Page 159: Rina (Part 1/2)

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One rainy in the city were all the RB characters live Professor Moshimo calls over the kids to have a tour of his house and lab.

Tommy: Thanks for having us over Professor!

Moshimo: No problem at all Tommy. But step lively because I have lots to show you.

(Moshimo show the kids a few areas in house then is about to move on to his lab when they past by a big vault door)

Tommy :( looking at the vault door) Hey Professor what’s in there?

Moshimo (turns to Tommy) Just some of my creations are better in storage then out in the real world. Don't worry about it come on lets continue.

Tommy :( notices his left shoe's untied) you guys go on I catch up.

(As Tommy ties his left shoe he shifts his left shoulder and Robotboy falls out deactivated)

Tommy: Oh! Robotboy should have chance to a part of this tour to since it's his creator's house.

Tommy :( Activates Robotboy with his watch)

Robotboy: Hi Tommy... (Looks at the vault door in front of him)

Tommy: Ro?

Robotboy (still staring at the vault door) Rina...

Tommy: Rina? Who's Rina?

Robotboy: Rina...

Lola (walks in) Are you guys coming or what? What's up with Robotboy?

Tommy: I don't know all he keeps saying is Rina and staring at that door.

Lola: Weird...

Tommy: Maybe he has sparkplug loose I'll check with Moshi-

Robotboy:(uses his super strength to prie open the vault door and then fly in the vault room)

Tommy: Robotboy! No! Professor Moshimo doesn’t want anybody in there!

Lola: A little too late for that...

Tommy: Come on we’ve gotta find him! It could be dangerous in there!

Lola: Right.

(As the two kids run into the room to find Robotboy, Robotboy fly the skies of the room to something more importantly someone...)

Tommy (Walking around in the vault room with Lola to find Robotboy) Wow Moshimo made allot of gadgets before he created Robotboy...

Lola: How do you know?

Tommy :( points a sign above the surrounding gadgets that says "Proto-Types")

Lola: Oh...Well I can see why he wants it locked up... look at this a talking nose (pushes nostrol) Nose: I'm the only tap that won't stop running...)

Tommy and Lola: EWWW!

Lola: (Puts nose down and then stares in space)

Tommy: Lola what's wrong?

Lola: Tommy looks at that wall there’s a glowing square out line on it with to hand sensor pads on it. One looks like Moshimo's and the other looks like Robotboy's.

Tommy: Yeah your right I better call Ro and tell him to come see this...

(Tommy calls in Ro on the watch)

Robotboy: Why you call Robotboy? Robotboy busy-

(Robotboy sees what the two kids are looking at and stares at the wall too)

Robotboy: Rina...

Rina calls Robotboy Oniisan which means Older Brother in Japanese and I got this idea from Yu-gi-oh GX cause Sho calls Ryo this.

Robotboy :( Keeps staring at the wall with the square outline on it) Rina...

Tommy: He’s saying that...

Lola: Maybe he really dose have a lose sparkplug...Did you give him a look over to day?

Tommy: Yeah and he's perfectly fine...

Lola: Well he's at least showing some activity now...

(Lola points at Robotboy who was walking over to the wall)

Tommy: Ro what are you doing?

Robotboy: Robotboy waking up Rina...

Tommy and Lola: Who’s Rina?

(Robotboy didn't aswner instead he put his hand on the robot hand pad which opened a small compartment that contained a blue and black robotboy looka-like deactivated doll with yellow eyes and a Wrist Watch much like Tommy's.)

Tommy: Ro is that..?

Robotboy: Rina...

Lola: So that's Rina she sorta looks like except for the color designs...Why would Moshimo lock up such a great creation?

Robotboy :( Took Rina and the wrist watch out of the compartment closed the it again) Rina choose to be locked so Moshimo did what Rina asked...

Lola: But why would she wanna be locked up?

Tommy: Yeah why would anyone ask to be locked up it's just not right!

Robotboy: Rina have her reasons so Moshimo did what Rina wanted and locked Rina up. But now Robotboy has Rina with him again and won't let Rina hide from world again.

(Robotboy pushed a button on the watch and activated Rina)

Rina :( Blink, Blink)...Oniisan (Big Brother)?

Robotboy: Imoto! (Little Sister)

Rina: Oniisan!

(The robots hug)

Tommy: Oniisan?

Lola: I studied Japanese last year and can tell you that Oniisan means big brother... and Imoto means little sister...

Tommy: Their sibs?

Robotboy: Yep Robotboy is Rina's brother!

Rina: And Robotboy is Rina's sister!

(The Robots hug again)

(Gus walks in the Vault Room)

Gus: Hey I've been looking everywhere for you guys where have you been?

Tommy: Sorry we got a little side tracked finding out Robotboy has a sister...

Gus: Robotboy has a sister?!?

Tommy: Yeah look...

(Tommy pointed over to Rina who was hiding behind her brother)

Robotboy: No need to hide Rina, Tommy, Lola and Gus- friends.

Tommy: Yeah we won't hurt you

Gus: Yeah If she was made by Moshimo the only thing we have worry about is her hurting us-

Lola(gives Gus a light stomach punch) She won't her us you twit. Will you?

Rina :( shakes head)

Lola: There you the way I'm Lola.

Tommy: I’m Tommy

Gus: And I'm the G-Man!

Rina: G-Man?

Gus:Thats right robogirl the G-Man can handle anything!

Lola: Don’t listen to him his ego is bigger then his stomach and his real name is Gus.

Rina: Gus!

Gus:Thats G-Man , robogirl. Robotboy what’s my name?

Robotboy: Gus

Gus:(falls down anime style) what dose Moshimo teach you robots?!?

Tommy: Moshimo! He must be wondering were we are. Come on we got to find him!

Robotboy: You go head Robotboy have thing to take care of. Lola you take Rina to Moshimo.

Lola: Why?

Robotboy: Rina must reunite with all friends!

Rina: But Oniisan Rina not no what to say to Moshimo...

Robotboy: Say you stay with us this time.


Tommy: Come on lets go!

All the kids and Rina run off to find Moshimo wile Robotboy stays behind..

Robotboy: Robotboy destroy wall compartment so Rina can stay with us.

Robotboy(super activates and gently blasts the wall compartment and then deactivates to his normal mode and runs off to catch up with the others).

Tommy and the gang search almost all over the house Moshimo

Tommy: Where could Moshimo be?

Gus: I don't know but I'm hungry!

Lola: You’re ALWAYS hungry Gus!

Gus: Hey robogirl whip me up a pie!

Lola: She’s not your servant Gus, whip up your own pie!

Gus: Ok! (Runs into Moshimo's Kitchen)

Tommy: We better keep an eye on him...

Lola: Yeah...

Rina: ... (Blinks)

Robotboy :( Walks in)Rina ready to see Moshimo?

Rina: No Rina not ready...

Robotboy: Robotboy think Rina ready... (Pushes Rina into the Kitchen)

Rina: Oniisan!

(Moshimo and Meumeu are sitting at the kitchen table wile the 3 kids making to make a pie when Robotboy pushes his sister into the room)

Moshimo: Robotboy where have you been? I was worried sick! Rina?

Rina: Hehe...Hi Moshimo...Meumeu...

Meumeu: Why I haven't seen you in years! What happen to you? (Looks at Moshimo)

Moshimo: Hehehe...Rina chose to go away for awhile to think about her life...

Rina: Rina make mistake long ago...and wanted to hide world to make world better world.

Tommy: What happened?

Rina: Rina no tell... Too Horrible.

Moshimo: When Rina's ready. She’ll talk.

Rina: Rina...should not be here...

Moshimo: No you should be here! You belong with us and not de-where you were...

Rina: Rina not sure...

Robotboy: You family and family stay together!


Moshimo: Rina just needs time to adjust to being with humans again...

Robotboy: What if..?

Moshimo: Don't worry Robotboy Rina will come around. Now every one lets work on that pie!

(Everyone chips in and makes a great chocolate pie that that they all in enjoy)

Rina :( After eating her piece of pie) MMMMM...human food good!

Robotboy: Can’t wait to be real boy to eat all kinds of pie!

Rina: Real boy?

Moshimo: Yes Rina Robotoy has a dream to become human one day so I gave him to Tommy for safe-keeping and to learn how to become a real boy.

Rina: Safe-keepng?

Moshimo: Yes Rina you see I had to keep Robotboy from Dr.Kamazai and Consintine so I sent him to my biggest fan Tommy.

Rina: Kamazai...

Moshimo: Don't dread on the past Rina... We'll deal with Kamazazi and Constine the next time they show up...that being said I well in trust Lola with your safe-keeping...

Tommy: Rina's coming with us?

Moshimo: It's only right Tommy... Kamazazi will shortly remember that I created 2 robots at the same time so Rina's better off with you.

Tommy, Lola and Gus: You CREATRD two robots at same time?!?

Moshimo: Well in the same time period but that’s another story right now let’s focus on testing Rina's powers. Where is the Wrist Watch that was put with Rina?

Tommy, Lola and Gus: Uhhhh...

Robotboy: Robotboy have it!

(Robotboy opens up his chest plate and hands over the watch to Moshimo)

Moshimo (takes the watch and gives it to Lola) you’ll be in charge of looking after Rina ok?

Lola: Sure I can do it.

Moshimo: I'll keep in touch with you to go over rutein matence on thorough the watch just like I do for Tommy.

Gus: Hey how come I don't get a robot?!?

Lola (putting on the watch) you’d just break a robot if given one to look after..?? Remember when Tommy left to the store one and entrusted you to watch Robotboy and returned later to find you use him as a nut cracker?

Gus: Um...Nope don't remember that...

Lola: Whatever...Ok Rina lets do what Moshimo said and test your powers...Lets try Super Actuation.

Rina :( looks down at the floor sadly) No...

Lola: No... Why No?

Robotboy: Rina...


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