"Yes, fascinating," commented Twilight, engaged heavily in the rulebook.

"Um… guys," said Rainbow Dash.

"What?" asked Ranma-Chan. Rainbow then pointed to a sign that read "Prize for Tournament" on the dinner table.

As it turned out, the winner was Shampoo. And she was NOT happy with the "girl" and the "panda" eating her prize.

"(Why are you eating my food?!)” she yelled in her native tongue. "(It's clearly labeled that it is the prize for the winner of the tournament, so get away from my meal!)"

"Is it just me or does her voice somehow reminds you of Spike's?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know. It sounds more like the Mayor's," replied Applejack.

Meanwhile, the guide translated what Shampoo said to Ranma.

"So if I beat you, I get the food?" asked Ranma-Chan, "Sounds good to me."


As the two began their fight, everyone else watched, save for Twilight, who was still engaged in her book.

"Go Ranma! You can do it!” cheered Pinkie Pie as she ate popcorn.

"Oh no…" whispered Twilight. She then continued to read about the law, and then gave a sigh of relief. "Phew…Glad THAT rule's in there."

"What is it?” asked Rainbow Dash as she turned to Twilight.

At that moment, Ranma-Chan defeated Shampoo by knocking her off the log, who got up afterwards in shock, unable to believe that she was beaten by an outsider. As Ranma-Chan was being declared the winner, Shampoo glared and approached her. Just before she could attempt anything, Twilight jumped in between the two.

"Wait!" she shouted, "Ranma fell into the Spring of Drowned Girl! She's really a man."

The village, being so close to Jusenkyo, knew what that meant. Just then, the woman Shampoo defeated earlier poured hot water on Ranma-Chan, changing her back. Shampoo widened her eyes upon seeing male Ranma, then hugged him and delivered a kiss him to the mouth. The Amazons of the village then began to applaud. As it turned out, curses weren't that uncommon in the village.

Sure, he fell into the Spring of Drowned Girl, but this is the best day of my life! Shampoo thought.

"Twilight… what did you just do?” asked Ranma and Rainbow Dash.

"Very good, child," a voice came.

Everyone but Pinkie jumped when they saw Cologne appear out of nowhere.

"Wow…you're good," remarked Pinkie.

Shampoo then broke the kiss and began to snuggle with Ranma, who then asked, "What's going on?"


That night, they all stayed at Cologne's house. Cologne assured the guide that she'll take care of them and let him go home. Cologne had also given Ranma a Japanese copy of the Amazon law book for him to read.

"So Shampoo and I…” said Ranma as he finished reading the appropriate part.

"Now legally engaged to be wed," finished Cologne. She then looked at Twilight, who was in her pony form along with her friends. The village had been told about the ponies and their true forms, and Cologne has seen a lot of strange things in her life that even talking ponies from another universe was nothing to her. "Your friends are quite interesting…I believe you also owe Twilight Sparkle your life. If it weren't for her, Shampoo would have killed you."

"Oh… you don't have to, I was just doing the right thing," said Twilight. “I don’t need Ranma owing me anything.”

Genma, on the other hand, was steaming in anger. "Ranma can't marry your granddaughter!” he yelled. "I already promised that he would marry one of my friend's daughters." Ranma heard this and growled.

"I'm sorry, but he has already defeated Shampoo.” said Cologne. "He hasn't even met your friend's daughter."

"That may be the case, but I made this deal before he was even born. It is a matter of family honor!"

Ranma couldn’t help but to cough in sarcasm.

Just then, Twilight smirked. "What about the Heaven and Earth Solution?" she suggested.

"The Heaven and Earth Solution? Sounds like something out of a bad anime."

"(What's that?)" asked Shampoo.

"It's something that's rarely used, something usually involving married men," explained Cologne. "A compromise to have the man marry more than one woman. If the woman is not an Amazon, she would be an honorary member of the village and even be able to train as if she were one of our own. Not only that, but her children with the husband would be considered members of the village." She then looked at Genma. "Is that friend of yours a martial artist as well?"

"Well, yes," said Genma. "He was my fellow student under our old master, actually."

“Do any of his daughters train?"

"I don't know… I haven't even met them."

Cologne looked at Shampoo and thought, This wasn't the first tournament she's won, and I know it won't be her last. She then said, "I will enact the Heaven and Earth Solution with Ranma and Shampoo's marriage. That means if he wishes to marry anyone else beyond both Shampoo and this other girl he will be free to do so." Cologne turned to the ponies with a mischievous grin. "Now, if any of you wish…" The ponies simply moved away, uttering various protests. Pinkie on the other hand just giggled. "Don't worry, I'm just joking."

"(But Grandmother…)" Shampoo began to protest..

"(I know you're getting tired of fighting the same girls over and over again. I will train your new sisters to be just as strong as you. You're the strongest in this village and have been so for many years. Don't you think this will be a good change of pace?)"

Shampoo became silent, knowing her Grandmother was only looking out for her and wants what's best.


They all decided to stay in the village for the time being, and over the course of the next few weeks they lived peacefully in the village.

Rarity made clothes for the other ponies that fit their personalities for whenever they would be in human form.

Rainbow Dash had become very popular in the village, being a pony that was a black belt, she would often spar with some of the local girls and become friends with many of them. Especially Shampoo, as she gave Shampoo a challenge.

Rainbow Dash and Shampoo even recommended that Applejack start taking Martial Arts lessons, thanks to her natural leg strength she was a natural, but not on the level as most.

Fluttershy and Ryoga became very close. They were almost inseparable. Ryoga was shy around girl and Fluttershy was just shy. Though no one knew if they were just friends, or if there was something more…

Though it become obvious that Ryoga had developed a major crush on the Pegasus.

Twilight had begun her studies on the water of Jusenkyo, having gotten a vial of the water. She had discovered that the chaotic magic of Jusenkyo was extraordinarily complex and would take time to crack it let alone learn how to reverse it.

Ranma actually enjoyed staying the village. He had actually had that fight with Ryoga (which he won), but Ryoga vowed to get stronger. There was also a weird guy named Mousse who kept challenging him… But they haven’t fought yet, why? Because Shampoo kept beating him up while yelling “No means no”. There was also one time Ranma decided to leave the village for a walk. He refused to say what happened when he came back only now his hair was in a pigtail (he wore his hair in a ponytail before then)

However Genma didn’t like any of this. He was hopping that after Jusenkyo he would finally bring Ranma to the Tendo Dojo and he would happily ever after with the one of the daughters and that’s it.

He knew he had to do something.

Which is why he kidnapped Ranma in the night and forced him to go to Japan.

When Cologne found out about this, she came up with the names for the ponies human forms (in order to blend in) and decided that if they were headed to Japan most of them should take on Japanese pseudonyms… (though she had to admit, Applejack and Rarity could never in any ways pass for Japanese and felt posing as American and French would be best.)

The group headed to Japan and actually found Ranma and Genma and their first day… it took about a week to get to Tokyo and here they were now.

-End Flashback-


The Tendos processed all this information given to them.

After a long while, Soun finally spoke up, "Then there's no problem. I'm fine with one of my daughters marrying Ranma.”

His three daughters stared at him, not knowing what to say. "Great, he finally snapped," said Nabiki.

"Seriously, I'm fine. In fact, all three of you can marry him! This is perfect!" He was answered by Nabiki and Kasumi using the trademark Tendo Family Death Glare on him, which made their faces become large and ominous to whoever they were using it on. For some reason, Pinkie was able to see their heads like this too even if they weren't directed at her, but she didn't comment.

"I refuse to marry someone like him," said Nabiki. Kasumi remained silent. As for Akane, she looked at Cologne as her sisters stopped glaring.

"Is it true?" she asked, changing the subject. "You'll really train me?"

"Why yes…" confirmed Cologne. "It's true."

"Then I will accept the engagement" She then glared lightly at Ranma, "I HATE MEN! The only reason I am agreeing to this is to better my training."

"Fine with me," replied Ranma with a shrug as Akane stormed out of the room.

"Don't worry," said Cologne. "I'm sure she'll come around."

"That's true," agreed Kasumi. "She just has a few problems she's dealing with."

"A 'few'?” asked Nabiki. Obviously, Akane had more than just a few problems.

Kasumi then turned to their visitors. "Let me show you to the room that you'll be using."

Twilight couldn't help but sigh. I don't know why, but I have a feeling this is just the beginning…

[edit] Side B

[edit] Page 1

{SCENE: WAXFRUITCO <EXT> - It is the very beginning of the Ice Age}

{DREW TYLER's TARDIS materialises in the very beginning of the Ice Age}

{Drew Tyler exits the TARDIS holding Charlene Sinclair's Body in his Arms}

{The Dinothunder Rangers watch as their teacher lays the lifeless body onto the ground as it slowly gets covered in Snow}

{A Shot of the body of Charlene Sinclair}

{A Shot of the Dinothunder Rangers watching}

{The Dinothunder Rangers enter the TARDIS}

{The TARDIS dematerialises from the Scene}

[edit] Page 2

{SCENE: FICTIONARY TROVE GAMES <INT> - The Dinothunder Rangers arrive outside the store}

{Connor opens the Door to find...}

{Numerous Video Game/Anime/Tokusatsu Otaku being served by hostesses in Stripperific Magical Girl Outfits, Some are based around Other Magical Girls and Even J-Heroes, Each of the Following Lines get their own Panel as they Pose Seductively for them}

CureBlack!Hostess: You are my power, and I am yours.

RedBuster!Hostess: I've been a bad girl haven't I?

{This Panel's a Two-for-one Deal}

Birthday!Hostess: Partner, Let me help you!

Birth!Hostess: I thought I told you never to call me partner!

{Cut to the Dinothunder Rangers, Sickened at the sight of all this}

Connor: And I thought Ethan was Desperate...

Ethan: Dude!

Drew Tyler: (His hand rubbing it on Rose's Back, Thinking his line) Just touch her body and hold it tight, her warmth will make you Invincible.

[edit] Page 3

{Two Gaurds based as the Spielban J-Heroes are Behind the Door.}

Gaurd 1: ID.

{The Dinothunder Rangers Hold up their Morphers}

{They get out of the Way}

Gaurd 2: Right this Way...

{They enter the offace of Velenex Fayed, He is talking on the phone}

Velenex: Good Job Tsukasa, you've only got Waterbending left to Master, I wish you the best of Luck finding a Teacher! just hide your Avatar powers, You know the drill! (Hangs Up) O Hai, Tenny!

{Drew Tyler slams his hands onto Velenex's Desk}

Drew: Alright, Tell me that you care for the Decadriver's Save return into Tsukasa's Hands

Velenex: What did you do?

{Drew Tyler Holds up the Remains of Charlene Sinclair's Soul Gem in a Plastic Bag}

Drew: It's not what I did, It's what one of your own members failed to do!

{Velenex Fayed Looks into the bag.}

Velenex: Oh, my god... Ya learn sonmhtieg new everyday. It's true I guess!

[edit] Page 5

{We cut to the MXC tourney}

Vic Romano: What an Incredible Second Round it has been, {From this point on, These moments that Vic discribes get a panel in the Comic} from Susan knocking out Shampoo after a seductively Epic 8 page duel, to Dexter outwitting Jaden Yuki at Duel Monsters in with only five cards left in his deck, to Elliot avenging the failure of a performance his pal Tedd gave us by knocking out the guy who beat him in 12 seconds flat, but Ranma's gonna be the Underdog here as the great samurai Son Gonani (Fifth Doctor) has lost to his own blade in an Fantastically Epic 12 page Duel until the Dip into the Drink!

[edit] Page 6

{We cut to a bird's eye view of the Arena}

Kenny Blankenship: I simply cannot believe how awesome that was and cannot believe that you actually missed out on some kickass battles!

{we get an image of Susan and Nikki}

Vic Romano: And here comes another one, A Tag Team Match between Susan and Elliot, Bringing their sisters into the frey.

{Elliot and Ellen are looking at their opponents}

Ellen: You better have a logical reason why you're dragging me into this!

Elliot: Dont Worry, sis, there wont be any surprises...

{They Press a series of Buttons on their Arrow-Shaped Henshin Devices, Susan's is a short arrow Pointing Upward}


{While Nikki's is Longer Pointed Downward}


{They Each press the Button at the peak of the Arrow}


{and a shot of their faces to seal the Mood}

Both sisters: Henshin!

[edit] Page 7

{The Up Arrow on Susan's Device Slides Upward while the Keypad on Nikki's Slides downward into the Down Arrow}



{Susan and Nikki henshin ala Dragon Knight into Kamen Rider Twin Knight, Upgrade and Degrade respectively. this Description shall take four panels to showcase}

Ellen: Would this count as a surprise?

[edit] Page 8

{We see the two Dunkels back against the wall}

Elliot: Damn, I didnt want to use this... Ellen, Remember that henshin belt I gave you?

Ellen: Yeah...

Elliot: Well, We're gonna use 'em!

{wide angle shot of Ellen}

Ellen: But it's a Puellite Gear, use and you'll be wearing that for the rest of the day!

{a wide angle at their opponents}

Elliot: I know but it'll give us some even footing with the enemy.

Ellen: For once, I actually believe your point. So, why the shell not? I'll give it a shot!

{Cue shot of Elliot's Device that he aquired from Wayne Tyler, he taps on the Keypad}


{Ellen is digging for the Decade Card}

Ellen: Wait, where's the Card?

Elliot: In that case thing! (Points at the Ride Booker) look in there.

Ellen: That's not very specific...

[edit] Page 9

{The Ride Booker has a Keypad}

Ellen: It requires a password? Of course, If you want to channel a great Demon, you need a password to get in on the action, but what would this demon think would be a great password?

{shot of Ellen with a dull expression on her face}

{she presses the buttons in a mundane fashion}


{Decade's Rider Card pops out of the Ride Booker}

{Ellen Picks it out}

Ellen: Ask a stupid question...

[edit] Page 10

{Elliot and Ellen get their henshin belts ready}


Ellen: Henshin!



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