Twitch Plays Pokemon

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Book One: Birth

Prelude: The Hands of Destiny

Once upon a time, after a convoluted era of slumber, awoke a fair princess and her court of noblemen. The gods who would raise her created a pair of helping hands to watch over the omniverse, but most importantly the realm of applause whence the mysterious king of this world came.

The Hands began to populate this world with techno-organic lifeforms, Matoran, Toa, Turaga, and even Plotworks based on Disney Characters and citizens of an unknown-to-some Kingdom of Magical Mushrooms. Racing the latter of those on Go-Kart tracks of their design.

On a routine exploration of the realm of applause, they encounter a boy by the name of Artemis Haze. His family is getting him into Nintendo Games, and has bought him twelve distinct dolls to get him started. Thinking that playing with those Toys would be pretty fun, the Master Hand breathes life into the dolls to test the might bestowed upon them by the hand that empowered them. After some intense fighting, Master Hand departs to this world, inspired by the magic of Nintendo to move beyond the Mushroom Kingdom.

As the boy grew older and the world grew wider, more and more elements of the realms of Nintendo made their way into this world. Ranging from a forest country inhabited by anthropomorphic beasts of all shapes and sizes to life-sized Board Games and floating 'Skylands', The Hands that maintain this world have created separate continents for both variety of plotwork seas apart from one another. But all was not well back with Artemis Haze, he was constantly being bullied for his autism, being forced to conform to society's expectations by organisations such as Autism Speaks. Some amplified emotions later, the Master Core has gotten unstable and has unleashed its power in full force, attracting the Subspace Army and resulting in the Master Core being under constant surveillance.

The explosion of new Portal Masters and Toy Box builders would prove to provide too much energy than the core could handle, so the hands devised a plan to at least filter the overwhelming power of the core by shifting Pokemon into human beings, starting with who would eventually be known to us as the Fossil Lords: Helix, Dome, Amber, Root, Claw, Shield, Armor, Cover, Plume, Jaw and Sail. Throughout the initial week in the genepool, they would often Bicker as to who would rule the new land of Analtea, resulting in a falling-out between them all, only Lord Amber and Lady Root proved to be loyal to the hands. So there needed to be a proper inhibitor for this project.

Chapter One: The Legend of Darred

Act One: The Cast

And that's where the streamer comes in, a bloke from Australia who Master Hand picked out to formulate a device to keep a specific host under control. In this case it was a Bulbasaur picked out by Professor Oak for Gary to pick out amongst a Squirtle and a Charmander, the latter of which was bullied by the former. The Charmander, named Abby, cared not about said bullying, vowing that it shall cease when she becomes a legend. The Bulbasaur, Darred, believed her and vowed to help her any way he could when the Squirtle was chosen by Blue, Oak's Grandson. And so the streamer made the Bulbasaur human to act as the first host of the hivemind.

And so, the two childhood friends went on an excellent adventure as the hivemind controlled his every move day in and day out, meeting a bunch of new friends along the way such as Jai: a snarky young Rattata with an inferiority complex, Abba: an isolated Pidgeot who Abby has a bit of a crush on, Mary: Bill's eldest daughter who Abba's struggling to admit his affection towards, Simon: a Rattacate eager to dig our group out of trouble at a moment's notice, Rick Gastly: a Gastly (duh) that loves to sing and has the best pipes for the job, Dux: a samurai warrior chosen to wield the Don Patch sword in leau of his master, AJ: a B-ballin' smack-talkin' punk from the mean streets of CWCville, Cabbage: another person in the team, and The Keeper: a noble drowsee servant of the Fossil Lord of the Helix.

Act 2: The events

As Darred, Abby and the rest of the group struggled to overcome even the most simple of proverbial road-blocks, their patience was tested to incredible degrees, with Mary's internal struggles being the prime example as Abby and Jai are effortlessly converted to Helixism. Abba and Darred also struggled with accepting the Helix, the former believing a god coming forth to help them was a load of baloney, the latter thinking back to Professor Oak's words when Abby or the Keeper consulted it.

Speaking of Abby, her story would split from the rest of the group when she saw Abba confessing his love to Mary, shocking to both her and Abby, This depressed Abby and caused her to run far away from the group broken-hearted, saying goodbye only to her childhood friend, Darred. Things would only get worse from there, as Mary was ordered to kill the Keeper in his sleep by a higher up at Team Rocket™ (a subsidiary of Viacom) Jai caught wind of her mission and tried to stop her, alerting Abba while ultimately getting killed in the process. Abba fought the young girl who had the young Rattata's blood on her hands, leaving a scar across her cheek and her waist as she is 'released' into the Master PC™ (A Viacom Service) Now realizing what he's done to Mary, Abba takes up the mantle of a prophet of Helix.

Time passed, friends were met, gym battles were won and lost, and in time, a Zapdos was caught with the Master Ball. The Hivemind wanted it on the team as it's Archangel of Thunder to compliment Abba, their proverbial 'Bird Jesus'. But in attempting to do so, the ultimately discovered the Master PC™ within which Abba had sealed Mary. The bickering of the hivemind and the will of the nickelodecons would ultimately 'release' the code of the mons to is dreadful abomination of Pokémon Storage. Among those damned to the Master PC™'s heinous clutches were a group of Venonats, an Eggecute, A Paras, some of Fonz' gang of Nitorans (One of which actually dies rescuing Abba and ATV from the Master PC™, meaning escape is, in fact, possible.), a Geodude, Dux, Cabbage, C-3KO, and Simon.

Emotionally scarred by this tragic downturn, Darred resented the Helix he once held dear but one look towards the Pokémon he had left and he knew that the hivemind did not want this struggle to be in vain, so he accepted Zapdos among the group as Helix made his presence known to him. As they traveled through Victory Road, our heroes faced the Elite Four, seeking to smyte those deemed unloyal to his will. The conquest had been attempted quite a few times over, and in that one successful run, there were casualties among the Elite Four- Lance losing his Dragonite to the venom of ATV being the prime example- but they all pulled through in the end where they faced Gary Oak, a brief stare into his eyes revealed his strings being pulled by the will of the nothing as puppeteered by Bird Judas (A Viacom-employed Pidgeot).

Our heroes fought the forces of the wicked Pidgeot which had damned Korra to the internet to make room for a sitcom about a little girl who plays football, and so they prevailed, freeing Darred and Gary from their controling voices. The hivemind we call home spending time with the boy who was supposed to be Gary's rival, and the Nickelodecons programmed by Bird Judas permanently dissipated.

And so, Darred and his band of saviors gained the ability to shift like the fossil lords before them. All who survived were blessed with human bodies to shift into, while those sealed in the Master PC™ Slept in its impenetrable fortress waiting for the day of their salvation. Religions Boomed, Networks were erected in the honor of gods, Shows were picked up for said religious network, and Viacom humiliated themselves to the tune of an estimated seven million dollar loss. Sounds like happily ever after, right?

Act 3: The Legacy

Chapter Two: The Resistance of AJ

Previously on TPP

Previously on Twitch Plays Pokemon: Gods, Princesses, Hands and Toys. All these and more resulted in a magical power to shift from human to pokémon and back again. But Viacom took notice of the fossil lords and wanted to destroy their kingdom! Hence they decided to pretty much waste 5 million dollars on Chatroom Spambots, inside jobs, mind control, and an especially heinous computer service we still use to this day. Meanwhile, in the gameplay, A fire starter and her humanized childhood friend ventured forth for a good few days before going their separate ways due to a crush's logical conclusion which winds up also hurting the boy he was fawning over in the first place. Well, aren't we all just a little bit retarded?

Act 1: The Cast

Deep in the grass was a Totodile training under a Sunskert's intensive training, one day, a Mankey passes by the two warriors and hears of the boy's rage against the Fossil Lords. sure, Helix says he will lead our world to prosperity and unity. But the fact that lawlessness is easily forgiven by this newfound public figure, especially since this lawlessness is what wiped out his family the tuesday after the tyke was born, angered this Totodile to no end. the Totodile's name was Scott. His master was named Admiral Charles. The Mankey took to fighting Scott and ultimately won out in the end, forcing Charles to fight the Mankey off to who knows where with his silver sword! Scott admired the Admiral's sword as he spent the rest of the night recovering from his wounds, say that he'd like to hold a sword like that someday.

Needless to say, the Mankey was turned human by the Master Core to use as a vessel for us, the hivemind, And thus, the fitting name of AJ Downs was bestowed upon the boy as we picked up Scott who had been caught by Professor Elm overnight, Charles quickly gave chase to our second host—technically third, but we'll get to that—and he joined the group alongside future heroes such as Ozzy, A spunky young girl eager to get away from her stoner dad. Nathaniel, An old friend of Charles who acted as his comic foil. Abdullah, A Ratticate who knows her way around Jhoto down to the last brick on Victory Road. Golduggar, A Wopper who pretty much jumped at the chance of leaving his station at the Local Burger King. Austin, A Poisonous Luchador from the proud country of Noire. Nicole, A kickboxing Smoochum from the mean steets of CWCVille. A Hoothoot by the name of Dr. Franz K. Hootenhauten as well as his lovely wife. Shuck, A Shuckle that was given to AJ by Mania, with the intent of having it returned at some point. Brian, an average Pidgey cursed to live underneath the shadow of Sir Abba. Katie, The only daughter of The very Dragonite Adan had killed on Darred's path to become champion. Robin-John, A nieve casanova with a weird interest in Andy Gibb. And David, An Onyx who was ultamately drafted into the conflict. And there's also a Goldeen that was ensnared by the Master Ball

Act 2: The Events

Not long after their journey began, the group was entrusted with an egg. It is written in a prophecy that the child born from this egg will become strong enough to destroy an entity of pure contempt for gaming. With the immense strength of Scott and the tactical expertise of Charles, AJ and his 'mons plowed through his enemies. One by one, the gym leaders of Johto fell, untill he came to Whitney. All of Scott's comrades were knocked out, forcing him to carry them through to the end... Not that it mattered as he wound up getting flattened with Rollout.

By that moment, the egg had been hatched to reveal a nieve young prince destined for great things, Making it all the more important that they protect the boy—Omlette—at any cost. The Boy's cheerful smile perked up ol' Chuck and motivated him and Hootenhouzen to come up with a new tactic for Scott to utilize against Whitney's dreaded Miltank. -. Fresh off the victory, AJ and company have garnered the intrigue of the corrupt popes of both the Church of the Helix and the Disaples of Dome. They seek to have AJ rubbed out as soon as possible, as Darred's absence immediately after becoming champion allowed them a seat of power in the new world order. They intend to hold onto their thrones for as long as they can, proving that Disney is the only thing that cannot fall completely into the darkness of capital greed.

They send out a Spy to kill AJ in the 'guise of a fruity little circus juggler. After knocking out all his Pokémon except Charles, the Spy aims his knife for AJ's Head, but Scott aims his eyes for that knife and uses his Leer attack to vaporize said knife and the hand holding it... As well as our favorite Admiral's fluffy Tail and part of his left foot, crippling the tactician on the spot. Ashamed of the misfortune his attack had caused the Admiral, Scott evolved into a Croconaw before wrapping his eyes in a blindfold to avoid another tragedy like that from happening again.

Halfway through the journey, AJ saw the impact his journey is having over the land as swarms of fans devoted to aiding AJ on his quest defend him from an Angry Mob who want nothing more than Scott's release via... The Master PC. AJ barely escaped with nearly all of his comrades intact, but Nathaniel was lost among the crowded mob. After a few gym battles, the Warring Mobs have swarmed the Pokemon Center, breaking out the Master PC once more to 'Release' Scott into the reched abomination of Pokemon Storage as they knew he was aiming for Lord Helix. And to prove they were serious, they released Omlette as a Warning Shot!

Golduggar stood fearlessly against the Mob, telling AJ, Scott, Charles and the rest of the group to Run. AJ had no intention for them to run as Golduggar prepared a special Metronome Attack, Blowing Their Master PC as well as the entire Pokemon Center to Kingdom Come. The Mob knew to back off, but when the dust settled, Golduggar was nowhere to be found... RJ was shaking with grief and rage, lashing back at us for accusing them of being evil as his voice cracked. "HOW COULD YOU CLAIM TO BE RITCHOUS WHEN YOU TAKE US FROM OUR FRIENDS TO DO SO!?" he cried. These Words rocked the mob to its core, though they were divided by faith, they all wanted to see AJ succeed in his quest to become the champion.

Time passed and obsticles were overcome but upon becoming Champion, It's revealed that Viacom has the trust of Lord Helix via the corrupt pope Helix had hired so our heroes headed to Kanto where they faced off against their group of Gym Leaders, finally capping off with Blue, Now seeking redemption after the sheer horrors of Bird Judas. The hour of the epic final battle was finally at hand, and Lord Helix used the Master Core to grant the shifter power to these future Godslayers. And the reason why?

Thus began an epic battle that we do have neither the time nor the money to animate so support us on Patreon so that we can actually afford equipment like this. Where was I, oh yeah, Godslayers. Scott took on Sir Abba with Brian by his side. RJ faced off against Lord Helix as he proved to be quite the bigot towards Eevees... Aint that Ironic? Katie duked it out with Adan, not to take vengence against her crown, but for all of Dragonkind "What's the use for a crown when it only brings back the dishonor of a fallen household?" And David had the Fonz and Battery Jesus to put up with while Darred squared off against AJ Downs alone... leaving the other AJ to merely dick around like a Human DBZ Protagonist when they send in a Saiyan. 7 The battle ended with both sides wounded pretty badly, with Lord Helix being killed, resulting in a mexican-style stand-off between Abba and Scott. Ultimately it was Scott who prevailed over the Aviary Saint of Anarchy... But both sides were wounded, a masked priestess of the Helix found the broken helmet of her patron fossil and tended to the wounded remnants of the chosen six while the Godslayers were tossed aside like the garbage they were so... Who the hell won? Wasnt the Godslayers since they had been declared criminals of God and it would take a lot of time to dig themselves out of THAT ditch, Wasn't the Chosen Six since the Godslayers have taken down their fearless leader Lord Helix, And it definitely wasn't Viacom who downed $7 Million Dollars to off the current host of the hivemind plus a Million Dollar Fee to afford Team Rocket's Services for a total of $13 million total expenses aimed towards extinguishing a Twitch Livestream where nameless weeaboos fight over the control of a children's bug-fighting game.

Chapter Three: The Anarchy of Camellia

Act One: The Cast

Three young female Pokémon, a Zorua, a Azuril, and a Nincada, all scrape along in Hoenn when they stumble across a Rouge Torchic running from the law, a young Bird Cop named Bernice was hot on the fella's tail and

Chapter Four: The Mystery of Alice

Act One: The Cast

The Randomizer had ravaged seven regions in the Pokémon World, migration patterns were unstable, genetic abilities shifted on a whim, many a specific genus of Pokémon were turned topsy turvy! So the hands turned to Bill to set things right, but he refused, preferring to send in the Gym Leaders to combat the threat set up by Viacom. The rest of the fossil lords believed him to be working with Viacom, despite his stating otherwise. Nevertheless, the hands needed a host to at least try to fix the damage Viacom has done, so they settled on a human host: Bill's loving daughter, Alice. She journeyed onward with a lazy machop and was later joined by an intelligent young Squirtle determined to seek the truth about the mysterious gym leaders Bill hired to sub for the leaders who were out fending off Viacom.

Although some scab leaders like Buzz were friendly enough, others like alchemic scientist Noxie worked as agents of Viacom's evil board of shareholders. But it's not all Viacom execs Leutenant Surge brought in his old war buddy Captain Quake to act as his Scab while Erika brings forth cousin Yuki to run her gym for a bit. Viacom has sent in Sky Ninja Kaze of Team Rocket™ to undermine Alice's efforts alongside archeologist Dwayne and veteran obstacle Giovanni, but all this is circumvented by Alice becoming fast friends (Maybe more) with Norma, substitute gym leader.

And Viacom has all but ursped the Elite Four, from Viacom grunts Ilana and Brian subbing for Lorelei and Bruno (With their boss Sting acting as Lance's scab) to Viacom stitching together a kamui known as Lazarus in the fountain of youth in order to control Agatha, who was a lot more impulsive in her youth than you'd think. Alice ultimately had a long journey ahead of her, but as her growing ragtag group of misfits marched onward, she grew more confident in her skills, which made her fate all the more tragic.

And while we're on the topic of this ragtag group, said group would grow to include -.

Act Two: The Events

Chapter Five: The Maturation of Napoleon

Chapter Six: The Revolution of Aoi

Chapter Seven: The Tragedy of Jimmy

Chapter Eight: The Conquest of Chloe

Chapter Nine: The Journey of Richard

Chapter Ten: The Awakening of Artemis

Book Two: The War on Viacom

Prelude: The Fall of Enter

After the revelation of Helix, many preachers came to sing the good gospel, one of those fellows was THiN-CRUST, he and Mr.Enter hear of their War on Viacom and they are more than eager to help in any way they could, THiN-CRUST became a condeseur of multimedia, while Mr Enter just kept doing what he did best (Knocking crappy cartoons down a peg). But almost a year since the Helix' first encounter with Viacom, Enter's YouTube Account had been deactivated by Viacom in an effort to silence him in time for the new Spongebob Movie.

Chapter 1: The Struggle of Abraham

Chapter 2: The Ballad of Baba

Chapter 3A: The Rebellion of Athena

Chapter 3B: The Refusal of Amber

Chapter 4: The Haunting of DJ KyuKyu

S.E.L.E.C.T. Sect

Short for the 'Subjective Examination, Logistics, and Enforcement Committee of Twitchplayers Sector', The Select Sect is Nintendo's recently-established daring highly-trained special mission force. Its purpose: To Expose horrible sins against creative storytelling, Praise the Quality Ideas buried under the Koch-Controlled Psigeist, and defend the Imagination that powers the omniverse from ignorance and hatred by waging their battle to destroy the evil Nickelodecon Forces of Viacom: A ruthless multimedia organization determined to Devour the World.

Senior Members

Each of these people have something other agents of the Sect don't: A say as to what to do.

  • Codename: Streamer (Head of Stream Network Technologies)
  • Agent Deku/Subject 11-B (Current Status: Inactive, Reason: Moving)
  • Agent Revo/Subject 11-C (Current Status: Active)
  • Agent SoNick (Current Status: Active)
  • Professor Samuel Oak (Director of Intelligence)
  • Professor Owen Elm
  • Professor Nolan A. Birch
  • Professor Clark Rowan
  • Professor Cedric Juniper
  • Professor Kersten Juniper
  • Professor Peter Sycamore
  • Cynthia (Director of Enforcement)
  • Lord Helix of Kanto (Chairman of the Board)
  • Lord Dome of Kanto/Bill Masaki (Director of Legislation)
  • Lord Amber of Kanto (President of the Select Sect)
  • Root of Hoenn
  • Claw of Hoenn
  • Skull of Sinn'oh
  • Armor of Sinn'oh
  • Cover of Unova
  • Plume of Unova
  • Jaw of Kalos
  • Sail of Kalos
  • Lord Drive (Current Status: In Captivity)

Gym Leaders

The people who hand out badges to worthy opponents for a living, they also come together at the chance of something happening to endanger their way of life


  • Brock (Current Status: Active)
  • Misty (Current Status: Active)
  • Lt. Surge (Current Status: Active)
  • Erika (Current Status: Active)
  • Koga (Current Status: Active)
  • Sabrina (Current Status: Active)
  • Blaine (Current Status: Active)
  • Giovanni (Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Guess)


  • Falkner (Current Status: Active)
  • Bugsy (Current Status: Active)
  • Whitney (Current Status: Active)
  • Morty (Current Status: Active)
  • Chuck (Current Status: Active)
  • Jasmine (Current Status: Active)
  • Pryce (Current Status: Active)
  • Clair (Current Status: Active)


  • Roxanne
  • Brawly
  • Wattson (Current Status: WAHAHAHAHAHA!)
  • Flannery
  • Norman
  • Winona
  • Tate and Liza
  • Juan

Randomized Kanto

  • Brock (He chose to stay at his Gym)
  • Noxie (Current Status: In captivity, Reason: Viacom Loyalist)
  • Captain Quake (Current Status: Active)
  • Yuki (Current Status: Active)
  • Kaze (Current Status: Active)
  • Norma (Current Status: Active, Married to Aurora)
  • Blaine (Chose to remain at his post)
  • Giovanni (Took back his old Gym in Agent Green's Absence)

Elite Four

  • Elphaba (Current Status: AWOL)
  • Bruno (The only one to remain at his post that wasn't tampered with)
  • Agatha (Regressed to the Prime of her Youth by means of the Elixir of Life, Current Status: Active after a month of Rehabilitation)
  • Ponce De Leon (Hired by Viacom to brainwash one of the Elite Four to do their corporate bidding, Current Status: AWOL)


  • Roark
  • Gardenia
  • Maylene
  • Crasher Wake
  • Fantina
  • Byron
  • Candice
  • Volkner

Randomized Johto

  • Robert Washer (Current Status: Active)
  • Terry Gawke (Current Status: Active)
  • Jasmine 'Jaz' Green (Current Status: Active)
  • Morty (Remained at his Gym)
  • Chuck (Remained at his Gym)
  • Clarimine Woods (Current Status: Active)
  • Sting (Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Viacom Double Agent)
  • Noir (Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Viacom Double Agent)

Elite 4

  • Achmed (Current Status: Deceased, Cause of Death: Suicide Bomb in an attempt to 'KEEL THE INFIDEL!')
  • Tarega (A Protagonist from the Mother series that grew into an adult, Yep. Current Status: Active)
  • Gordon ("That's A Danger Signal" {this gag was mandatory} Current Status: Active)
  • Kandii (Guitarist for Stallynz Kreeq, Current Status: Active)
  • Seiya (From Saint Seiya, Because Fanfiction! Current Status: Active)

Re-Randomized Kanto

  • Elton Bryce (Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Power-Based Rehabilitation)
  • Ember (Current Status: Active)
  • Lt. Swarm (Current Status: Deceased, Cause of Death: Mutation into a Maggot infestation tree-monster thing, courtesy of Caped Bacon, Rent-A-Villainess)
  • Elektra (Current Status: Active)
  • Norma (Returns to her prior post)
  • Vivian (Current Status: Active)
  • Blaine (Chose to Remain at his Gym)
  • Blue (Chose to Remain at his Gym)


  • Cilan
  • Chili
  • Cress
  • Lenora
  • Burgh
  • Elesa
  • Clay
  • Skyla
  • Brycen
  • Drayden
  • Iris
  • Cheren
  • Roxie
  • Marlon


  • Viola
  • Grant
  • Korrina
  • Ramos
  • Clemont
  • Valerie
  • Olympia
  • Wulfric

Randomized Hoenn

  • Ingrid (Current Status: Active)
  • Brawly (Chose to Stay at his Gym)
  • Rocko (Current Status: Active)
  • Hydi (Current Status: Active)
  • Granger (Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Viacom Double Agent)
  • Leah (Current Status: Active)
  • Chad and Lucy (Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Viacom Double Agents)
  • Wallace (Chose to Stay at his gym)

Elite 4

  • Yamcha (Current Status: #TryHard)
  • Pheobe (Remained at her post)
  • Amalthea (Current Status: Active)
  • Mario Mario (Of the Super Smash Bros. Division, Current Status: Timeless)


These are the fair hosts of our favorite group of Unown Nutsacks, the psychological damage varries, but they're one call away to springing into action at a moment's notice upon recovering.

Timeline: Red > + 2 yrs > Crystal (License Age Bumped up to 13) > - 6 Days > Emerald > + 3 Months > FireRed › - 1 Month > Platinum > + 9 Months > HeartGold (License Age up 2 years due to the Founding of the Select Sect) > + 3 years > Black (License Age up 2 years due to Team Plasma's Wishes) > + 1 year > Black 2 > + 8 months > X > + 1 year > Omega Ruby > + 3 years > Anniversary Red > + 3 months > TouhouMoe > + 6 months > Alpha Sapphire > + 1 month > Colloseum > 3 years

  • Subject 0: Lady Abin the Third (Current Status: Fully Cloned with Obin and in Captivity)
  • Subject 1: Darred (Current Age: 21, Current Status: Active)
  • Subject 1A: Xander (Current Status: Comatose)
  • Subject 1B: Blue "Agent Green" (Current Status: Active, Age: 12)
  • Subject 2: AJ Downey (Current Status: AWOL, Age: 10)
  • Subject 3: Camilla A. Birch (maiden name: Slasha, Age: 10)
  • Subject 3-A: Samantha Slasha (Current Status: Deceased, Cause of Death: Eaten by Feral Zorua)
  • Subject 3-B: Kersti Slasha (Current Status: Devolved into a sticker fairy from a horrible Mario Game)
  • Subject 3-C: Elmyra (Current Status: Deceased, Cause of Death: See Samantha Slasha)
  • Subject 3-D: Milton (Current Status: AWOL)
  • Subject 3-E: Hazel (Current Status: Comatose)
  • Subject 3-F: Reid (Current Status: Deceased, Cause of Death: Misfired Gunshot from Agent Pioxys)
  • Subject 3-G: Brendan T. Birch (Age: 10)
  • Subject 4: Alice (Age 13)
  • Subject 5: Nepoleon (Age 13)
  • Subject 6: Aurora (Age 13)
  • Subject 7: Jimmy C. (Current Age: 16, Current Status: Active, Prone to appearing at Gaming/Anime Conventions)
  • Subject 7-A: Hilda (Current Age: 18)
  • Subject 8: Chloe (Current Age: 18)
  • Subject 8-A: Alonso (Current Age: 18)
  • Subject 9: Richard 'd' (Current Age: 18)
  • Subject 10: Artemis 'Arty' Haze (Current Age: 18)
  • Subject 11: Abraham (Current Age: )
  • Subject 11-A: Baba (Current Age: )
  • Subject 12-A: Athena (Current Age: )
  • Subject 12-B: Amber (Current Age: )
  • Subject 13: Nina 'DJ KyuKyu' (Current Age: )
  • Subject 14-A: Wesley Thomas Snipes (Current Age: )
  • Subject 14-B: Rui (Current Age: )
  • Subject 15: Unknown


These brave men and women got their start fighting alongside the Subjects as their Pokémon comrades.

Darred's Troupe

  • Sir Abba (Pidgeot, Current Status: Active)
  • Fossil Priestess Abby (Charmeleon{Evolved into a Charizard outside of the Influence}, Current Status: Active)
  • AA-j (Zapdos, Current Status: Active)
  • Air (Lapras, Current Status: Active)
  • ATV (Venemoth, Current Status: Active)
  • Phonz (Nidoking, Current Status: Active)
  • The Keeper (Drowzee, Current Status: Active)
  • Rick (Gastly, Current Status: Active)
  • Dux (Farfetch'd, Current Status: Active)
  • Mary (Flareon, Current Status: Active)
  • Simon (Ratticate, Current Status: Active)

AJ's Troupe (Godslayers)

  • General Scott (Furaligatyr, Current Status: AWOL)
  • Admiral Charles (Suntret, Current Status: Inactive, Reason: Handicapped)
  • Brian (Pidgeot, Current Status: Active)
  • Rito (Espeon, Current Status: Active)
  • Katie (Dragonite, Current Status: Active)
  • Solid Snake (Steelix, Current Status: Active)
  • Oxxy (Metapod, Current Status: Active)
  • Abed (Raticate, Current Status: Active)
  • Steven Koffstin (Koffing, Current Status: Active)
  • Nikki (Smoochum, Current Status: Active)
  • Master Goldeen (Guess, Current Status: Active)
  • Matthew Eccardi (Hoothoot, Current Status: AWOL)
  • Shuck Norris (Shuckle, Current Status: Inactive, Reason: Off Training in the Himilayas)
  • Ace (Current Status: AWOL)
  • Colonel Colin (Drowsee, Current Status: Active)
  • Omlette (Togepi, Current Status: Inactive, Reason: On Emissary Leave)

Camilla's Troupe (A-Team)

  • Agent M4: Mary (Marill, Current Status: Active)
  • Dorothy 'Dottie' (Ninjask, Current Status: Active)
  • Zexy (Torchic, Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: An associate of Sarfa the Goose)
  • Robin 'Shorty' (Graveler, Current Status: Active)
  • Cabbage 'The White' (Gloom, Current Status: Active)
  • Beck 'Doge Nine' (Mightyena, Current Status: Active)
  • Cruelella (Tentacruel, Current Status: Active)
  • Annie (Hariyama, Current Status: Active)
  • Akina 'Good Abra' (Kadabra, Current Status: Active)
  • Nate (Shedinja, Current Status: Active)
  • Greg 'G-Man' (Wurmple, Current Status: Active)
  • Vlad (Minun, Current Status: Active, but serving the Commeownist Party)
  • Apost (Pikachu, Current Status: Active)
  • Duo 'X-Wing' (Wingull, Current Status)

The Wolfpack

The Number One Leisure Choice of the A-Team, The Wolfpack is what you get when Camilla doesn't quite feel like going all out.

  • 'Dogeyena' (Current Status: Active)
  • Perdita (Current Status: Active)
  • Pongo (Current Status: Active)
  • Ninten (Current Status: Active)
  • Satoshi (Current Status: Active)
  • A (Current Status: Active)
  • Atemu (Current Status: Active)

Alice's Troupe

  • Tuna (Masquerain, Current Status: Active)
  • 'Flameslash' (Sandslash, Current Status: Active)
  • Shellocke (Blastoise, Current Status: Active)
  • Altar (Alteria, Current Status: Active)
  • DJ (Slaking, Current Status: Active)
  • Marc (Mew, Current Status: Active)
  • Myao 'Cheshire' Zedong (Skitty, Current Status: Active)
  • 'Swagsire' (Guess, Current Status)
  • 'Hijinx' (Machop, Current Status: Smeg Knows, Reason: Who Cares?)
  • Aunt Bueno (Slugma, Current Status: Active)
  • John Raltz 'Husbando' (Kirlia, Current Status: Active)
  • Simon M. Nirvana (Nincada, Current Status: Active)
  • Leeku of the Dome (Ariados, Current Status: Active)
  • Atmos of the Amber (Charizard, Current Status: Active)

Nepple's Troupe (Court of the Sun)

  • Agent Sunbrella (Roserade, Current Status: Active)
  • Steve (Bronzong, Current Status: Active)
  • Moonbat (Golbat, Current Status: Active)
  • Sol (Flareon, Current Status: Active)
  • Samantha 'Sunshine' Weathers (Shinx, Current Status: Active)
  • Agent 006 (Bibarel, Current Status: Active)
  • Omletta (Togepi, Current Status: Active)
  • Agent 004 (Bidoof, Current Status: Active)
  • Akuma (Kricketot, Current Status: Active)
  • Geo (Geodude, Current Status: Active)
  • Flare (FlareDoof, Current Status: Stuck in Distortion)
  • Sun (Sunflare, Current Status: Stuck in Distortion)
  • Lio (Bedew, Current Status: Stuck in Distortion)
  • Cherry (Chimchar, Current Status: Inactive, Reason: Comatose)

Aurora's Troupe (The Wolf Pack)

  • Agent Vibra (Vibrava, Current Status: Active)
  • Agent Treesus (Sudowudo, Current Status: Active)
  • Xiro (Xatu, pronounced shi-ro, Current Status: Active)
  • Tea (Smoochum, pronounced Tay-uh, Current Status: Active)
  • Jenny Lightman (Skitty, Current Status: Active)
  • Croapatra (Croagunk, Current Status: Active)
  • Agent Codek (Gloom, Current Status: Active)
  • Isaac (Jigglypuff, Current Status: Active)
  • Leonard 'Diglight' (Diglett, Current Status: Active)
  • Aerine (Larvitar, She's the one who nursed Lord Helix of Kanto back to health... said nursing involved filling him up to the point where 'L@rd Helix' became a thing, Current Status: Active)
  • Dio 'Diamondback' (Ekans, Current Status: Active)
  • Karaba (Sandslash, Current Status: Active)
  • Saxton 'Strix' Hale (Noctowl, Current Status: Active)
  • Aria (Ariados, Current Status: Active)
  • Bucky (Bronzor, Current Status: AWOL)
  • Agent K-033 (Phione, Current Status: Active)
  • Elsa (Sunflora, Current Status: Active)
  • Kenya (Groudon, Current Status: Active)
  • Mute (Banette, Current Status: Active)
  • Bennett Blake (Banette, Voiced by Bennett White for the Sake of Characterization, Current Status: Active)

Jimmy's Troupe (The Expendables)

  • Nonon (Tympole, Current Status: Active)
  • Peter Sparker (Joltik, Current Status: Active)
  • Matt (Tranquill, Current Status: Active)
  • Pat (Tranquill, Current Status: Active)
  • Agent Fives (Deerling, Current Status: Active)
  • Zecoro (Zebstrika, Current Status: Active)
  • Drew (Druddigon, Current Status: Active)
  • Jessi V. Pwnzworth (Purrloin, Current Status: Active)
  • Agent West Springfield (Venipede, Current Status: Active)
  • Moses (Pidove, Current Status: Active)
  • Phye (Pidove, Current Status: Active)
  • Commander Kevin B. Kenan (Tepig, Current Status: Retired, Reason: High Fatality Rate)
  • Mebbel (Pansage, Current Status: Active)
  • Lillil (Petilil, Current Status: Active)

Clarise's Troupe (The Clyforce)

  • Wilbur (Emboar, Current Status: Active)
  • Quiffel (Unfezant, Current Status: Active)
  • Charlie (Leavanny, Current Status: Active)
  • Aipo (Sceptile, Current Status: Active)
  • 'Dapper' Dan (Feraligatr, Current Status: Active)
  • Zolocke (Zoroark, Current Status: Active)
  • Patrick (Patrat, Current Status: Active)
  • Nyankaa (Meowth, Current Status: Active)
  • 'Scout' (Sentret, Current Status: Active)
  • OJ Azure (Azurill, Current Status: Active)
  • Mary B. Ampel (Mareep, Current Status: Active)
  • Kamina (Flaffy, Current Status: Active)
  • Dana (Dialga, Works at a Dairy Queen dispite being a Dialga Pokemorph, Current Status: Active)
  • Zekross and Lamp (Zekrom, Current Status: Active)
  • Matthew (Mewtwo, Current Status: Active)
  • Celina Quincy (Celebi, Current Status: Active)
  • Melodie (Meloetta, Current Status: Active)

Richard's Troupe (The D-Crew)

  • Taijuri Vargas (Charizard, Current Status: Active)
  • Laura and Frieda Smogara (Aegislash, Current Status: Both Members Active)
  • Serena (Absol, Current Status: Active)
  • Brina and Bernice (Hawlucha, Current Status: Active)
  • Ode (Lapras, Current Status: Active)
  • Rose (Xerneas, Current Status: Active)
  • Korrin (Lucario, Current Status: Active)
  • Michelle DiZetta (Pikachu, Current Status: Active)
  • Frankie D. Ulcifer (Vivillon, Current Status: Active)
  • Lloyd (Beldum, Current Status: Active)
  • Omastella (Omanyte, Bethrobed to Lord Helix, Current Status: Active)

Artemis' Troupe (The Bunny Mafia)

  • 'Zigzagoony' (Linoone)
  • Feminun (Minun)
  • Yuno V (Exploud)
  • Tamera 'Tammy'/ Agent T4 (Azumarill)
  • Samuel Quill 'Star-Lord' (Rayquaza)
  • Lucas (Latios)
  • Martin Priuna (Groudon)
  • Nathanel Aziph (Azelf)
  • 'User' (Poochyena, Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Served the Bunny Mafia under Zayden Hellsbane)
  • Joseph Jamal Biden (Seedot, Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Served the Bunny Mafia under Zayden Hellsbane)
  • Zou (Zigzagoon, Current Status: Active)
  • Weeaclaime (Pikachu, Current Status: Active)
  • Bernice (Wingull, Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Served the Bunny Mafia under Zayden Hellsbane in exchange for ressurecting Birankaa)
  • Agent 115 (Electrike, Current Status: In Captivity, Reason: Served the Bunny Mafia under Zayden Hellsbane)
  • Bel (Beldum, Current Status: Active, is now acting as a Stream Moderator)
  • Auwynn (Wurmple, Cause of Death: Headshot as a Hostage of the Bunny Mafia under Scarfa the Goose)
  • Mercury (Zigzagoon, Cause of Death: Heart Attack from a Combination of engaging the A-Team (on the way up to then-current Bunny Mafia leader Scarfa the Goose) in pitched combat... and Eating way too much KFC for anyone to ingest in a single sitting)
  • Zayden Hellsbane (Zubat, Cause of Death: A One on One battle with M4)
  • Yukiteru (Whismur, Current Status: In Rehab, Reason: Abuse from serving the Bunny Mafia under Sarfa the Goose and Later Zayden Hellsbane)
  • Gojun (Oddish, Current Status: Comatose, Reason: Tossed down a flight of stairs by then-don of the Bunny Mafia Sarfa the Goose)
  • Zigeru (Zigzagoon, Cause of Death)
  • Wattz 'Zapdoge' DiVolte (Electrike, Now a Member of the Wolfpack, Current Status: Active)
  • Refia (Ho-Oh, Current Status: Active)

Abe's Troupe (The Cabinet of Dome)

  • Growla (Charizard, Current Status: Active)
  • Kristi 'Leech King' Powers (Paracect, Current Status: In Rehab)
  • Agent ICU (Cloyster, Current Status: Active)

Baba's Troupe

  • Agent Best
  • Agent Orgy
  • Agent Ever
  • Agent Fake
  • Agent Gay
  • Agent Dada (Baba's Father, Current Status: Active)

Athena's Troupe (Team Dai-Plasma)

  • Fifer (Charizard, Current Status: Active)
  • Tina (Pidgeot, Current Status: Active)
  • Brianna 'Bae' (Butterfree, Current Status: Active)
  • Amy, Hannah and Irma (Dugtrio)
  • Alice B. Owlan (Vaporeon)
  • Ava Xandra (Electabuzz)
  • Victoria Goddeth (Vileplume)
  • Tulula (Rattata)
  • Betty and Bea (Zubat)
  • Luna (Geodude)
  • Tana (Rattata)
  • Natalie and Amy Ekanson (Ekans)
  • Sammi Antz (Spearow)
  • Atta (Pidgey)
  • Frieda (Hitmonchan)
  • Hailey Miquel (Illumise)

The Ivy Brigade

  • Ophelia Ponichi
  • Tanya Maruni
  • Tessa Sango
  • Freddi Hanayon
  • Pheobe Gono
  • Aiko Rokusumi

Amber's Troupe

  • Lady Sanae
  • Chauzu
  • Atoko
  • Aurin (Bae's Twin Sister)
  • Bebe
  • Isami
  • Ahina
  • Sapphire Argus
  • Cesa and Cinny
  • Atoki
  • Comana
  • Buhdaiyo
  • Akimisa
  • Atoyo
  • Am Li

Nina's Troupe

  • Peter Recraus (Flareon)
  • Guildmaster Chance DeFreling (Wigglytuff)
  • Cedric Revoze (Cacturne)
  • Ryan Ninoku (Rayquaza)
  • Zet Pringleson (Male Frillish)
  • Aena Pringleson (Female Frillish)
  • Edwynn Swien (Lanturn)
  • Baguette (Glameow)
  • Gypson (Kingler)
  • Gaia (Glameow)
  • Xespher (Shroomish)
  • Ryu Wusiji (Sawsbuck)
  • U.T.G. (Gothorita)
  • Koral (Corsola)
  • Latia (Latias)
  • Burt Atkinson (Kyogre)
  • Hef (Glaceon)
  • Kel Puik (Spoink)
  • Rudolph Swein (Swinub)
  • Duskleburg Pringleson (Male Jellicent)
  • Winry Pringleson (Female Jellicent)

Wesley's Troupe

  • Agent Nacho (Espeon)
  • Agent Taco (Umbreon)
  • Shoutaro Lecina (Meganium)
  • Loli (Jumpluff)
  • Agent A10 (Misdreavus)
  • Adolpheo Spock (Quagsire)
  • (Flaffy)
  • (Plusie)
  • Marti Bambino (Remoraid)

The Mons that didn't make it

  • Jai (Darred's Rattata, Cause of Death: Stray Blow from Mary)
  • Chuck (Darred's Nidoran, Cause of Death: Sacrificed himself to Rescue Sir Abba)
  • Goldberg (AJ's Wooper, Cause of Death: Sacrificed himself to Protect AJ from Angry Mob)
  • Birankaä 'BirdCop' (Camilla's Wingull, Cause of Death: Bullet to the Head from M4)
  • Agent B9 (Napoleon's Bidoof, Cause of Death: Sacrificed himself to prevent a complete Timeline Collapse)
  • Tawna (Jimmy's Patrat, Cause of Death: Beheaded)
  • Toboe (Jimmy's Lillipup, Cause of Death: Neck Crunched by Commander Kevin B. Kenan)
  • Agent B66 (Jimmy's Purrloin, Cause of Death: Bullet to the Head)
  • Tympre (Jimmy's Tympole, Cause of Death: Pulse Grenade going off in his face with a Cottonee and a Tranquill)
  • Sarfa the Goose (Artemis' Combusken, Cause of Death: To be Revealed)

Other Agents

And now we have... the rest of the characters.

  • The Looker
  • Joey (Currently awaiting his Gym in Elfworld)
  • Steven Stone
  • N
  • Zinnia
  • Captain THiN CRUST
  • Leutenant Alexander 'DeeP DiSH' Cayford
  • Agent Pioxys (Current Status: Inactive, Reason: Familial Issues)
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