Page 125: Clip Show

From Accct Wiki

(James is sitting behind a desk, with a Space Ghost coffee mug. Subtitle box appears and fades [and during subsequent appearances])

James Kirkconnell: Space Ghost Expert

James Kirkconnell: Welcome to the amazing tales of the classic superhero, Space Ghost, who has entertained young and old for generations. I'm James Kirkconnell, and I'll be your host. Tonight our tales from the Vurtual World Lyoko will be re-enacted by the Ghost Planet Dinner Theatre Ensemble, of Doraville, Georgia. Presented for you, the viewer, are a selection of famous moments, from the Famous show that will be Jumping It's 21st and 22nd Sharks at the Same Time, "AC's Cartoon Crossover Thingy." Let's look in as our players interpret the show's first episode, entitled "The Worldly Beginning," In the following amazing exchange, You will see why Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network Fuse to Make A Virtual World Run by the new at&t. And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

"Gentelmen, Behold" A Dark Figure Pulled A Lever "THE SURVIVAL OF THE HUMAN RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jimmy, Carl, Sheen, Cindy, and Libby were down in Jimmy's lab because of a meeting.

"OK, why did you bring us here, Neutron?" Cindy asked.

"Yeah, I'm missing the Ultralord show!" Sheen yelled.

"I brought you all down here because of some problems." Jimmy replied.

"What problems?" asked Carl.

"Many places have been disappearing and some people. And I think we should do something about it."

"Like what? Do nothing?" Libby said.

"No! I meant..." before Jimmy can say anything else, the five got sucked into a portal.

In Dimmsdale...

Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda didn't move 'cause they were bored up in Timmy's room.

"Aahhh! I can't take it!" Wanda shouted.

"ME TOO!" Cosmo stupidly.

"Yeah, you guys are right. I wish something totally cool would happen now." Timmy said. Cosmo and Wanda raised their wands, about to make the wish until the same vortex sucks the three to outta nowhere.

In the Xiaolin Showdown world...

Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay were washing the dishes.

"Man, I'm sick of this!" Raimundo said.

"Do not question your duties!" Omi snapped.

"No offense, Omi, but I agree with Rai." Kimiko agreed. Dojo came in.

"What's up, Dojo?" Clay asked.

"Oh, nothing. You got got a few more dishes to do." Dojo pulls out a lot of dishes. The others groaned. The vortex appeared on them too and got sucked in.

In Endsville...

Billy was playing with his dolls and Mandy was ordering Grim to do stuff.

"...and Grim, don't forget to wash the car." Mandy finished.

"Are you sure thot's it?" Grim asked.


"Good, because I'm poofed."

"Grim, are there things as other worlds?" Billy questioned suddenly.

"Why of course! You know, it wouldn't hurt to take you kids around the universes..."

" 80 days!" Mandy and Grim stood blankly at Billy. Soon, the three got sucked into the portal.

In Middleton...

Kim and Ron were at the mall, just hanging out.

"So, I was thinking that we should get something." Ron said.

"Like nachos?" Kim rolled her eyes.

"How did you know?" Rufus popped out of Ron's pocket and nodded. After, a huge portal like the others sucked them in too.

In Camp Kidney...

Lazlo, Calm, and Raj were playing with the bugs outside.

"Aww...aren't they cute?" Lazlo asked.

"Yes, they sure are." Raj replied.

"Cute." Clam quickly.

"And somehow, I'm bored." the three campers got sucked into a portel as well.

In Peach Creek...

Ed, Edd, and Eddy were coming up with a scam.

"I want something cool! Like talking animals!" Eddy yelled.

"Like in this comic book, 'The Lost Kids Of Eds'!" Ed said, holding out the comic book.

"Ed, everyone knows stuff like that don't happen in real life." Edd snapped.

"Expect for that one time." Eddy said. The three friends suddenly got sucked into a portal also.

In Amity Park...

After Danny was fighting with a villain, he transformed back into his human self and was now in his room. Tucker and Sam were also in there, too.

"How was the fight?" Tucker asked.

"You know, same old, same old." responded Danny.

"Yeah, just great." Sam said.

"You know, guys. I wish that I can find the perfect girl. The one who always stands beside me, the one who loves me back." Sam sighed. "Like Jenny" Like in those other worlds, Sam, Tucker, and Danny got sucked into a portal.

In Townsville...

Blossem, Buttercup, and Bubbles were in the girls' bathroom.

"So, can you remind what we learned again?" Buttercup asked. Blossem sighed.

"I said, first we're gonna learn some math in class. Then, maybe some drawing and recess. And if there's trouble in town, we'll be fighting villains." Blossem replied.

"Yeah, the last part is awesome!"

"Fighting villains is great, but drawing is much better! I like to draw." Bubbles giggled. Out of nowhere came out another vortex and sucked them in.

In Jump City...

The gang were just in their tower doing basically nothing really.

"I'm bored." Beast Boy said.

"I'm hungry." Cyborg added.

"Want some of my glowose swamp soup?" Starfire asked.

"No!" the boys replied at once.

"Oh well, more of me." Starfire starts to eat the soup. A vortex sucked the five into it.

In Orchid Bay City...

June was batting evil as always. After she was done, Ray Ray and Monroe came up to her.

"That was so cool! I wish I was like you!" Ray Ray said.

"You have no idea how it's like." responded June and fell. "You know, I wish that I could meet the perfect guy. The one who's right more me. The one I'll love forever."

"June, that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Monroe said.

"That's the grossest thing I've ever heard if ya ask me." Ray Ray disgusted. The two kids and dog got sucked into a portal as well.

In the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends world...

Mac, Bloo, Wilt, Coco, and Eduardo are playing outside the mansion.

"Man, this is great. The life. However, can't you believe all these rules!" Bloo asked.

"Well, it's what Harriman says." Wilt replied.

"Now, I'm bored."

"Coco coco coco coco coco." Coco said.

"No thank you."

"Come on, Bloo. We can always play catch." Mac persuaded.

"Nah." like you guess, the five got sucked into a vortex, that was hovering over them and disappeared.

And so other 12 worlds got sucked into portals and vortexs that looked the same? Where they were going? No one knows...yet.

"Exelent" Said The Dark Figure

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) And so they entered the Toon Town Sector, not knowing that kimikoolgirl was pulling strings. Next, our actors take on a particularly challenging moment, What to do for money to Rebiuld the forest Sector while AC is Away openning Presents. We join our troupe just as AC gives the News. Once again, I invite you to witness our word-for-word re-enactment, of an amazing episode Titled "Flashbacks Ahoy". It took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

AC: Attention Newbs, X-Mas Gifts, HERE I COME! Each game I Amp up will be downloaded into the mainframe, Also Cleanup in the Music Store, 3rd Announcement is this, Have a Merry and Safe X-Mas Everyone

(Everyone Cheers)

Jerimie: This, is, GREAT!

Madison: How about a Bake sale to Fix the forest sector.

Jerimie: Uh, The last one Caused the Deletion of the forest sector.

SBN: Seven Days Earlier

(Aileta Finds A Fruitcake and pays for it and the Sckipizoa pops out of nowhere, Cut to AC monitoring the Situation)

AC: Oh, That is So not good.

SBN: Seven Days Later

Aileta: How Was I Supposed To know That Fruitcake Had Sckipizoa Nip

SBN: Eight Days Earlier

Madison: How About This? (Has A Black Bottle That Read Skipizoa nip)

SBN: Eight Days Later

Lil'D: You Mean You found the Skipizoa nip

Madison: How Was I Supposed To know

Eddie: You Went shopping For ingridiants

SBN: Nine Days Earlier

(Madison is shopping untill)

???: Want Skipizoa nip?

Madison: NO!

???: Watch the Frog

Madison: (After Nuralistion) Yes, Master! (Buys the Nip)

SBN: Nine Days Later

Sunny Bridges: How Did XANA come up with it

SBN: Ten Days Earlier

XANA: Behold, Skipizoa Nip! (Grabs a Flashlight and does His Evil Laugh)

Timmy: (Grabs a Flashlight and does His Evil Laugh)

Wuya: (Grabs a Flashlight and does Her Evil Laugh)

XANA: (Grabs a Flashlight and does His Evil Laugh, But is inturupted by Battery Death) Wow, Batteries Dead Already

Timmy: We're Being Really Evil today.

SBN: Ten Days Later

Tamika: How did Xana get a new recruit

SBN: Eleven Days Earlier

<CLIP 1: Timmy's Buckteeth>

(Everyone Says "Your Gramps is Stupid!" Timmy Yells A Gi-Huge-ic NO!)

SBN: Eleven Days Later

Kam: Oh.

James Kirkconnel: Those Two days of X-Mas was perfact Enough For Me, Especially this One...

AC: Attenton Newbs, I Have 5 DS Games So There are 2 new sectors, Animal Crossing, and Pac-Land, Also, Whoever Finds A Fractal Code, Give it to Me ASA-Now! In case you don't Know Blue Ones Restore Sectors, White Ones Add Space, Black Ones Lower The Digital Void, Yellow Adds A Tower And/or path, and Red ones Lead to battlisers. Next Announcement, In memory of joseph barbera, who died Six Days ago, CN Went dark for 24 Hours, 6 Days Ago, Aileta K.O'ed The Forest Sector, SIX DAYS AGO! Will She meet me in an offace tower. Fourth Anouncement, Lego Mania, Everyone, My Brother has More Legos, Expect more from my fleet Throughout 2007, Also, AC Town and Boondox are the Two towns in the Animal Crossing sector, Now Here's Bad and lovin' It!

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) That was the first and Only Christmas AC shares with Lyoko, they Now celebrate Decemberween. We hope you enjoyed our word-for-word interpretation of their meeting. Next, AC comes face to face with the Viral antics of Damon, of the 3-D Animated Series "Re-Boot". We take you now to the re-enactment of a scene from the episode "Redemption", in which Damon appears before Space Ghost, in a Beautiful and Curvious woman. Our hero expresses his frustration of how she deleted his World, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of an amazing conversation, that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

DAMON: Tremorton and Amity Park are seperate again.

AC: Hello, Amitorton Was my Prototype Lyoko

DAMON: Dan disappears as Vlad, Pariah and Vexus are back where they are too. In Danny's room, his parents didn't know yet, but he kept a picture in his drawer of him, Jenny in her regular form, with all his friends, old and new.

"I'll remember you always." he said to himself. Jenny said the same thing with her pic.

DAMON: It Led Us To this Virtual World

AC: Duh, Because This Is The New Amitorton, Called Lyoko

DAMON: When Team Lyoko Found Toontown, The Remains Where We Stand, The 2 Lovebirds Re-United

DANNY: Jenny!

JENNY: Danny!

BOTH: I love you...

AC: That is True love... But you Shoved Them into My Lappy, Where They Will Stand, Untill Lyoko is online Once More

{The Two get into A Big Fight}

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) And so we conclude this amazing re-enactment of a scene from the Gamer Fan Superhero AC, and his show, "ACCCT". This is James Kirkconnell saying, we'll be back in a minute with more re-enactments.

INTERRUPT FEED (hand-scrawled over cheesy swirly background)

START FEED (hand-scrawled over cheesy swirly background)

James Kirkconnell: Welcome back to our presentation of famous scenes from "ACCCT", interpreted by the Ghost Planet Dinner Theatre Ensemble, of Doraville, Georgia. I'm James Kirkconnell, your host. On Febuary 12st, 2007, Fellow superhero XJ-9 Awoke as a human being named Jennifer Marie Wakeman, In this re-enactment of a scene from the episode entitled "Pheonix", Jessie XJ-10 was Created when Jenny's Mind entered Jenny's Brain. And now, relax and enjoy our word-for-word re-enactment, of an amazing Day that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

“Yeah, I’m awake,” Jenny finally said. It took her a moment to realize how she’d spoken before. It wasn’t all that different from when she was a robot; the only difference was that instead of mechanical things happening automatically, it was actions like breathing and blinking that she did without command. Everything else just took a moment of thought to send the messages to her body, and it was usually subconscious thought at that. “I take it everything went smoothly?”

“Yep, it all went without a hitch,” Brad reported. “Jessie’s up and run—“

“Jessie?” Jenny interrupted.

“XJ Ten. She’s a lot like you, you know. She says her name is Jessie.”

“You mean she has a human side too?”

“I guess. It’s kind of weird: she’s like you, but at the same time, she’s not. She says she has all your memories, so she knows all about the Cluster and Vexus now.”

“Hmm, that’s weird.” Jenny felt a weird sensation on her earlobe—I have ears! —so she lifted a hand and rubbed at it. She realized that there was a small hoop in her ear. And they’re pierced!

“Is your ear itchy?” Brad asked.

“Is that what it’s called? It feels kind of…buzzy.”

“Yeah. Just scratch at it—you know, with your fingernails? That’ll make it feel better.”

Jenny nodded. She gently grazed the itchy spot with her fingernails, and almost immediately it stopped feeling so weird. Suddenly, a loud gurgle came from Jenny’s stomach, and she clutched at it. For a moment, she thought something was wrong, but Brad just smiled at her. “I think you’re hungry. Let’s go downstairs and get you something to eat.”

Jenny nodded, but was reluctant to leave the warmth and security of the bed she was lying in. Tentatively, she stuck first one foot, then her whole leg, out from under the covers. She shivered a little from the cold, and then giggled as she saw goose bumps appear. She did the same with the other leg, then slowly stood, trying to balance on her own. For the first time, she didn’t have ball-bearing hips or a gyroscopic balance center. As if knowing exactly what was wrong, Brad stood and walked around the bed, coming to her aid. He helped her balance before she took her first slow, unsteady steps. A few minutes later, she was able to walk on her own.

Mmm…what is that? Jenny felt a slight pressure on her face; at least, that was the best way to describe it. She felt as though something was gently draped across her face, something comforting and soft. She slowly opened her eyes, but immediately had to blink. Sunlight was streaming through a window, hitting her face. She realized that what she was feeling was warmth.

Wait…feeling? Jenny looked around; rather than seeing things with cold, robotic vision, everything seemed more colorful…more alive. She glanced down and saw a pale arm sticking out of a blanket. She wiggled her fingers, and the arm did the same. Wait a minute… Jenny saw a mirror out of the corner of her eye’ turning her head toward it, she gasped in shock as she saw her reflection. “Jennifer?” she said out loud in a voice that wasn’t, and yet was, her own. It sounded like hers, but just like her vision, it seemed more human.

“Jenny! You’re awake!” Jenny quickly turned her head to the other side, and was rewarded with a slight case of vertigo. When her dizziness subsided, she realized that Brad was sitting in a chair next to the bed she was laying in—and he’s holding my hand, she thought. She gently tugged her hand free from his. Brad looked down at his hand, as if he hadn’t realized what it had just been doing.

“Yeah, I’m awake,” Jenny finally said. It took her a moment to realize how she’d spoken before. It wasn’t all that different from when she was a robot; the only difference was that instead of mechanical things happening automatically, it was actions like breathing and blinking that she did without command. Everything else just took a moment of thought to send the messages to her body, and it was usually subconscious thought at that. “I take it everything went smoothly?”

“Yep, it all went without a hitch,” Brad reported. “Jessie’s up and run—“

“Jessie?” Jenny interrupted.

“XJ Ten. She’s a lot like you, you know. She says her name is Jessie.”

“You mean she has a human side too?”

“I guess. It’s kind of weird: she’s like you, but at the same time, she’s not. She says she has all your memories, so she knows all about the Cluster and Vexus now.”

“Hmm, that’s weird.” Jenny felt a weird sensation on her earlobe—I have ears! —so she lifted a hand and rubbed at it. She realized that there was a small hoop in her ear. And they’re pierced!

“Is your ear itchy?” Brad asked.

“Is that what it’s called? It feels kind of…buzzy.”

“Yeah. Just scratch at it—you know, with your fingernails? That’ll make it feel better.”

Jenny nodded. She gently grazed the itchy spot with her fingernails, and almost immediately it stopped feeling so weird. Suddenly, a loud gurgle came from Jenny’s stomach, and she clutched at it. For a moment, she thought something was wrong, but Brad just smiled at her. “I think you’re hungry. Let’s go downstairs and get you something to eat.”

Jenny nodded, but was reluctant to leave the warmth and security of the bed she was lying in. Tentatively, she stuck first one foot, then her whole leg, out from under the covers. She shivered a little from the cold, and then giggled as she saw goose bumps appear. She did the same with the other leg, then slowly stood, trying to balance on her own. For the first time, she didn’t have ball-bearing hips or a gyroscopic balance center. As if knowing exactly what was wrong, Brad stood and walked around the bed, coming to her aid. He helped her balance before she took her first slow, unsteady steps. A few minutes later, she was able to walk on her own.

“Thanks, Brad,” Jenny said, throwing her arms around him in a hug. Brad grew unusually stiff; Jenny noticed and let go of him, giving him an odd look. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m…I’m going to, uh, get Dr. Wakeman up here,” Brad said, eyes darting around nervously. “She needs to help you get dressed.”

“Hmm?” Jenny asked, but Brad was already gone.

A moment later, Nora walked in. “Oh…Jennifer…” Tears formed in her eyes, but she brushed them away.

“Mom, something weird is going on with Brad. I just hugged him, but he got all stiff and ran away. You’d think I have cooties or something.”

Nora snapped out of her reverie. “Oh, yes. He told me. Jennifer, I’d like to introduce you to…this.” She dug around in a nearby dresser, pulling out a white, strappy thing.

“What is it?”

“It is a bra. You wear it around your chest.”

“What for?” Nora motioned to Jenny’s chest. Jenny looked down, and then blushed. “Oh. Yeah. You told me about this before we did the switch.”

“Precisely. Do you remember everything else I told you?” Jenny nodded. “All right, then. Go ahead and get dressed.”

A few minutes later, Jenny walked downstairs, albeit clumsily, wearing a tight black baby tee and hip-hugger jeans thatshowedoff her slim stomach and navel ring, with blue fuzzy slippers on her feet. Her hair was down, curling softly at the ends and tucked behind her ears. Brad looked up from his cereal to look at her, and his eyes widened. “Hey, Brad,” she said, flipping her vibrant blue hair. It settled softly about her shoulders as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. She took a quick glance at Brad’s bowl, as if to confirm what to do next, before she reached for the milk. Then she picked up a spoon and took a small bite.

It was as if an explosion had gone off in her mouth. The flavors swamped her brain with signals, producing an experience similar to that which a hallucinogenic drug might create. Of course, it was on a much smaller scale, but for Jenny, who had never eaten anything before in her entire life, it was a completely mind-blowing experience. She began shoveling her cereal into her mouth as quickly as possible, trying to get as much in as she could. She was disappointed when she finished the bowl, but poured herself another. Three bowls of Froot Loops later, Jenny was satisfied, though her stomach was faintly protesting so much food.

“You know, if you eat that much at every meal, you’re going to get fat,” Brad said.

Jenny stuck her tongue out at him. “It tasted good.” In the back of her head, Jenny had faint memories of taste; she realized that these were Jennifer’s memories. With a smile, she mentally went through them, cataloguing the tastes of lemon pepper chicken (spicy, yet delicious), French fries with ketchup (salty and tangy), and chocolate ice cream (sweet and cold!), among others. With these came more memories: babysitting for the Carter family, who lived down the street; going to the carnival with friends; and—Luke Thompson. Jenny’s eyes widened as she realized that this Luke character was Jennifer’s boyfriend—at least, he was until she had her accident. Jenny stood from the table and ran into the kitchen, frantically looking through drawers to try to find the phone book.

Brad followed her into the kitchen. “What’s up, Jen? What are you looking for?”

“Phone book,” Jenny said.

“What for?”

“Luke Thompson,” Jenny murmured.

“You mean, Mr. Thompson, the physics teacher?”

“WHAT?” Jenny looked at Brad incredulously.

“The physics teacher at the high school is named Luke Thompson.”

Jenny collapsed onto the floor Indian-style. “Oh my gosh. You’re right. The physics teacher is…was…Jennifer’s boyfriend.”

“Are you serious?” Brad asked. Jenny nodded. “Well, that explains why he was so weird around you last school year. You remind him of her.”

“Brad, what am I going to do now? I don’t just look like Jennifer, I am Jennifer.”

“Hey, don’t worry,” Brad said, kneeling beside her. He put his hand on her shoulder. “We’ll work it out. It’ll be okay.”

Jenny smiled. “Thanks, Brad,” she said softly, wrapping him in another hug. To her relief, he didn’t pull away this time. “You’re a real friend.” I just wish you were more…

Eventually, Brad extricated himself from her arms and stood. “Come on. Let’s get you outside, to practice being in the real world.”

“Okay.” Jenny started walking toward the door, but Brad grabbed her arm to stop her. “What?”

“You need to put on some shoes,” Brad said with a smile. “Fuzzy slippers aren’t appropriate outdoor wear.”

“Oh,” Jenny said. She felt her cheeks heat up. “Okay. I’ll be right back.” She ran upstairs. A minute later, she returned wearing some old, beat-up, black Converses. “Better?”

“Much.” Brad took her hand and led her toward the front door.

Before they could go, though, a rather tall robot stepped in the way. Jenny looked up to see the face of XJ-10. “Hi!” She said happily before gathering up Jenny in a spine-crushing hug. “I’m Jessie! You must be Jenny. You look a lot like your old body, you know.”

“I…know…” Jenny said, trying to breathe. Jessie noticed her discomfort and let her go. Jenny looked at Jessie for the first time as a human. She had yellow pigtails, much like Jenny’s robot ones. Also like Jenny’s old body, she had no ears. Rather than having a design like a midriff tank and skirt, though, Jessie’s body was designed to look like a short, sleeveless yellow dress. Her eyes were blue, which Jenny thought looked a lot better and more normal than yellow eyes would have. “Hey, Brad and I were just about to go out. Can you let Mom know?”

“Sure! You have fun with your boyfriend.” Jenny was about to tell Jessie off for teasing her, but realized that Jessie sounded perfectly serious.

“Brad’s not my boyfriend,” Jenny explained.

“Oh…but, all my information, which I got from you, by the way, has him listed as ‘optimal boyfriend material,’” Jessie said, her robotic face showing confusion. “So I assumed that…”

“Don’t worry about it, Jess,” Jenny said. “I’ll explain it to you later, all right?”

“Okay. Well, have fun.” Jessie stepped out of the way, letting Brad and Jenny pass.

Once they were outside, Brad turned to Jenny. “Jen”—

“I don’t know why she said that, Brad,” Jenny said nervously, cutting Brad off.

“Oh. Because…” He mumbled something unintelligible.


“I was hoping…she was right.”

Jenny’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?” Brad nodded earnestly. “But…”

“But what?”

“I thought…this isn’t just because I’m in this body, is it?”

“No! Jenny, I really like you; I have for a while. I was just afraid you wouldn’t like me, or that you wouldn’t want to date be since I’m a human and you were…”

“A robot? I can’t say the thought didn’t cross my mind, but I always thought the opposite. That you wouldn’t like me in that way since I was a robot. Then I saw you drooling of Jennifer while she was in stasis, and it just made me so sad, knowing I’d never have that chance with you.”

“But it turns out it all worked for the best, huh?” Brad asked, wrapping an arm around Jenny’s waist.

“Yep, it sure did.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “So, does this mean we’re dating now?”

“If you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.” Jenny smiled brightly. They started walking slowly down the street, wandering aimlessly and just enjoying each other’s company. An hour or so later, they went over to the Carbunkle residence. Jenny wanted to show Tuck her new body.v

“Tuck!” Brad called as they walked inside. “Jenny and I are here!”

“Finally! You’ve come home!” Tuck slid down the banister from upstairs and walked toward the door. When he saw Jenny, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. “Jen…ny?”

“Yep, it’s me, Tuck. What do you think?”

“You’re…you’re…human,” he stammered.


“But…what about the world? Who’s going to keep it safe?”

“Jessie—XJ Ten—is going to take my place in that respect. You can come over later and meet her.”

“Really? Is she as cool as you?”

“Even cooler.” Jenny smiled; she didn’t feel the slightest twinge of jealousy at being replaced, because she now had what she’d always wanted.And she was human, too.

“Wow! So I can see her tonight?”


“Cool!” Tuck yelled. Suddenly, he seemed to realize for the first time that Brand and Jenny were standing closely together, and that Brad’s arm was around Jenny’s waist. “AHHH! COOTIES!” He turned and ran, smacking against the banister, picking himself up, and tearing off up the stairs.

With a frown, Jenny turned to Brad. “Don’t worry; he thinks all girls have cooties.”

“Why didn’t I have cooties when I was a robot?”

“Because you were a robot, of course.” Brad gave Jenny a peck on the cheek. “Now you’re a girl—my girl.”

Jenny blushed and leaned against Brad again, yawning softly. “I’m tired. Let’s go home.”

“All right.” They sauntered out of the house and down the street to Jenny’s home.

When they walked in, Jessie was waiting. “Jenny, are you going to explain now?”

“There’s nothing to explain,” Jenny said with a grin. “Brad and I are going out. He really is my boyfriend.”

Jessie’s eyes widened in confusion, but she didn’t ask what caused the sudden change in status. “Oh…okay.”

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) Two weeks later, summer vacation had come to an end. Jenny, Brad, Tuck and Jessie were all prepared to return to school: Tuck would be a fifth grader, Jessie would be a sophomore, and Brad and Jenny would be starting their junior year of high school. Those hungry for high drama will relish our final re-enactment, a legendary episode entitled "Banjo", in which Ac Tries to Log into "Rocket No.10". AC flashes back to his Offspring's Summer Vacation. And now behold our final word-for-word re-enactment of the evening, which begins with an amazing conversation: one that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

AC: It's Gotta be a nightmare, XANA Now has Grip over Existance, 07593


AC: No! (Remembers her Sister) My Sis...

June 5, 2021

It was the last day of school. Everyone was waiting impatiently for the final bell to ring, signaling their escape from the prison that was Tremorton High School and the release into the sweet freedom of summer vacation.

In the back row of Mr. Greer's eighth hour Physics class, two teenagers were talking in excited whispers. The first was a pretty, sixteen-year-old sophomore girl with shockingly blue hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a short white skirt and a light blue tank top that just barely met the school's dress code.

The other student was her boyfriend, a boy with silky brown hair and green eyes flecked with gold. He was two years older than the girl, and a senior. He was wearing khaki shorts and a short sleeved brown polo shirt, with his letterman jacket thrown across the back of his chair.

"Miss Wakeman! Mr. Thompson! Could you please keep it down?" Mr. Greer, a short, tubby man with a comb over and a thick moustache, called to them. "Just because today is the last day of school doesn't mean you can check your minds out quite yet!"

"Aww, Mr. Greer! We got five minutes until the bell! Why don't you let us out early, just this once?" Luke Thompson asked.

Mr. Greer looked appalled. "Mr. Thompson, whether it is the last day of school or not, my job is to mold your minds and teach you everything I can about Physics. Judging by your grades, I would say that you need all the teaching you can get."

Luke flushed; he knew full well that he had come close to failing Physics. Despite his girlfriend's best efforts to tutor him, he hadn't absorbed any of the information-perhaps because he was too busy studying her to even look at the diagrams she was trying to show him.

"However," Mr. Greer continued, "Since it is the last day of school, I shall be a 'nice' teacher and let you go."

A great cheer rose up from the students as they dashed out the door, escaping to start their summer. Only the blue haired girl stayed behind.

"Mr. Greer," Jennifer Wakeman said, "why did you say that in front of the whole class?"

Mr. Greer sighed. "I might have known you would ask me that...Miss Wakeman, it is my belief that some students' failures are inexcusable. Luke Thompson is one of those students. The only reason why he didn't fail is because he participated in class, and he always turned in his homework on time; if I graded for points, instead of for completion, he never would have made it past the first quarter. Mr. Thompson is a student who believes he has rule over the entire school-I was simply trying to show him that he is not as powerful as he thinks he is." Jenny nodded, absorbing everything that Mr. Greer had just said. It sounded true enough. "I do hope that once Mr. Thompson leaves Tremorton, you will find someone more worthy on whom to expend your affections."

"Excuse me?" Jenny asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you could be with someone so much better for you than Mr. Thompson. You're a nice girl, and quite intelligent. You deserve better than him."

"I'm not sure that you should be saying that, Mr. Greer," Jenny replied angrily.

Mr. Greer looked Jenny in the eye. "Mr. Thompson is no longer my student; I may say whatever I wish about him. Now, you get out of here; I'm sure you're anxious to start your summer vacation."

"All right. Good-bye, Mr. Greer." Jenny picked up her backpack and walked out of the school. Luke was waiting outside in his car.

"Hey, pretty lady! Want a ride?" he asked cheekily. Jenny laughed and ran down to him, hopping in the car as Luke pushed on the gas pedal.

A few minutes later, Luke pulled up in front of Jenny's house. "Hey, a couple of the baseball players are going out on Friday, after graduation. Do you wanna come with me?" "Sure!" Jenny said. She leaned in and gave Luke a peck on the lips before climbing out of the car and making her way up the walk.

"MOM! I'm home!" Jenny yelled as she walked through the door. Her mother's voice trailed up the steps from the lab, unintelligible from being bounced off so many surfaces. "What?" Jenny asked.

"I'll be up in a minute!" Nora Wakeman said as she made her way up the steps. " How was your last day of school, dear?"

"Oh, it was great! Except for when Mr. Greer talked to me after he let everyone out."

"Are you in trouble?" Nora looked at her daughter with concern.

"No! He just wanted to talk to me about Luke. He said I should find someone else."

Nora squinted for a moment, peering at Jenny. "You know, I've always thought that boy was too old for you..."

"Mo-om!" Jenny yelled. "I like Luke, and he likes me! We're going out on Friday night, after the graduation ceremony."

"Oh, really? Well, you won't be going if you're grounded," Nora yelled right back. Ever since Jenny had started dating Luke, she and Nora had been having many of these arguments. Nora knew exactly what would happen next.

Jenny screamed loudly before running up the stairs to her bedroom. She collapsed on her bed and sobbed into her pillow, ranting about the unfairness of it all and how she hated her mother. Eventually, she fell asleep.

Several hours later, Jenny's cell phone awakened her. She recognized the ringer; Luke was calling. Sitting up, Jenny pulled the phone from her pocket and opened it. "Hello?" "Hey, babe," Luke said. "What's up?"

"Nothing, really," Jenny replied. "I just got in a huge fight with my mom."

"Ooh, harsh. Anyway, you wanna go and get something to eat?"

"Can't. I'm grounded."

"What? Why?"

"Apparently, my mom thinks it's going to stop me from going out with you." Jenny sighed and turned her head toward her door. She noticed a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches and a bowl of tomato soup sitting by her door, along with a glass of milk and some crackers. Her mother had left dinner for when she woke up.

"Well, what do you say we go out tonight? Your mom's in the lab, isn't she?"

"Hang on; let me check." Jenny walked over to the door and opened it carefully; the house was silent. "Yeah, she is."

"All right, then, climb out your window, and I'll meet you at the corner in five minutes."

"Okay! I'll see in then. Love you."

"You too, babe." Jenny hung up and quickly changed into a pair of low-rise jeans and a black tee shirt that said "All this and brains, too!" on the front. She combed out her hair with her fingers, applied a little more lip-gloss, and pulled on her black Converses before she climbed out her window onto a trellis that was conveniently placed next to it.

Exactly five minutes after hanging up, Jenny arrived at the corner where she was to meet Luke. She waited patiently until she saw Luke arrive in his rebuilt Ford Thunderbird. "Hey, are you looking for some fun?" he asked jokingly.

The double meaning of his words was not lost on Jenny as she climbed into the car. Blushing a little, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Sure!" she replied. "What did you have in mind?"

"How 'bout we head over to Mizzner's Soda Shop?" Luke suggested. "My treat."

Jenny felt a pang of guilt as she remembered the soup and sandwiches her mother had made for her, but she ignored it and replied, "I like the way you think, Luke Thompson."

"I thought you might. By the way, I completely agree with your shirt."

Jenny laughed as Luke started to drive toward the soda shop. When they arrived, they grabbed a booth by the window so that they could watch the people walking along the sidewalk and make up stories about them.

"Hmmm...the lady with the pink hat is the mistress of a high-powered attorney, and she's on her way to meet him for a dinner date," Jenny said, gesturing toward a thin lady with an enormous pink hat standing at the corner. "Ooh, good one. All right, then...the woman standing next to her is the attorney's wife, and she's going to meet her own lover--at the same restaurant."

Jenny laughed at Luke's idea, but soon realized that Luke wasn't laughing. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Luke replied. "I just love listening to you laugh."

Jenny blushed. "Oh..."

"Hey, you wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure." Luke pulled a few bills from his wallet and left them on the table for their meal, and then he and Jenny walked out of Mizzner's. They made their way to the park down the road, walking past the newly built Tremorton National Bank and Loan.

When they arrived at the park, Luke led Jenny toward a secluded corner, and they sat down on a bench. Luke cleared his throat nervously, as if preparing for a speech. "Jenny...I know we've only been dating a couple of months, but I have been happier that ever before in my entire life."

"Luke, I"—

"Wait, let me finish. I know that you're only sixteen, but I really feel like it's time to take our relationship to the next level."

Jenny looked at Luke a little oddly, worried about what he might be implying. However, Luke just slipped his class ring into Jenny's hand. "Jenny, I feel like we are meant to be together. I want this ring to symbolize our love for each other—as a promise that someday, we will get married."

Jenny's eyes widened. "Luke, are you serious?"

Luke nodded. "I'm going to go to school around here, so we can still see each other all the time; plus we'll have the whole summer together. What do you say?"

"Yes!" Jenny squealed. She threw her arms around Luke and hugged him tightly before giving him a long kiss. They stood and walked around the park together, talking about what they would do during the summer and fall.

By the time they returned to Luke's car, it was almost midnight. Jenny was practically bouncing with excitement, despite the fact that her eyes were heavy from tiredness. The streets were quiet as Luke drove toward Jenny's house; most of the people in town were already home in bed. Jenny quickly fell asleep while Luke kept his eyes on the road.

Luke pulled up to a red light near Jenny's street, taking the opportunity to look over at his sleeping girlfriend. He noticed that she wasn't wearing her seat belt; so he gently nudged her awake. "Hey, you," he said softly.

"Hey back," Jenny replied. "Are we at my house yet?"

"No. But you need to put on your seat belt."

"Oh, right." Jenny put her seat belt on just as the light turned green. Luke pulled out into the intersection, getting ready to turn left, when suddenly a car, traveling way too fast, came from the opposite direction. The car rammed into the passenger side of Luke's vehicle, completely smashing it in. The force of the impact caused Luke to hit his head against the window. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Jenny's bloody body, pinned between the armrest and a large dent in the passenger door.

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: At this moment in the episode entitled "Login Denied", A Injured Luke Blacked out with a Dying Jennifer... We pick up the episode in time for the aftermath of the Absolution car-D Crash.

Luke awakened slowly. The first thing he was aware of was a loud beeping in his right ear, followed by several voices. He tried to call out, but found that his mouth was so dry and raspy, he couldn't get the words right. "Water," he finally managed to whisper. A moment later, he felt the cool liquid pass between his lips and wet his mouth. He opened his eyes to see a young woman with a small cup in her hand. She didn't look like she was any older than him; she was wearing a candy striper's uniform.

"Welcome back, Mr. Thompson," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"Unngh...I'll let you know when I figure that out," he said, his voice rough from disuse. "Where am I?"

"Tremorton General Hospital. You were in a terrible car accident a few days ago."

"Car accident? Oh, God...Jenny! Where is she?" Luke asked.

"The young woman who was with you?" the girl asked. "I'm not authorized to give you that information..."

"Where is she! Where's my Jenny!" Luke roared. Suddenly, he broke down. "Oh, God...Jenny..." He remembered his last glimpse of her broken, bloodied body, and hard, racking sobs tore through his own frame.

The candy striper ran out of the room, returning a moment later with the doctor who was in charge of Luke. Dr. Krust was a tall, thin man with olive skin and short, black hair.

"Mr. Thompson, what is the problem?" Dr. Krust asked.

"Jenny..." Luke half-sobbed, turning toward Dr. Krust. "Is she all right?"

Dr. Krust sighed. "Lily, please fetch a wheelchair for Mr. Thompson." The girl nodded and walked out of the room to obey. "Mr. Thompson, I will take you to see your companion; but I have to ask you a few questions first."

Luke nodded and swiped at his eyes with the back of the hand not connected to the IV drip. "All right. Just please, tell me she's alive," he said.

"She is alive," Dr. Krust responded. "Now, will you answer my questions honestly and truthfully?" Luke nodded. "All right. Were you drinking alcohol last night?"

"I'm only eighteen."

"Legality doesn't matter to most teenagers, Mr. Thompson. Were you drinking?"


"What do you remember of the accident?"

"I...I remember, Jenny and I were sitting at a red light; it was almost midnight. I noticed she wasn't wearing her seat belt, so I told her to put it on while we were waiting for the light to change. Then the left turn light turned green, so we turned. All of a sudden, someone came barreling at us without stopping; they were going in the opposite direction from where we had just been before I turned. The other car smashed into mine...and that's it."

Dr. Krust nodded; that story added up to what the police department had found. "Well, Mr. Thompson, would you like to go see Jenny now?"

Luke nodded eagerly. "Is she awake? Can I talk to her?"

Dr. Krust's face grew grim. "Unfortunately, Mr. Thompson, Jenny suffered the brunt of the impact from the accident. She is not in as good of shape as you are."

"What does that mean?"

"It means..." Dr. Krust sighed. "It means that she is unconscious and not responding to any outside stimuli. There is nothing more we can do for her except hope that time will heal her."

Luke paled. "No..."

"Do you still want to visit her?"

Luke nodded mutely, trying to swallow around the lump that had appeared in his throat. It's all my fault...if I hadn't suggested she sneak out, this never would have happened. I could have just waited until she wasn't grounded anymore...Oh, God, not Jenny! Not my Jenny! Please, take me, just don't let her die!

August 15,2021

With tears in her eyes, Nora Wakeman closed the door on the stasis chamber for the last time. Her daughter was safe; suspended in time until she could find a way to repair the damage to her only child's brain.

Luke Thompson stood in the background, trying not to touch any of the experiments and machines scattered throughout the lab. "So, what is that thing again?" Luke asked.

"It's a stasis machine. It will hold Jenny's body in suspended animation-meaning that she won't age or feel the effects of time-until such time as I can find a way to fix her problem. Then I will take her out, repair the damage, and reanimate her."


"Basically, I will inject a chemical into her body that will make her body start to live again."

Luke nodded, though he didn't really understand some of what Nora had said. I will always love you, Jenny, Luke thought to himself as he walked up the stairs behind Nora. And I'll get a perfect grade in Summer Physics to prove it.

There had been no funeral for Jenny, but friends and family members had expressed their condolences and brought over an enormous amount of food. After Luke left, Nora sat down and stared blankly about the kitchen, all too aware of the silence. She decided to get up and go for a walk.

Making her way down the street, she saw a moving van in a nearby driveway. A man with brown hair and a woman with red hair walked out of the house, a child walking behind them.

"Mom, Dad, are there any other kids around here?" the redheaded eight-year-old asked.

"I don't know, Bradley," the woman replied. The three all looked up to see Nora standing on the sidewalk, looking at them. "Oh! Hello."

"Good morning," Nora said softly, her eyes on Brad. "So, you're moving into the Campbell place?"

"Yes," the man said. "The name's Carbunkle. Gregory Carbunkle."

"I'm Elizabeth," the woman added. "And this is our son, Bradley." Brad was standing behind his mother, no doubt frightened by Nora's lab goggles and wild hair.

"I'm Nora Wakeman," Nora introduced herself. "I hope you enjoy your life here in Tremorton. Please, be careful with your child." With that, Nora turned and walked back home.

"Oh, dear," Elizabeth said. "I hope she's all right?"

"Mom, that lady is weird looking," Brad said loudly.

"Hush," Elizabeth told Brad reproachfully. "I'm sure we'll find out about her soon enough.

That night, Nora threw herself feverishly into work down in her lab. I have to find a way to keep these people safe... since I couldn't protect Jenny, I'll protect everyone else.

Three weeks later, Nora was finished: Global Response Unit XJ-1 had been born.

AC: I Lost Her Once, I Won't Lose her AGAIN!

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) And so we have a Enbravened AC, to the end of Login Denied, not to mention a lesson learned about the danger of Drinking Beer in the Future. We hope you have enjoyed our re-enactments, assisted by the Ghost Planet Dinner Theatre Ensemble, of Doraville, Georgia.

(Cast members take a bow; superimposed subtitle appears and fades)

Ghost Planet Dinner Theatre Ensemble

Doraville, Georgia

James Kirkconnell: (claps) Tonight, you have witnessed re-enactments of fantastic adventures, both amazing and profound. This is James Kirkconnell for ACCCT, in a certain time, in a certain dimension, in a certain Timeline, in a certain Moleicule, bidding you farewell.

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